FIXEdge has the possibility to send an e-mail alerts once the FIX session changes its status.
- configure the SMTP transport adaptor (TA);
- create a business rule for notifications forwarding.
The SMTP TA is configured in the file.
The configuration section for the SMTP TA usually exists in the file by default – so it is required just to specify the correct ServerName, To, and From properties:
Code Block | ||
| ||
... # SMTP server host. Required when DefaultServerName not defined TransportLayer.SmtpTA.SMTPSession.TestSMTPClient.ServerName = TransportLayer.SmtpTA.SMTPSession.TestSMTPClient.To =; TransportLayer.SmtpTA.SMTPSession.TestSMTPClient.From =; ... |
Once the SMTP TA client is configured in the file, you could reference it in the BL_Configuration.xml config file.
Actually, once the session changes its state, a fake FIX message (35=C) is generated by the FIXEdge and routed to the Business Layer.
There are such entries in FIXEdge logs:
The tag 147 is automatically filled by the pattern: [<Category>] <SenderCompID:TargetCompID> <Actual Session state>
So you should create a BL rule that will forward such notifications to the SMTP client.
The example of such rule:
This rule sends the notification to the SMTP client if any of configured FIX sessions changes its state.
If it is required to send notifications for the particular FIX session and/or the particular state you could modify the regexp: <MatchField Field="147" Value=… /> to achieve that.