Versions Compared


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Default value for both parameters is '0' - unlimited, no events will be created on business level in such case. Both parameters are available for registered and unregistered sessions.

Management of Outgoing queue


Default value for the parameter is '0' - unlimited, no events will be created on business level in such case. Parameter is available for registered and unregistered sessions.

Event Handling

An event OnNofificationEvent rises within FIXEdge BL each time when described thresholds are reached.


Code Block
# sessions configuration. POOL and LOOP sessions isare emulating of slow consumer for testing.
FixLayer.FixEngine.Sessions = TEST, LOOP, POOL
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.Version = FIX44
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.StorageType = persistent
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.Role = Acceptor
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.SenderCompID = FIXEDGE
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.TargetCompID = LOOP
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.RecreateOnLogout = true
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.ForceSeqNumReset = true
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.HandleSeqNumAtLogon = false
# setup Outgoing Queue Size limit 
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.LOOP.OutgoingQueueSize = 10
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.Version = FIX44
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.StorageType = persistent
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.Role = Initiator
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.Host =
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.Port = 8901
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.HBI = 30
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.SenderCompID = LOOP
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.TargetCompID = FIXEDGE
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.RecreateOnLogout = true
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.ForceSeqNumReset = 2
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.POOL.HandleSeqNumAtLogon = false
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.Version = FIX44
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.StorageType = persistent
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.Role = Acceptor
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.SenderCompID = FIXEDGE
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.TargetCompID = TEST
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.RecreateOnLogout = true
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.IntradayLogoutTolerance = true
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.ForceSeqNumReset = false
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.HandleSeqNumAtLogon = false
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.HiddenLogonCredentials = true
# setup Outgoing Queue Size limit 
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.IncomingMessagesLimit = 10000
FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.TEST.IncomingThroughputLimit = 400

Configure and enable SMTP TA in file:


OutgoingQueueSize  more that 100 should warn of an abnormal situation. Normal outgoing queue size is ~ 0-5.