Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


This document describes how to configure the following use case:


If the counterparty rejects a message with business reject (35=j), the reject reason will be updated in Text entity.
If the counterparty rejects a message with session level reject (35=3), the record will be removed from the DB.

DB Schema

Each repeating group entry is represented as a row with ListID(66) value as a key field.

BL Configuration

Configure ODBC History

Used ODBC History for storing message into the DB table:


Assumed that 66 and 11 tags define a DB record (or fix message entity) unambiguously

Configure messages routing

Code Block
		<Rule Description="Enrich, store, and route a New Order Single message">
			<Source Name="SENDER" />
				<MatchField Value="E" Field="35"/>
				<!-- The message can be modified/enriched before routing -->
				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName ="FIXEdge1/conf/saveOrders"/> <!-- Save orders linked with ListID (66) tag -->
				<Send Name="RECIPIENT" />
Message enrichments could be done there

Processing rejects

Code Block
			<Source Name="RECIPIENT"/>
				<MatchField Value="E" Field="372"/>
				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName ="FIXEdge1/conf/updateOrders"/>
			<Source Name="RECIPIENT"/>
				<MatchField Value="E" Field="372"/>
				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName ="FIXEdge1/conf/removeOrders"/>

It is user responsibility to insert and remove records to/from DB.

Scripts saveOrders and updateOrders should be in sync with DB structure.

Full BL_Config.xml example

Code Block

		<!-- Orders Table: ("ListID"*; "ClOrdId"*; "Symbol"; "TransactTime"; "Text") -->
		<History Name="Orders" 
			<KeyField ColumnName="ListID" ColumnSize="128">66</KeyField>
			<KeyField ColumnName="ClOrdId" ColumnSize="256">11</KeyField>
			<Field ColumnName="Symbol" ColumnSize="256">55</Field>
			<Field ColumnName="TransactTime" ColumnSize="256">60</Field>
			<Field ColumnName="Text" ColumnSize="256">58</Field>

		<Rule Description="Enrich, store, and route a New Order Single message">
			<Source Name="SENDER" />
				<MatchField Value="E" Field="35"/>
				<!-- The message can be modified/enriched before routing -->
				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName ="FIXEdge1/conf/saveOrders"/> <!-- Save orders linked with ListID (66) tag -->
				<Send Name="RECIPIENT" />
			<Source Name="RECIPIENT"/>
				<MatchField Value="E" Field="372"/>
				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName ="FIXEdge1/conf/updateOrders"/>
			<Source Name="RECIPIENT"/>
				<MatchField Value="E" Field="372"/>
				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName ="FIXEdge1/conf/removeOrders"/>


Scripts descriptions

Saving Orders to DB

The script does the following:


Code Block
listID = getStringField(66);
noOrders = getNumField(73);
ordersGrp = getGroup(73)
if ( (listID != null) && (noOrders > 0) && isGroupValid(ordersGrp) )  // check if message is valid 
	for (i=0; i < noOrders; ++i) 
		clOrdId = getStringField(ordersGrp, i, 11);	
		symbol = getStringField(ordersGrp, i, 55);
		transactTime = getStringField(ordersGrp, i, 60);
		text = getStringField(ordersGrp, i, 58);

		// ListID, ClOrdId are key fields and shouldn't be null
		if (clOrdId != null) 
			orderKeys = new Array( noOrders, clOrdId ); 
			// convert missing values to empty string.
			if (symbol == null) {symbol="";}
			if (transactTime == null) {transactTime="";}
			if (text == null) {text="";}
			orderCommonValues = new Array(symbol, transactTime, text);
			//print("[DEBUG] getting data for listID=" + listID + " and clOrdId=" + clOrdId + " from 'Orders' table.");
			// get data from history
			records = getRecordFromHistory("Orders", orderKeys); // records array is {ListID*, ClOrdId*, Symbol, TransactTime, Text}
			if (records == null) // if there are no records - add new one
				//print("[DEBUG] Saving order with ListID=" + listID + " and clOrdId=" + clOrdId + " to 'Orders' table.");
				saveToHistory("Orders", orderKeys, orderCommonValues, ""); 
			else //or update stored record
				//print("[DEBUG] record was found. Updating order with ListID=" + listID + " and clOrdId=" + clOrdId + " to 'Orders' table.");
				updateHistory("Orders", orderKeys, orderCommonValues, ""); 					

Updating Orders in DB

The script does the following:


Code Block
rejectedText = "Rejected: " + getNumField(58); // Reject reason will be updated for rejected orders.

//getting rejected message from the storage.
rejectedSeqNum = getNumField(45);
sender = getStringField(56); // Get SenderCompId as TragetCompId in Reject message
target = getStringField(49); // Get TragetCompId as SenderCompId in Reject message
//print("[DEBUG] getting message with " + rejectedSeqNum + " sequence number from storage for session " + sender + "-" + target + ".");
getMsgBySeqNum(sender, target, Number(rejectedSeqNum));

listID = getStringField(66);
noOrders = getNumField(73);
ordersGrp = getGroup(73)
if ( (listID != null) && (noOrders > 0) && isGroupValid(ordersGrp) )  // check if message is valid 
	for (i=0; i < noOrders; ++i) 
		clOrdId = getStringField(ordersGrp, i, 11);	
		// ListID, ClOrdId are key fields. clOrdId should be not null.
		if (clOrdId != null) 
			orderKeys = new Array( noOrders, clOrdId ); 
			//print("[DEBUG] getting data for listID=" + listID + " and clOrdId=" + clOrdId + " from 'Orders' table.");
			// get data from history
			records = getRecordFromHistory("Orders", orderKeys); // records array is {ListID*, ClOrdId*, Symbol, TransactTime, Text}
			// records length should be 5
			if ( (records != null) && (records.length == 5) ) {
				// updating Text field with reject field.
				records[4] = rejectedText;
				// remove first 2 elemets as  key fields from record array.
				records.slice(0, 2); // Left data {Symbol, TransactTime, Text}
				updateHistory("Orders", orderKeys, records, ""); // Update data.	

Remove Orders from DB

The script does the following:


Code Block
//getting rejected message from the storage.
rejectedSeqNum = getNumField(45); 
sender = getStringField(56); // Get SenderCompId as TragetCompId in Reject message
target = getStringField(49); // Get TragetCompId as SenderCompId in Reject message
//print("[DEBUG] removeOrders.js: getting message with " + rejectedSeqNum + " sequence number from storage for session " + sender + "-" + target + ".");
getMsgBySeqNum(sender, target, Number(rejectedSeqNum));

listID = getStringField(66);
noOrders = getNumField(73);
ordersGrp = getGroup(73)
if ( (listID != null) && (noOrders > 0) && isGroupValid(ordersGrp) )  // check if message is valid 
	for (i=0; i < noOrders; ++i) 
		clOrdId = getStringField(ordersGrp, i, 11);	
		// ListID, ClOrdId are key fields. clOrdId should be not null.
		if (clOrdId != null) 
			orderKeys = new Array( noOrders, clOrdId ); 
			//print("[DEBUG] Removing record with listID=" + listID + " and clOrdId=" + clOrdId + " from 'Orders' table.");
			// get data from history
			records = removeRecordFromHistory ("Orders", orderKeys);

Message examples

Code Block

See How to route session level rejects through the FIXEdge also