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FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.16.0 (r78431)
New Features and improvementsImprovements
CME iLink MSGW certification has been passed
CME Drop Copy 4.0 certification has been passed
FA meets CME iLink MSGW and DropCopy 4.0 interfaces requirements (except hot failover)
MIT Adapter has been updated to support LSE MITCH Specification 11.6
An ability of processing real-time messages while sequence recovery on resend request has been added
FIX Antenna .NET v2.16.0 (r78402)
New Features and improvements
Extended options for "Reset sequence numbers" checkbox in Simple Client have been added
FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.15.1 (r78090), FIX Antenna .NET v2.15.1 (r74001)
- Presence of required fields in the message is not checked when using additional.xml
- Bovespa MD Adaptor fails to process chunks when unordered
FIX Antenna 2.15.0
November 3, 2015
The properties in file (SSLCertificate = cert.pem; SSLCACertificate = certCA.pem) uses EngineRoot as base if relative path is used
- CQG MD Adaptor: converting CQG FAST 'Y'/'N' values to boolean was fixed
- Reconnection of FIX Initiator session is allowed if SSL is used
- Obsolete Currency tag(15) value for Turkish Lira in FIX dictionaries was excluded
- 1128 tag will be placed to the position right after the tag 35 in case of parsing FAST message to Fix Message
- Session rejects (35=3) are visible in EventViewer
- Added an ability to send FIX 5.0+ messages via simple client even if tag1128 is absent
FIX Antenna 2.14.1
July 3, 2015