Table of Contents |
Info |
The examples below illustrate the Oracle 12.2 usage on the server with CentOS 7. |
This article is intended to help customers who use ICE Trade Capture connection and provides the instructions for pure installation of ICE Trade Capture solution
Please note, if you have multiple connections (not only ICE Trade Capture) on the same FIXEdge instance, contact to get full instructions.
Installation of the ICE Trade Capture solution
This section shows how to set up an ICE Trade Capture solution. It is assumed that:
- the FIXEdge server is installed. Otherwise, install the FIXEdge server using these instructions: https://kbb2bits.b2bitsatlassian.comnet/wiki/display/B2BITS/FIXEdge+Installation+Guide
- the package contains the latest ICE Trade Capture Solution version with all the new features and bugfixes
- the package contains only one ICE Handler component and only one ICE Trade Capture session supposed to be connected to only one ICE Trade Capture feed
- all existing customer's specific ICE Trade Capture configurations and database schemes (if any) will be discarded
- no data migration from any existing database to the newly added database takes place (means new clean Database from the package to be set up)
- it is required to enter all ICE specific credentials to the new configuration following the instructions
- after the solution start, trades from the last 2 days will be requested and stored in the database
- Make sure you have sufficient administration permissions for further uninstall/install procedures;
- Download new ICE Trade Capture solution package for the corresponding OS version from the Client Space;
- Make sure the Oracle server is installed and available in the local network;
- Make sure you have a valid license (engine.license).
If your license has expired or was lost, contact to obtain the new one;
Installation Process
- Unpack new version of ICE Trade Capture solution to the separate folder, e.g.: /opt/fixedge/;
- Create an Oracle schema for ICE trades storage:
Connect to Oracle server using the privileges allowing the new schema creation
Expand title Example in Oracle SQL Developer Create a user, schema, and tablespace. To do it, execute the script
Expand title Example in Oracle SQL Developer Create the ECN_TRADE TYPE: execute the script
Expand title Example in Oracle SQL Developer Create the tables: execute the script
Expand title Example in Oracle SQL Developer Specify the package MESSAGE_PACKAGE with stored procedures: compile the
script 3_ECNMSO_script_packages_MESSAGE_PACKAGE.pks
Expand title Example in Oracle SQL Developer Compile the package MESSAGE_PACKAGE body: compile the
script 4_ECNMSO_script_packages_MESSAGE_PACKAGE.pkb
Expand title Example in Oracle SQL Developer
Add ODBC data source for the database on the server with installed FIXEdge
Info The examples below illustrate the Oracle 12.2 usage on the server with CentOS 7.
All actions must be performed on the server where the FIXEdge is installed.
- Install the appropriate Oracle client (see Instant Client Application)
Set the environment variables listed below for the user used to run FIXEdge:
Code Block language bash title The variables example. Note: the real values may differ in the particular environment collapse true ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64 TNS_ADMIN=/etc/oracle/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib" PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
Create the files listed below for the user used to run FIXEdge
Code Block language bash title /etc/oracle/tnsnames.ora collapse true OracleConnectionName = (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=OracleServiceID)) )
Code Block language bash title /etc/odbc.ini collapse true [OracleODBCConnectionName] Description = test connect to ORACLE DB Driver = /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib/ ServerName = OracleServiceName DSN = OracleODBC-12c
Code Block language bash title /etc/odbcinst.ini collapse true [OracleODBC-12c] Description = Oracle ODBC driver for Oracle 12c Driver = /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib/ # Driver Logging = 7 # "Driver Logging" is an optional parameter
- Install the appropriate Oracle client (see Instant Client Application)
- Adjust FIXEdge configuration
Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt B2BITS MultiExcerptName ICE TC Adjust FIXEdge configuration PageWithExcerpt ICE Trade Capture Solution FAQ
- In case several ICE Handler components should be used to connect to multiple ICE Trade Capture feeds:
- Create copies of the ICE Handler from the new package ( in Linux package), give them names according to your specifics, and put them to the /bin folder;
- Adjust configuration according to p.4 above;
- Copy your FIXEdge license into the license file path;
- Install FIXICC Agent instance (means register the services in the system):
- For Linux: run as sudo from fixicc-agent\bin directory
- Start the new FIXICC-agent instance;
- Connect FIX Integrated Control Center (FIXICC) to fixicc-agent and start FIXEdge.