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FIX Antenna reads the configuration parameters by default from the file during initialization.

The user can also assign another name for the configuration file, such as the Engine::FixEngine::init(const std::string& aPropertiesFileName = "") call parameter.

For example:

Code Block

Engine parameters


The top of the directory tree under which the Engine's configuration and log files are kept.

DO NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path.


Optional. Port or several ports, delimited by a comma, on which acceptors listen to FIX sessions' incoming connections. 

One incoming port can be used for several sessions. 

The parameter is ignored for the entire application if a listen port is set for a specific session. In this case, another ListenPort parameter (on session level) is used by FIX Engine. 

If the listen port is not set either globally, or for a specific session, FIX Engine will not accept connections. 


Optional. Engine's log file name. If this parameter is commented or empty, LogFileName = "engine.log" as default.

Actually represents the alias for the "Log.Engine.File.Name" parameter. If both parameters are specified simultaneously, then:



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna C++ 2.31.0 release.

Optional. This parameter defines the list of paths to the auxiliary properties files to be included in the file. FIX Antenna C++ also provides the ability to include auxiliary properties files recursively.


If some property is specified in several configuration files then the value from the last read file will be used.

Example: IncludeProperties = Engine/conf/engine.properties1


Optional. The local IP address of the network interface accepting incoming connections.

Default value: - listens to connections at all network interfaces.


The license file path.


This property is the path of the directory in which the logs for all incoming (if LogIncomingMessages is set to "true") and outgoing FIX messages are stored.

It is possible to specify a path related to the EngineRoot directory. For example, if LogDirectory is set to "logs", then the real path is /logs. The specified directory must exist.


Since FIX Antenna 2.30.0 version log files stored in the log directory can be cleared and re-written during new log file creation (i.e. on the sequence number reset) if they contain only one administrative outgoing message or no messages at all.


A number of threads that serve FIX sessions (heartbeat generation/check, message rejecting, message delay delivering, etc.).

The recommended value is 10. The value must be an integer greater than zero.


Changing this value will impact the performance of FIX Engine.

The most efficient parameter value should be distinguished during testing.


Workers are used for the following operations:

  • Process incoming connections (for acceptors) until the incoming Logon message is delivered

  • Initiate session reconnect (for acceptors) when logout is received and the Application marks the session to connect again

  • Process outgoing connections (for initiators) until TCP connection is established and outgoing Logon is sent in case async connect is used

  • Deliver rejected messages back to Application if EnableMessageRejecting = true and the message cannot be sent on time

  • Deliver delayed messages to Applicationwhenfirstcallofprocess() returns false



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.23.0 release.

Optional. This parameter sets a strategy for processing out-of-sequence messages. The details about the strategies can be found here: How to set strategy for processing out-of-sequence messages

Valid values:

  • RequestAlways - send resend request with BeginSeqNo (7) = <out-of-sequence message number>, EndSeqNo (16) =0 on any out-of-sequence message
  • RequestOnce - send the only resend request on the gap. Duplicates of resend requests for the same interval are not sent
  • IgnoreGap - send resend request on gap and process out-of-sequence messages
  • Queue - use a temporary queue for storing out-of-sequence messages and process them after the gap is closed

Not supported for FAST sessions.

Default value: RequestAlways



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.23.0 release.

Optional. The size of the temporary queue for processing out-of-sequence messages (measured in a count of messages). The parameter is used if parameter OutOfSequenceMessagesStrategy=Queue.

Default value: 2000

A queue should be cleared after exceeding the limit of out-of-sequence messages and a new resend request should be sent.

The details about the strategies can be found here: How to set strategy for processing out-of-sequence messages


This parameter contains a list of names of XML files with extensions of the FIX protocols delimited by semicolon.



Parsers are not used for Market Data Adapters and for FAST Sessions.

This parameter defines the list of additional (custom) protocols which require registering the corresponding parsers.

