Versions Compared


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To configure DDBAPI, you need to define the database connection in the BL_Config.xml file using the FIXEdge\DatabaseConnection element:

Code Block
    ConnectionString="Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=DB_NAME;UID=DB_UID;PWD=DB_PWD"

The configuration for DDBAPI is found in the FIXEdge\DatabaseConnection element of your BL_Config.xml file. Here's a breakdown of the configuration options:


The executeSQL function is a JS binding that transfers control from the JS environment to the C++ runtime to execute SQL queries.


Code Block
var connection = "Odbc1";
var query = "DECLARE @tempInt int = ?; select @tempInt";
var params = [123];
var extraParams = {
    associativeResults: true, 
    includeResultsMetadata: true, 
    timing: true, 
    useStrictDecimal: true, 
    resultTemplate: [['BigInt'], ['String', 'String']]
var result = executeSQL(connection, query, params, extraParams);


  • connection (string, required): Name of the database connection, must match DatabaseConnection.Name.

  • query (string, required): SQL statement to execute.

  • params (array, required): Query parameters to pass to the server (int, double, or string).

  • extraParams (object, optional): Additional settings to control the query's result and behavior.

  • result (JS object): Returned object with query results.


Example 1: Selecting a single value

Code Block
var query = "select 123"; 		# query example
var result = {				    # query result object produced by an executeSQL call   
  "affectedRowCount": -1, 	    # int (mandatory), contains number of affected rows, if the query performs modifications
  "data": [[123]]               # array rows (mandatory) or empty array; each row in turn is an array of the selected data, for example, the selected columns.
  • affectedRowCount: Number of affected rows (used for modification queries).

  • data: Array of result rows; each row is an array of the selected data.

Example 2: Inserting multiple rows

Code Block
var query = "insert into table1 (col1) values ('val1'); insert into table1 (col1) values ('val2')";
var result = {
  "affectedRowCount": 2,
  "data": [[]]            # Empty array as no values are selected

Example 3: Deleting rows and selecting a value

Code Block
var query = "delete from table1; select 123";
var result = {
  "affectedRowCount": 24, # Assuming 24 rows were deleted
  "data": [[123]]

MARS Query Result Mode

For queries that return multiple row sets with data modifications (Multiple Active Result Sets - MARS), the result is structured as an array of result objects:

Example 1: Multiple select statements

Code Block
var query = "select 123; select 'a', 'b'";
var result = [
  { "data": [[123]] },      	# Result of the first select statement
  { "data": [["a","b"]] }  		# Result of the second select statement

Example 2: Mixed DML and select statements

Code Block
var query = "select 123; insert into table1 (col1) values ('val1'); select 'a', 'b'; insert into table1 (col1) values ('val2')";
var result = [
  { "data": [[123]] },
  { "affectedRowCount": 1 }, 	# Result of the first insert statement
  { "data": [["a","b"]] },
  { "affectedRowCount": 1 }  	# Result of the second insert statement

Extra Query Parameters

The extraParams parameter accepts an object with optional properties to customize the query behavior and result format:


If set to true, this parameter includes column names in the result objects. If a column name is unavailable, the column index is used instead.


Code Block
var Query = "select 123";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {associativeResults: true});
var result = {

When multiple columns are queried:

Code Block
var Query = "select 123; insert into table1 (col1) values (val1); select 'a', 'b' as column2";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {associativeResults: true});
var result = [

includeResultsMetadata (boolean)

Setting this parameter to true includes type information for each column in the result object.


Code Block
var Query = "select 123; insert into table1 (col1) values (val1); select 'a', 'b' as column2";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {associativeResults: false, includeResultsMetadata: true});
var result = [
        "metadata":[{"column":"1","type":"int of width 10 not null"}]
            {"column":"1","type":"varchar of width 1 not null"},
            {"column":"column2","type":"varchar of width 1 not null"}

When both associativeResults and includeResultsMetadata are enabled, the metadata includes column names as well:

Code Block
var Query = "select 123; insert into table1 (col1) values (val1); select 'a', 'b' as column2";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {associativeResults: true, includeResultsMetadata: true});
var result = [
        "metadata":[{"1":{"column":"1","type":"int of width 10 not null"}}]
            {"1":{"column":"1","type":"varchar of width 1 not null"}},
            {"column2":{"column":"column2","type":"varchar of width 1 not null"}}

timing (boolean)

Setting this parameter to true adds a "time" property to the result object. The value represents the query execution time in the format "$(number_of_hours)h.$(number_of_minutes)m.$(number_of_second)s.$(second_fraction)".


Code Block
var Query = "select 123;";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {timing: true});
var result = {

The measured time includes parameter preparation, transfer, server-side processing, receiving, and parsing of the results.


  1. Single Array of Strings: Applies conversion directly to the query result in sequence.

  2. Array of Arrays of Strings: Useful for Multi-Active Result Sets (MARS). If the MARS count is less than the number of arrays, the last array in resultTemplate is applied to remaining results.


