Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


FIXEdge allows handling such cases if a user would explicitly check if tags are corresponding to the FIX message structure defined in the FIX dictionaries.

By default, scripts fail when FIXEdge try to access the unexpected or undefined tags so checking if tags are supported in the messages makes logic be more stable.


The tag Text (58) doesn't present in all of the messages so the following Business logic will update it everywhere when it is applicable

Business logic configuration:

  • For all messages run the UpdateText.js script

    Code Block
            <Rule Description="Update Text for all messages from all sessions">
                <Source Name=".*" />
    				<!-- ... some business logic ... -->
    				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName="../FIXEdge1/conf/UpdateText.js"/>
    				<!-- ... some business logic ... -->		
  • The script checks and updates the value of tag 58.

    Code Block
    txt = "UpdateText.js was applied to the message";
    if (isSupportedField(58)) // If it is possible to update field 58
    	setStringField(58, txt); // update the text

2. Save the various message ids and information about parties to the database

The case is useful if a user needs to save a message reference and information about parties for all possible messages passing through the FIXEdge

The example below saves information about

For this example every party entry would be saved as a single row in the table. 

For example, one message with 3 parties would be split and stored as 3 rows in the table.

Business logic configuration:

  • Define database table as ODBC History for FIXEdge

    Code Block
    	<History Name="FIXMessages"
          <KeyField ColumnName="SeqNum">34</KeyField>
          <KeyField ColumnName="MsgType">35</KeyField>
          <KeyField ColumnName="SenderCompId">49</KeyField>
          <KeyField ColumnName="TargetCompId">56</KeyField>
          <KeyField ColumnName="SendingTime">52</KeyField>
          <Field ColumnName="TransactTime">60</Field >
          <Field ColumnName="OrdStatus">39</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="OrdType">40</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="ExecType">150</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="SecurityId">48</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="Symbol">55</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="ClOrdId">11</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="ExecId">17</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="ExecRefId">19</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="OrigClOrdId">41</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="SecondaryClOrdID">526</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="SecondaryExecID">527</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="ClOrdLinkID">583</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="ComplianceID">376</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="PartyEntry">10453</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="PartyID">448</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="PartyIDSource">447</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="PartyRole">452</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="PartyRoleQualifier">2376</Field>
          <Field ColumnName="FullMessage">10000</Field>
  • Call SaveData.js script  for all message types

    Code Block
            <Rule Description="Save Parties and IDs for all messages from all sessions">
                <Source Name=".*" />
    				<!-- ... some business logic ... -->
    				<Script Language="JavaScript" FileName="../FIXEdge1/conf/SaveData.js"/>
    				<!-- ... some business logic ... -->		
  • Script collect all data and for every entry in the repeating group saves data to the database. 

    Code Block
    fullMessage = serializeMessage("|"); // get full message with '|' as delimiter for the reference 
    keyFields = [34, 35, 49, 56, 52]; // tags used as keys
    commonFields = [60, 39, 40, 150, 48, 55, 11, 17, 19, 41, 526, 527, 583, 376]; // other fields
    partyFields = [448, 447, 452, 2376]; // fields from the parties repeating group
    // the function checks if the tag is avaliable and return the tag value or empty string.
    function getValueOrEmpty (tag) {
    		result = getStringField(tag);
    		return (result != null) ? result : "" ; // returns tag value or empty string.
    		return "";
    function getValueOrEmptyForGroup(groupHandle, entry, tag) {
    	if(isSupportedField(groupHandle, entry, tag))
    		result = getStringField(groupHandle, entry, tag);
    		return (result != null) ? result : "" ; // returns tag value or empty string.
    		return "";
    // prepare keys for the ODBC history
    keys = [];
    for (i=0; i<keyFields.length; i++)
    commons = [];
    for (i=0; i<commonFields.length; i++)
    if (isSupportedField(453)) {  // if party group is supported.
    	noParties = getNumField(453);
    	partyGrp = getGroup (453);
    	if ( (noParties != null) && (noParties > 0) ) {
    		for (j=0; j<noParties; j++)
    			commonParty = [ j ]; // add entry
    			for (i=0; i<partyFields.length; i++)
    				commonParty.push(getValueOrEmptyForGroup(partyGrp, j, partyFields[i]));
    			commons = commons.concat(commonParty).concat(fullMessage);
    			saveToHistory("FIXMessages", keys, commons, ""); // save data per each party
    	} else {
    		commonParty = [""]; // entry is empty
    		for (i=0; i<partyFields.length; i++)
    		commons = commons.concat(commonParty).concat(fullMessage);
    		saveToHistory("FIXMessages", keys, commons, "");		
    else { // party group is not exist in the message so all tags should be empty
    	commonParty = [""]; // entry is empty
    	for (i=0; i<partyFields.length; i++)
    	commons = commons.concat(commonParty).concat(fullMessage);
    	saveToHistory("FIXMessages", keys, commons, "");