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Table of Contents



FIXICC H2 allows managing and editing server scripts via UI. After editing, the changes will be applied to the business layer configuration in run time.

To view server scripts:

  1. Click Configurations > Servers > Show all servers (left menu bar)
  2. Select a server in the Servers table view
  3. Click Configurations > View Scripts in the Object view
  4. Script table view is opened in a new tab

Image RemovedImage AddedFigure. View server scripts

Script table view


The script table view contains:

  1. A filtering pane
  2. An action pane
  3. A list of scripts in the table

Figure. Script table view

Filtering pane

The filtering pane allows filtering the list of scripts by:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Category (General, Routing, Transformation, Enrichment, Storage, Multi-purpose, Util)
  • Language (JavaScript, XSLT)
  • Status (Enabled, Disabled)

Action pane

  • Create - Allows creating a new script or loading an existing script from a file
  • Clone  - Opens a copy of the selected script for editing in a new tab
  • Edit - Opens the selected script for editing in a new tab
  • Remove - Removes the selected script

List of scripts

The list of scripts contains a filtered list of scripts in the table.

You can customize the table or sort it by any attribute.

Figure. Table sorting and customization

Script details view

The script details view contains the following script details:


  • View in tab - Opens the script details in a new tab
  • Edit - Opens the script for editing in a new tab
  • Disable/Enable - Disables/enables the script
  • Additional menu - Allows removing the script

Creating a script

To create a new script:

  1. Click Create in the Script table view
  2. Click Create new JavaScript or Create new XSLT

    Figure. Create dropdown (Create script)

Uploading a script

To upload an existing script from a file:

  1. Click Load in the Script table view
  2. Click Load JavaScript file or Load JavaScript file

    Figure. Create dropdown (Upload script)
  3. Drop the script file on the pop-up dialog or click Upload to browse files on your computer

    Figure. Upload file

Removing a script

To remove a script:

  1. Select a script in the Script table view
  2. Click Remove in the Script table view or click Remove in the Script details view



The script cannot be removed until it is used in the business layer configuration.

Enabling/disabling a script

Scripts can be enabled or disabled. A disabled script is considered a draft and cannot be used in the business layer configuration.



The script cannot be disabled until it is used in the business layer configuration.

Editing a script

FIXICC H2 allows editing the scripts via the editor. After editing, the changes will be applied to the business layer configuration.

Opening the script editor

To open a script for editing:

  • Click Edit in the Script table view
  • Click Edit in the Script details view

Figure. Edit script

Script editor

Figure. Script editor

Script attributes

  • Script name (mandatory)
  • Description
  • Status
  • Category (mandatory)
  • Language (mandatory)

All mandatory fields are marked (*) on the UI.

Uploading a file

To upload an existing script from a file:



The script editor does not recognize the language of the uploaded script. The script language should be defined manually.

Saving a script

To save changes, click OK.

To cancel editing, click Cancel. Doing so will close the editor tab.

Using inline scripts

FIXICC H2 allows using inline scripts in the business layer configuration (Business Rules).
