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A market data group includes two sites disseminating identical data – primary (A) and secondary (B).


A Each site includes up to three channels.


Optional Recovery TCP channel is used to recover from a large message loss in the Real Time channel or a late join to the Real Time channel. The Recovery channel allows a recipient to request a snapshot of the current market data.


The A recipient must have a valid account to login to the Replay and Recovery channels.

The An account password must be changed periodically.


JSE defines a set of per day limits for operations on the Replay and Recovery channels. If any of the limits is exceeded within the a day a recipient’s account is locked.


Two sets of interfaces are exposed to a client.

One set abstracts the a client from MilleniumIT Market Data Adaptor implementation.


Application stores services and provides access to them by index and by name. Application also stores resources shared across services such as a connection manager.

It is possible to have several applications created at the same time. A client can choose to have either a single application for all the services of all the market feeds or have a separate application for each service. All the IO operations of all the application's services of an application are processed by the same connection manager. The typical solution is to have a dedicated application for each market feed (LSE, JSE, NSX).