When FIX Antenna is started, all dictionaries from DictionariesFilesList are loaded. If dictionaries are standard, predefined standard parsers (like FIX40; FIX41; FIX42; FIX43; FIX44; FIXT11) are created based on them. If any dictionary from DictionariesFilesList is custom, the parser is not automatically created and therefore such parsers should be listed in the AdditionalParsersList parameter.


  • UNIQUE_PARSER_NAME - optional, name of the parser;
  • FIXT_PROTOCOL1 - optional, session protocol. Required if APP_PROTOCOL doesn't contain session messages;
  • APP_PROTOCOL1 - required, application protocol;
  • APP_PROTOCOL2, ... - optional, list of other application protocols.

Below are examples of possible parsers with the correct format:

  • MyFixParser@FIXT11:FIX50SP2,FIX50SP1;
  • FIXT11:FIX50SP2,FIX50SP1;
  • FIXT11:FIX50SP2;
  • FIX44.

Example: AdditionalParsersList = FIX44; FIXT11:FIX50SP2;  FIXT11:FIX50SP2, FIX50SP1; MyFixParser@FIXT11:FIX50SP2,FIX50SP1



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.30.0 release.

Optional. This parameter defines the maximum amount of parsers allowed.

Valid values: An integer greater or equal to 100

Default value: 100

Example: MaximumParsersAllowed = 200


This parameter is an option whereby the version of the FIX protocol used for the outgoing message is validated against that of the established session.

If set to 'true', then the application must use the same version of the protocol as the established session otherwise occurs the error may be seen on the BL (in the case of configured Managed Queue - in the log file). If set to 'false' then the application-level message will be sent to the counterparty.

The recommended value is 'true'.


Changing this value will impact the performance of FIX Engine. In the development should be true. In production should be false.


If this property value is true, all session parameters will be printed to the application log file.


Relative path to the backup folder.

This folder will be used for message storage files of the backup connections.

Session parameters

To configure a session parameter for a session defined by SenderCompId (49) and TargetCompId (56) the following line should be added to the file:

Session.<SenderCompID>/<TargetCompID>.<Parameter> = <value> 

To configure the default session parameter the following line should be added to the file:

Session.Default.<Parameter> = <value>


This parameter sets the time period after which a session is non-gracefully terminated if a response is not received to a first "Logon" message (message type A).

The corresponding Logout message is sent to the counterparty. This value is in seconds. The recommended value is 30 seconds for dedicated connections or private networks. Trading connections via the internet will require calibration. If it is set to "0", then the time period is unlimited. The value must be an integer and not negative.


This parameter sets the time period after which a session is automatically terminated if a response is not received to a "Logout message" (message type 5).

This value is in seconds. The recommended value is 10 seconds for dedicated connections or private networks. Trading connections via the internet will require calibration. The value must be an integer greater than 0.


An option to not reset sequence numbers after Logout.

Valid values:

  • true - enables IntradayLogoutTolerance mode
  • false - disables IntradayLogoutTolerance mode

If set to true, sequence numbers are not reset after Logout. Logout sender should initiate session recovery by sending Logon message with SeqNum = <last outgoing="" seqnum>=""> + 1; expecting reply Logon with SeqNum = <last incoming="" seqnum>=""> + 1. If a gap is detected, a standard message recovery or gap-filling process takes place.

If set to false, sequence numbers are reset after Logout.


This parameter specifies the delta (increment) to the Heartbeat interval between a TestRequest message being sent by FIX Engine and a Response Heartbeat being received.

The session attains a "telecommunication failed state" if no Response Heartbeat message is received after the normal Heartbeat interval plus delta. For example, if no message (application or session level) is received during the Heartbeat interval, the engine sends the TestRequest message. If the required Response Heartbeat message is not received during the Heartbeat interval plus Delta, then the session moves to the "Telecommunication link failed" state. This parameter is specified in (Heartbeat Interval/100).

The recommended value is 20%.


