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Table of Contents

This article describes how to customize FIX and FIXML dictionaries

The articles describe:

  • how FIX and FIXML dictionaries are built,
  • how to customize dictionaries:
    • how to define a custom tag;
    • how to extend existing message with a custom tag;
    • how to extend the list of custom tag values;
    • how to define a custom message etc. 

When you are applying customizations for FIX and FIXML dictionaries to build a custom FIX FIXML converter make sure that both dictionaries fully correspond to each other.

How to customize a FIX dictionary


FIX dictionary consists of the following blocks:

Block name

FIX dictionary main node
Data types list definition
-><typedef >Data type definition
FIX tags and values identifier
-><valblockdef>FIX tag values block definition
-><fielddef>FIX tag definition
Messages and component blocks definition
-><blockdef> Definition of the Component Block used in FIX message
-><msgdef>FIX message definition<group>Repeating group definition

An example of FIXdic.xml structure is given below.
