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FIX Antenna 2.17.0
August 15, 2016
FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.17.0 (r62)
New Features and Improvements
New compilers support:
- Library for Visual Studio 2015 has been added to Windows package.
- Library for gcc 5.2 has been added to Linux CentOS7 package.
- Library for gcc 6.1 has been added to Linux CentOS7 package.
Extension Packs:
- FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary has been updated with 197-208 Extension Packs.
- Performance of massive resend requests has been improved for the case when persistent storage type is used (1 million messages is resent up to 180 times faster).
Other improvements:
- Ability to provide session statistics (number of received messages and outgoing queue size) has been added to FIX Antenna API.
- Platform name has been added to Linux libraries.
- Error description for fast mapping has been improved.
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
- MIT adapter goes to Recovery mode twice on start
- MIT adapter doesn't use the Replay channel
- MIT Adapter leaves TCP sockets open until all ports are busy
- Tag 122 in Sequence Reset (4) message should be same as tag 52 (including milliseconds)
- Property Validation.ProhibitDuplicatedTags = true wasn't applied.
- example was added to /doc directory to the package.
FIX Antenna .NET v2.17.0 (r62)
Critical bugs and fixes
- Issue with usage of TLS v1.0 for SSL connection in FIX Client Simulator has been fixed.
FIX Antenna 2.16.0
January 27, 2016
FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.15.1 (r78090), FIX Antenna .NET v2.15.1 (r74001)
- Presence of required fields in the message is not checked when using additional.xml
- Bovespa MD Adaptor fails to process chunks when unordered
FIX Antenna 2.15.0
November 3, 2015
The properties in file (SSLCertificate = cert.pem; SSLCACertificate = certCA.pem) uses EngineRoot as base if relative path is used
- CQG MD Adaptor: converting CQG FAST 'Y'/'N' values to boolean was fixed
- Reconnection of FIX Initiator session is allowed if SSL is used
- Obsolete Currency tag(15) value for Turkish Lira in FIX dictionaries was excluded
- 1128 tag will be placed to the position right after the tag 35 in case of parsing FAST message to Fix Message
- Session rejects (35=3) are visible in EventViewer
- Added an ability to send FIX 5.0+ messages via simple client even if tag1128 is absent
FIX Antenna 2.14.1
July 3, 2015