This parameter controls the ResetSeqNumFlag (141) flag in the Logon (A) messages and allows resolving sequence gaps.

When the mode is ON, the session uses the ResetSeqNumFlag (141) tag in sending/confirming the Logon message and reset sequence numbers for an initiator or an acceptor.

Valid values:

  • "0" or "false" - Disable ForceSeqNumReset mode. Do not reset sequence numbers on Logon
  • "1" or "true" - Reset sequences at the first session initiation
  • "2" - Reset sequences for every Logon


This parameter specifies the number of duplicate resend request messages (35=2) that can be received before the Application::OnResendRequestLoop callback is called. This gives the user the option to respond to identical resend requests only once and ignore all other duplicates.

Default value: 2

The following conditions cause the FIX Engine to consider resend requests as duplicates:

  • The batch of messages that is to be resent, specified by the interval determined by the tags BeginSeqNo (7) & EndSeqNo (16), is the same
  • Resend requests are received while the FIX engine is processing other resend requests

Ignoring resend requests is not compliant with the FIX Standard Protocol.

The FIX Standard Protocol recommends responding to every resend request received, which can make engine behavior unstable and lead to unexpected traffic growth.


To follow the FIX Standard Protocol, DuplicateResendRequestLimit should be set to ‘0’.

Responding to every resend request is not the recommended behavior for FIX Antenna C++ products because doing so may lead to an infinite resend loop when one of the counterparties can’t process a batch of messages properly and initiates a resend request for the same batch of messages again and again. By reducing the volume of outgoing messages and duplicate responses, traffic is minimized and applications on both sides are made more stable.


FIX Engine has inbuilt FIX message routing capability and fully supports the "Deliver To On Behalf Of" mechanism as specified by the FIX protocol.

If this parameter is set to "true", the Engine redirects FIX messages automatically to other FIX sessions it maintains if the OnBehalfOfCompID field in the message is defined. If this parameter is set to "false", Engine directs all messages received to the client application.


This parameter specifies the time interval between attempts to deliver an application-level message to a registered client application in the event the application does not confirm receipt and operation upon the message.

The value is specified in milliseconds. The value must be an integer greater than 0. This parameter is required only if the DelayedProcessing.MaxDeliveryTries parameter is specified.


Optional. This parameter specifies the number of attempts that will be made to deliver an application-level message to the registered client application.

If this value is exceeded then the session will be closed with the logout reason "Application not available".

The recommended value is 10. The value must be an integer and not negative.


This parameter specifies the time interval between reconnection attempts in order to restore a communications link.

This value is specified in milliseconds (seconds*10-3).

The recommended value is 1000 for dedicated connections and private networks. Internet connections require calibration. The value must be an integer greater than 0.


This parameter specifies the number of attempts to restore the session.

The session is considered as restored if the telecommunication link was restored and the exchange of Logon messages was successful. If it is set to "-1", then the number of attempts is unlimited.

This value is an integer.


Optional. This parameter sets the time period after which a message rejecting is started while the session doesn't exist.

Value is specified in milliseconds (seconds*10-3), and must be an integer greater than 0.


Resend Request resend messages by blocks.

This parameter defines how many messages proceed in the block. The value “0” means that all messages will be resent in one block. The value must be an integer and not less than 0.

Default value: 1000


Optional. An option to send a Logon message with the ResetSeqNumFlag set after each 24-hour period of the session's activity to establish a new set of sequence numbers (starting with 1).

Default value: false


This option does not affect sessions that use version 4.0 of the FIX protocol.


Encryption config file name.


Specifies the total amount of memory (in MB) that the active session may use.

0 - means infinite. When the limit is reached, the "hardest" sessions will be closed non-gracefully.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.23.0 release.

Optional. This parameter sets a strategy for processing out-of-sequence messages for a specific session.

