Replace all JAR files in the following directories with new versions from the FIXEdge package:
Code Block FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/lib FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib
Please replace Replace the following files or update the versions of the corresponding Java libraries listed in the -Djava.class.path property within the JVM_Options.jvmopts file:
Code Block jms-ta-distribution/etc/JVM_Options.jvmopts tool/bin/start.bat
Replace all JAR files in:
Code Block FIXEdge1/conf/amqp-ta-distribution/lib
Please replace Replace the following files or update the versions of the corresponding Java libraries listed in the -Djava.class.path property within the JVM_Options.jvmopts file:
Code Block amqp-ta-distribution/etc/JVM_Options.jvmopts
Replace all JAR files in:
Code Block FIXEdge1/conf/camel-ta-distribution/lib
Please replace Replace the following files or update the versions of the corresponding Java libraries listed in the -Djava.class.path property within the JVM_Options.jvmopts file:
Code Block camel-ta-distribution/etc/JVM_Options.jvmopts
Code Block camel-ta-distribution/etc/JVM_Options_legacy.jvmopts (if TAR.GZ is used) camel-ta-distribution/etc/JVM_Options_windows.jvmopts (if RPM is used)