To configure DDBAPI, you need to define the database connection in the BL_Config.xml file using the FIXEdge\DatabaseConnection element:
The configuration for DDBAPI is found in the FIXEdge\DatabaseConnection element of your BL_Config.xml file. Here's a breakdown of the configuration options:
The executeSQL function is a JS binding that transfers control from the JS environment to the C++ runtime to execute SQL queries.
connection (string, required): Name of the database connection, must match DatabaseConnection.Name.
query (string, required): SQL statement to execute.
params (array, required): Query parameters to pass to the server (int, double, or string).
extraParams (object, optional): Additional settings to control the query's result and behavior.
result (JS object): Returned object with query results.
Example 1: Selecting a single value
affectedRowCount: Number of affected rows (used for modification queries).
data: Array of result rows; each row is an array of the selected data.
Example 2: Inserting multiple rows
Example 3: Deleting rows and selecting a value
MARS Query Result Mode
For queries that return multiple row sets with data modifications (Multiple Active Result Sets - MARS), the result is structured as an array of result objects:
Example 1: Multiple select statements
Example 2: Mixed DML and select statements
Extra Query Parameters
The extraParams parameter accepts an object with optional properties to customize the query behavior and result format:
If set to true, this parameter includes column names in the result objects. If a column name is unavailable, the column index is used instead.
When multiple columns are queried:
includeResultsMetadata (boolean)
Setting this parameter to true includes type information for each column in the result object.
When both associativeResults and includeResultsMetadata are enabled, the metadata includes column names as well:
timing (boolean)
Setting this parameter to true adds a "time" property to the result object. The value represents the query execution time in the format "$(number_of_hours)h.$(number_of_minutes)m.$(number_of_second)s.$(second_fraction)".
The measured time includes parameter preparation, transfer, server-side processing, receiving, and parsing of the results.
Single Array of Strings: Applies conversion directly to the query result in sequence.
Array of Arrays of Strings: Useful for Multi-Active Result Sets (MARS). If the MARS count is less than the number of arrays, the last array in resultTemplate is applied to remaining results.
resultTemplate supports the following type literals, case insensitive, as provided by https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#primitive_values :
resultTemplate Value | Target JS Type |
BigInt | BigInt with int64_t backend |
Number | Number with double backend |
String | String with std::string backend |
Null, Undefined | Read as is, no additional conversion applied |
Basic Use Cases
To use DDBAPI, your BL_Config.xml file should define a JavaScript execution action in one of its rules, like so:
Receiving Data from the Database
To fetch data from the database, you prepare a query and execute it. Here's an example of how to execute a DBMS query and print the result:
Query result:
This code snippet demonstrates the following:
To store data in the database, you can employ the DBMS query language as follows:
Query result:
This code snippet demonstrates the following:
When sending data from JavaScript to SQL and vice versa, the following type mappings are applied:
SQL type | JS → SQL (parameter) | SQL → JS (result) | Comment |
tinyint, smallint, int, bigint | String: deserialize, Int: 1-to-1, Double: convert | Int: 1-to-1 Others - convert as is | |
bit | String: "true", "false" are converted, all others - failure Int: 0, 1 are converted, all others - failure Double: 0 - false, >0 - true, all other - failure | Always converted to: Others: convert to "0"/"1", 0.0/1.0 | |
decimal, numeric, money, smallmoney | String: ODBC-side conversion. Double: fail if extraParams.useStrictDecimal | String: "123.456" | |
float,real | String: deserialize, Int: convert, Double: 1-to-1. | Double: 1-to-1. | |
date, time, datetime2, datetimeoffset, datetime smalldatetime | String: try converting from FIX date, if succeeds fill the ODBC:DATE_TIME struct; if fails pass by to ODBC as string. Int: Try to interpret as JSDateEntity, if failed treat as unix time. Pass to ODBC:DATE_TIME struct in both cases. Double: Convert to unix time and pass to ODBC:DATE_TIME struct. | If no conversion requested, returns and int, representing a JSDateEntity. String: Convert to FIX date format Int: Convert to Unix timestamp. Double: Convert to Unix timestamp. | Several useful JS bindings for manipulating JSDateEntity objects are: dateToString, getDateField, createDate, getCurrentDate, (get | set | change)(Year | Month | ... | Sec|MSec|NSec) |
char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar | String: 1-to-1, Int: serialize double: serialize | String: 1-to-1 Others - convert as is | |
text, ntext | Not supported as these types are obsolete/deprecated. | ||
binary, varbinary, image | String: passed as is, Int: passed as binary uint64_t* buffer, Double: passed as binary double* buffer. | String: example: 0xdeadbeef -> "DEADBEEF" Others - convert as is | |
cursor, geography, geometry, hierarchyid, json, rowversion, sql_variant, table, uniqueidentifier, xml | All: passed as is | All: read as is | |
Arrays of values | Not implemented |