Valid values:

  • RequestAlways - send resend request with BeginSeqNo (7) = <out-of-sequence message number>, EndSeqNo (16) =0 on any out-of-sequence message. ResendRequestBlockSize is not supported (will be used strategy RequestOnce).
  • RequestOnce - send resend request on gap (considering  ResendRequestBlockSize parameter). Duplicates of resend requests for the same interval are not sent.
  • IgnoreGap - send resend request on gap and process out-of-sequence messages.
  • Queue - use a temporary queue for storing out-of-sequence messages and process them after the gap is closed. 

Is not supported for FAST sessions

Default value: Engine parameter OutOfSequenceMessagesStrategy


Old parameters DeliverAppMessagesOutOfOrder, and SuppressDoubleResendRequest must be removed for a specified strategy for sessions. Old parameters have higher priority.



The parameter is deprecated



The parameter is deprecated



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.23.0 release.

Optional. The size of the temporary queue for processing out-of-sequence messages (measured in a count of messages). The parameter is used if parameter OutOfSequenceMessagesStrategy=Queue.

Default value: Engine parameter OutOfSequenceMessagesStrategy.QueueSize

A queue should be cleared after exceeding the limit of out-of-sequence messages and a new resend request should be sent.


The mode of how FIX Engine performs the socket Send/Receive operations.

Valid values:

  • EVEN (default) - FIX Engine uses the thread pool and share a worker thread among all session with this SocketOpPriority=EVEN
  • AGGRESSIVE_SEND - FIX Engine uses a dedicated thread for a session that sends outgoing messages in exceptional cases (if it would block). By default, the current thread is used
  • AGGRESSIVE_SEND_ASYNC - FIX Engine uses a dedicated thread for a session that sends all outgoing messages to the queue without trying to send them to the socket first. This mode aims to reduce the time spent on the execution of the session:put method and reduce the impact of slow consumers on the application by parallelizing the socket operations by default. 
  • AGGRESSIVE_RECEIVE - FIX Engine uses a dedicated thread for a session that receives incoming messages. The engine constantly polls the data from the socket for achieving the minimum latency (See AggressiveReceiveDelay)
  • AGGRESSIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE - FIX Engine uses two dedicated threads per session. One for receiving and another for sending messages in exceptional cases (if it would block).
  • DIRECT_SEND - FIX Engine uses the current thread for sending if this would block, performs as "EVEN".


    DIRECT_SEND mode is available since FIX Antenna 2.23.0 release.

    AGGRESSIVE_SEND_ASYNC is available since FIX Antenna 2.30.0 release.


Optional. Defines a polling interval in microseconds for reading data from the socket.

Works only with aggressive sessions i.e. AGGRESSIVE_RECEIVE or AGGRESSIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE modes. Setting a lower value reduces the latency but causes high CPU utilization.

Default value: AggressiveReceiveDelay = 500


There is no delay after an attempt to receive a message if the socket buffer is still not empty.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.30.0 release.

Optional. Defines the amount of time during which the message must be sent in the AGGRESSIVE_SEND_ASYNC mode.

Valid values: An integer greater or equal to 0

Default value: AgressiveAsyncSpinWaitTimeUs = 1000



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.30.0 release.

Optional. Defines the size of the memory pool block for the outgoing messages queue. Applicable for the following values of the SocketOpPriority: AGGRESSIVE_SEND, AGGRESSIVE_SEND_ASYNC, AGGRESSIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE.

Valid values: An integer greater than 0.

Default value: OutgoingQueueBlockSize = 4096



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.30.0 release.

Optional. Defines the amount of memory pool blocks for the outgoing messages queue. Applicable for the following values of the SocketOpPriority: AGGRESSIVE_SEND, AGGRESSIVE_SEND_ASYNC, AGGRESSIVE_SEND_AND_RECEIVE.

Valid values: An integer greater than 0.

Default value: OutgoingQueueSize = 15


Optional. Specifies a defined schedule for the session.

There is no defined schedule by default. See details in the Programmer's Guide


The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.26.0 release.