Code Block
var Query = "select 123; select '1', '2'; select 3.14, 2.71";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {includeResultsMetadata: true, resultTemplate: [['String'], ['BigInt']]});
var result = [
        "data":[["123"]],   # The 1st resultTemplate is used to convert the integral 123 value to string.
            {"column":"1","type":"int of width 10 not null"} # the metadata contains the original result type.
            1,      # The 2nd resultTemplate is used to convert the char value to BigInt
            "2"     # As the 2nd resultTemplate does not contain a conversion specification for the 2nd result column, the values is returned as is.
            {"column":"1","type":"varchar of width 1 not null"},
            {"column":"2","type":"varchar of width 1 not null"}
            3,      # As there is no 3rd array in the resultTemplate, the last one is used.
            {"column":"1","type":"numeric of width 3 with 2 decimal digits not null"},
            {"column":"2","type":"numeric of width 3 with 2 decimal digits not null"}
Code Block
var Query = "select '1', '2', '3.1'";
# var result = executeSQL("Odbc1", Query, [], {resultTemplate: ['BigInt', 'Null', 'Number']});
var result = {
    "data":[[1,"2",3.1]],       # As the 2nd parameter is 'Null', the result is provided as is.

resultTemplate supports the following type literals, case insensitive, as provided by :

resultTemplate Value

Target JS Type


BigInt with int64_t backend


Number with double backend


String with std::string backend

Null, Undefined

Read as is,  no additional conversion applied

Basic Use Cases

To use DDBAPI, your BL_Config.xml file should define a JavaScript execution action in one of its rules, like so:

Code Block
    <Script Language="JavaScript" FileName="executeSql.js"/>

Receiving Data from the Database

To fetch data from the database, you prepare a query and execute it. Here's an example of how to execute a DBMS query and print the result:

Code Block
var result = executeSQL(
    "select 1, CAST(2.2 as real); select '3'",

Query result:

Code Block
2024-07-01 11:04:02,845 UTC   DEBUG   [JS_interpreter]  137723922871872  executeSql.js: execute print({"affectedRowCount":-1,"data":[[1,2.200000047683716],["3"]]})

This code snippet demonstrates the following:


To store data in the database, you can employ the DBMS query language as follows:

Code Block
var result = executeSQL(
    "insert into dbo.Table1 (column1, column2, column3) values (?, ?, ?)",
    [1, 2.2, '3']

Query result:

Code Block
2024-07-01 11:04:02,845 UTC DEBUG [JS_interpreter] 137723922871872 executeSql.js: execute print({"affectedRowCount":1,"data":[]})

This code snippet demonstrates the following:


When sending data from JavaScript to SQL and vice versa, the following type mappings are applied:

SQL type

JS → SQL (parameter)

SQL → JS (result)


tinyint, smallint, int, bigint

String: deserialize,

Int: 1-to-1,

Double: convert

Int: 1-to-1

Others - convert as is


String: "true", "false" are converted, all others - failure

Int: 0, 1 are converted, all others - failure

Double: 0 - false, >0 - true, all other - failure

Always converted to:
Int: 0, 1

Others: convert to "0"/"1", 0.0/1.0

decimal, numeric, money, smallmoney

String: ODBC-side conversion.
Int: ODBC-side conversion.

Double: fail if extraParams.useStrictDecimal

String: "123.456"
Int: "123"
Double: ~123.456, fail if extraParams.useStrictDecimal


String: deserialize,

Int: convert,

Double: 1-to-1.

Double: 1-to-1.
Others - convert as is

date, time, datetime2, datetimeoffset, datetime


String: try converting from FIX date, if succeeds fill the ODBC:DATE_TIME struct; if fails pass by to ODBC as string.

Int: Try to interpret as JSDateEntity, if failed treat as unix time. Pass to ODBC:DATE_TIME struct in both cases.

Double: Convert to unix time and pass to ODBC:DATE_TIME struct.

If no conversion requested, returns and int, representing a JSDateEntity.

String: Convert to FIX date format

Int: Convert to Unix timestamp.

Double: Convert to Unix timestamp.

Several useful JS bindings for manipulating JSDateEntity objects are: dateToString, getDateField, createDate, getCurrentDate, (get | set | change)(Year | Month | ... | Sec|MSec|NSec)

char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar

String: 1-to-1,

Int: serialize

double: serialize

String: 1-to-1

Others - convert as is

text, ntext

Not supported as these types are obsolete/deprecated.

binary, varbinary, image

String: passed as is,

Int: passed as binary uint64_t* buffer,

Double: passed as binary double* buffer.

String: example: 0xdeadbeef -> "DEADBEEF"

Others - convert as is

cursor, geography, geometry, hierarchyid,

json, rowversion, sql_variant, table, uniqueidentifier, xml

All: passed as is 

All: read as is

Arrays of values

Not implemented