Table of Contents | ||
FIX Antenna 2.14.1
July 3, 2015
FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.14.1 (r71668)
- Support all session states in FA.NET
FIX Antenna 2.14.0
April 9, 2015
FIX Antenna C/C++ 2.14.0 (r70487)
- SimpleClient: the sample can't handle Logon response if ForceSeqNumReset option is on
- SimpleClient: the possibility of copy text from the Events Viewer has been fixed
- SimpleClient: "Batch Send" button has been fixed if more then one session is used
- SimpleClient: characters in the utf-8 encoding is translated incorrectly
- MDP 3.0 .NET: the "open channel_id" command doesn't work
FIX Antenna 2.13.1
March 23, 2015
FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET 2.13.1 (r70228)
- FIX Session latency degradation in aggressive mode against 2.12 version
- Crash when switch to FIX session backup connection
- Broken symlink in FIX Antenna packages (Linux)
- SimpleClient sample can't handle Logon response if ForceSeqNumReset option is on (.Net)
- MICEX Market Data Adapter: TCP Replay request is rejected with the error "Requested range is invalid"
FIX Antenna 2.13.0
February 24, 2015
FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET 2.13.0 (r69667)
- CmeMdpClientHighLevel was removed as obsolete
- CmeMdpClient was removed as obsolete
- CmeMdpMessageClient was added
FIX Antenna 2.12.0
October 20, 2014
FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET 2.12.0 (r68047)
November 11, 2014
New features and improvements
- Documentation for AfterMessageIsReceivedEventArgs::Msg field has been fixed
- Documentation of the Statistics class has been.
- Documentation for methods Session::Put() and Session::connect() as initator has been extended
Documentation of the ConstFieldValue has been extended
FIX Antenna
August 21, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r66359)
The update 4 to version has been released on August 21, 2014. Main updates are:
- Added support of LME session: password encryption according to LME requirements has been implemented.
- When creating FIX logs file names, special characters in sessions Target/Sender CompIDs are replaced with their ASCII codes. All characters except letters and numbers are considered as special ones.
- Improovements in custom FIX parsers handling
- Added a method for getting list of registered custom FIX parsers and protocols.
- Market Data Adapters:
- The issue with arbitrary recovery starting has been fixed.
- Bovespa
- The issue with incorrect prices parsing in Equity snapshots / increments has been fixed.
- Subscription by SecurityID has been added
FIX Antenna
July 24, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r65944)
The update 3 to version has been released on July 24, 2014. Main updates are:
- Allow user to send ResetSeqNumFlag field in the custom Logon message.
- The properties 'ProhibitTagsWithoutValue' and 'VerifyTagsValue' are now supported for repeating groups.
- Bugfix: Crash when creating an Unregistered Acceptor has been fixed.
- FIX message format extension: allow 0 in Raw Data Length field if Raw Data field is empty.
- Market Data Adapters:
- Bugfix: TCP replay cannot start.
- Bovespa:
- Bugfix: BovespaClient doesn't display order book correctly
FIX Antenna
July 10, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r65772)
The update 2 to version has been released on July 10, 2014. Main . Main updates are:
Crash in sessions dispatcher has been fixed.
- additional.xml files in samples have been corrected (duplicated items have been removed)
- MMFileMsgStorage::retrieveLocal() has been fixed (failure when index file is full)
- CQG Market Data Adaptor:
- MDApplication::unsubscribeBySecurityID method has been added
- onSecurityDefinitionListComplete() now called after all SD feeds completed security definitions loading
- Hang when one feed is unavailable has been fixed
- Feed ID in SDResolver log messages has been added
- Crash when multiple feeds are used has been fixed
FIX Antenna
June 4, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r65111)
The update 1 to version has been released on June 4, 2014. Main updates are:
- Samples have been updated:
- FastCodecBenchmark sample (project name has been fixed)
- BovespaQuickStart (dictionary has been updated to the latest venue's spec)
- MICEX_QuickStart (post-build xml files copying has been fixed)
- FastCodecBenchmark (dictionary has been updated)
- b2b_bovespa_client sample for Linux has been added
- MICEX_MdScanner sample has been fixed: config files have been moved to /bin folder
- CQG Market Data Adaptor:
- MDApplication::subscribeBySecurityID method has been added
- Bugfix: MDApplication cannot re-subscribe to instruments after book reset
- Bugfix: OnSubscribed event should not be called on Resubscription after book reset
- Bugfix: CqgChannelProcessor::unsubscribeAll should clear instruments set
- FIX Antenna .NET:
- Session::GetReceivedMessages method has been promoted to .NET API
- Check version of the V12.dll and raise exception if FIX Antenna .NET assembly version is different.
FIX Antenna
May 21, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r64792)
I get some troubles:
- for 5% of Bovespa Equity the snapshot comes wrong (i.e. bid/ask/last could be evaluated at 23000 when true price is 10.25). This issue occurs with or without DBL. This issue made me lose trades and money.
FIX Antenna
April 1, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r63622)
- SessionQualifier field in Logon Message has been made not obligatory for sessions with Session Qualifier
FIX Antenna
March 19, 2014
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r63380)
- FIX Antenna .Net: Session::LocateSentMessage( int msgSeqNum ) method has been added
- SessionId structure which includes Session Qualifier has been added
- Session Qualifier sample has been added in FA C++ package
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- NIC teaming isues has been fixed
FIX Antenna
March 7, 2014
FIX Antenna .NET (r63043)
[FA-NET] Fix warning "FixEngine::CreateSession(...) "MessageStorageType storageType"
parameter is deprecated. Please use SessionExtraParameters::storageType instead."
FIX Antenna
December 30, 2013
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r60027)
New features:
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Ability to specify NIC for feed subscription for DBL.
FIX Antenna
November 28, 2013
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r59512)
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Filtering MDEntries has been optimized
FIX Antenna
October 17, 2013
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r58020)
- 100% CPU usage on Linux in the AGGRESSIVE_RECEIVE mode has been fixed
- Memory access violation in the MarketDataStorage in Bocespa sample has been fixed
- Performance fix for RecorsdStorage
FIX Antenna
September 23, 2013
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (r56916)