For Initiator FIX Session:

Mandatory if SSL is used. Enable SSL support for the session.

Default value: false

For Acceptor FIX Session:

Optional. If true, accept SSL connection only. If false, accept both SSL and non-SSL connections for the session.

Default value: false



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.25.1 release.

Name of unique parser for FIX protocol. It is an identification of the FIX dictionary used for the session, i.e. the value of the 'id' parameter or in the case of QuickFIX dictionary it's a filename.

Valid values:

  • FIX40

  • FIX41

  • FIX42

  • FIX43

  • FIX44,

  • FIXT11@FIX50

  • FIXT11@FIX50SP1

  • FIXT11@FIX50SP2

  • <user's transport version>@<user's protocol version>

  • Standard parsers are automatically generated to support all standard FIX protocol versions up to the latest, including FIXLatest. These parsers are named according to the versions they support, like FIX42 for FIX version 4.2.
  • When only an application version is specified (e.g., FIX42), FIX Antenna selects the standard parser that supports the requested version.
  • For custom parsers, specified with a name ending in '@' (e.g., MyCustomParser@), FIX Antenna uses that specific parser exclusively.
  • With a template string (e.g., FIXT11:FIX44, FIX50SP2), FIX Antenna may select a standard parser that covers the requested versions and potentially more.


Since FIX Antenna C++ 2.30.0 release the applied parser will be logged as a general parameter on session start-up in the following format:



  • UNIQUE_PARSER_NAME - optional, name of the parser.
  • FIXT_PROTOCOL1 - optional, session protocol. Required if APP_PROTOCOL doesn't contain session messages.
  • APP_PROTOCOL1 - required, application protocol.
  • APP_PROTOCOL2, ... - optional, list of other application protocols. 



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.25.1 release.

Role of the session.

Possible values:

  • Initiator
  • Acceptor



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.25.1 release.

The destination host for the initiator session.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.25.1 release.

TCP port for connection to the remote site.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.28.0 release.

Port dedicated for a session.

For acceptors, it is a port that listens to incoming connections for a specified session.


The same incoming port cannot be reused for several sessions.

If the parameter is not set for the session or not set for the entire application (ListenPort), FIX Engine will not accept the connection.

The Engine stops accepting connections to the given port when the session is no longer used, i.e. terminated. For example, the session is terminated according to the schedule.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.28.0 release.

The local IP address of the network interface accepting a specified session. 

Default value: - listens to connections on all network interfaces.


The expected IP address of a remote counterparty. Incoming connections from other endpoints will be filtered out.

If the real value is not equal to the expected one, then the connections are dropped without sending a message and the error condition is generated in the log output.

The parameter supports masks. For example:

Default value: - accepts all connections from IP addresses on every network interface.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.25.1 release.

The heartbeat interval is in seconds for the initiator session.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.25.1 release.

Optional. This property defines the path to the file with a custom Logon message for the initiator.

Default value: empty



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.28.0 release.

The character is used as a tag delimiter in a FIX message. Refer to How to use a custom symbol instead of SOH.

Default value: '0x01' (SOH)



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.28.0 release.

This parameter provides the ability to reset a session’s sequence numbers to the ones received in the Logon message in the case where session sequence numbers seem outdated.

The following fields control the frequency with which the sequence numbers are reset:

  • ‘never’ – sequence numbers do not reset at logon
  • ‘schedule’ – sequence numbers reset according to an existing schedule defined by the schedule parameter of the session, initiated by a first-time logon message
  • cron expression – sequence numbers reset according to a customizable date and time, initiated by a first-time logon message

Default value: never

This parameter can be added via the file for the acceptor session or set it via API.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.28.0 release.

This parameter provides the option, upon a session’s non-graceful termination, to reset sequence numbers. To use this functionality, set it to ‘true’.  Then, following non-graceful termination, ingoing and outgoing sequence numbers will be reset to 1.

Default value: false

If the parameter is set to ‘false’, incoming and outgoing sequence numbers will not be reset following non-graceful termination.

This parameter can be added via the file for the acceptor session or set it via API.


This parameter controls the engine’s behavior when a Logout (5) message is received instead of confirming Logon (A) during a FIX login procedure.

FIX engine supports the following strategies:




Reject unexpected Logout (5) message and send a Logout message with the reason ‘The Logon message expected!’ to the counterparty.

The event is logged with the notification "Option ConfirmingLogonStrategy is set to RejectLogout. The Logout messages received in response to Logon will be treated as an unexpected behavior.and the connection is terminated in this case.


Accepts the unexpected Logout (5) message and send a Logout with the reason ‘Confirming Logout’ message to the counterparty.

The expected MsgSeqNum of the next incoming sequence number is updated if there is no gap detected.

FIX Engine switches session's state to CORRECTLY_TERMINATED


FIX Engine switches the session's state to NON_GRACEFULLY_TERMINATED without sending messages to the counterparty.

The expected MsgSeqNum of the next incoming sequence number is updated if there is no gap detected

Default value: RejectLogout


Optional. Engine's local IP address to send messages from.

It is used only for hosts with multiple networks. If this parameter is commented, empty, or equal to the Engine will send IP datagrams from any/all local addresses.


An outbound port is used to connect to the counter-party. The parameter applies only if the parameter ConnectAddress is specified, for using a port and any network interface ConnectAddress should be set to


Do not confuse this parameter with the Port specifying the destination port. 

Optional. The default value is 0 letting the operating system decide what outbound port will be used.

The value of this parameter can't be equal to the value of ListenPort because this port is already occupied by the system.







Specifies a type of session type with specific encryption or authentication rules.

Default value: GENERIC


Mandatory if CustomSessionType = LME_SELECT.

Specifies a FIX key for LME sessions.



The parameter is available since FIX Antenna 2.23.0 release.

Mandatory if CustomSessionType = CME_SECURE_LOGON.

Specifies a path to CME key files used for CME secure logon.


Defines if there should be an auto switch to the primary connection in case a backup connection is used and it erupted.

When set to 'true', a connection will be switched from primary to backup and back until the connection will be established.

Default value: false


Defines if there should be an auto switch to the backup connection in case the primary connection is used and it is interrupted.

Valid values:

  • true - to enable EnableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection mode;
  • false - to disable EnableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection mode.


When set to 'true', the TCP buffer (Nagle algorithm) will be disabled for a session.

Default value: false



When set to 'true', the session rejects application messages when the session is unable to send them during a specified period or was disconnected.

Default value: false





When set to 'true' the session will try to reconnect when:

  1. In the WaitForConfirmLogon state, when the session received an unconfirmed logon

  2. In the WaitForConfirmLogon state, when the logon frame has expired

  3. In Reconnect state, when the session was closed.

Default value: false


If set to 'false', the session will not calculate CRC for outgoing messages.

Default value: true



Masks password in in/out log files

Default value: false


When set to 'true', the session ignores 'SeqNum too low' at an incoming Logon message and continues with the received SeqNum.

Default value: false


If set to 'false' FIX Engine ends the trading day for the session after Logout (5) from the counterparty and the session becomes correctly terminated. A sequence number reset is expected after receiving the logout.

If set to 'true' FIX Engine will be able to re-establish the session multiple times and treats every disconnection as an unexpected switching session to a NON-GRACEFULLY TERMINATED state. This option is recommended if multiple reconnections are expected during the trading session.

Default value: false


The parameter has been available since the FIX Antenna 2.32.0 release.

Optional. This property defines how Acceptor and Initiator respond to invalid Logon messages. The parameter may be configured on the default session level.

Valid values:

  • RejectAndLogout (send both Reject (35=3) and Logout (35=5) messages)
  • Logout (send only a Logout (35=5) message).

Default value: Logout
