Affinity mask settings
The Antenna allows users to change affinity masks for threads with different purposes. This allows the application to run functionality on a critical path at dedicated threads/CPU cores. It results in response time spreading reduction and helps to keep it minimal.
FIX Antenna C++ supports affinity masks up to 64 cores
FIX Antenna C++ threads:
- dedicated threads for session processing
- threads pool dedicated to messages processing that is sharable between all sessions
- auxiliary antenna threads
- Note: uncontrollable threads, e.g some timers
FIX Antenna C++ supports various affinity configuration formats: Decimal, Hexadecimal, Cores-set formats.
Affinity is specified as bitmask where a serial number of the bit is the serial number of the core.
The default value is 0. It means that the engine will not change the thread affinity mask.
Application properties
mask for all worker pool threads
WorkerCpuAffinity = 0
mask for dispatcher and other auxiliary threads
HelperCpuAffinity = 0
Session properties
mask for dedicated sending thread of a session. It makes sense only for an aggressive send mode
Session.Default.SendCpuAffinity = 0
mask for the dedicated receiving thread of a session. It makes sense only for an aggressive receive mode
Session.Default.RecvCpuAffinity = 0
mask for dedicated threads of a session. It makes sense only for aggressive modes
Session.Default.CpuAffinity = 0
Supported affinity formats
WorkerCpuAffinity = 31
The setting above exposes cores #0,1,2,3,4
(see Backward compatibility)Hexadecimal
Introduced in FA C++ 2.27.1
WorkerCpuAffinity = 0x1F3A
The setting above exposes cores #1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,12
Cores-set format (like Linux' taskset command)
Introduced in FA C++ 2.27.1
# core numbers: integer values of set [0..63] Session.Default.RecvCpuAffinity = 2-4 # separator character: ',' HelperCpuAffinity = 1,4 # grouping characters: '{' '}' WorkerCpuAffinity = {0}
The settings above expose cores respectively #2,3,4; #1,4; #0;
NOTE: To avoid erroneous reading with the cores-set format, use a grouping of characters in case of single-core in the mask:
WorkerCpuAffinity = 31 - it means cores #0,1,2,3,4
WorkerCpuAffinity ={31} - it means cores #31
Support ranges
Use comma-separated list instead of bitmask (decimal values in the range [0..63] separated by comma)
Session.Default.RecvCpuAffinity = {1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,12}
Supports ranges (like Linux' taskset command)
Session.Default.RecvCpuAffinity = 1,3-5,8-12
Supports initializing list brackets to separate sense groups
Session.Default.RecvCpuAffinity = {1,3-5,7},{12-15}
Backward compatibility
The new implementation does not affect the old version of the configuration.
The old Decimal and taskset-like formats have a different meaning of single number value.
For any conflicting cases please use curly brackets '{}' notation.
by default - the decimal format is used.
Examples of conflicting configuration:
# The new settings uses core #2 WorkerCpuAffinity = 2 WorkerCpuAffinity = 0x2 WorkerCpuAffinity = {2} # The old behavior uses cores # 1, 2, 3. Not using core #0 WorkerCpuAffinity = 14 # The old behavior uses cores #0 WorkerCpuAffinity = 1 # The new behavior uses cores #2 and #4 WorkerCpuAffinity = 0x14 # The new behavior uses core #14 WorkerCpuAffinity = {14} # The new behavior uses core #2 and #4 WorkerCpuAffinity = {2,4} # The old behavior means all cores for mapping (default) WorkerCpuAffinity = 0 # The new behavior uses core #0 WorkerCpuAffinity = {0} # The new representation to map all cores: WorkerCpuAffinity = {0-63} WorkerCpuAffinity = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The output format for affinity in logs and other outputs in decimal style:
- The correct Affinity value:
[INFO] 20200127-10:46:21.703 [13888] [Engine] - WorkerCpuAffinity = {1-3} [INFO] 20200127-10:30:46.303 [11448] [Engine] - Session <ESVR, CTG> : New session created CpuAffinity = 0
- The incorrect value/range for Affinity value:
[ERROR] Affinity parse error at pos=1 : token value '2147483647' exceeds the range [0..63] [ERROR] Affinity parse error at pos=1 : token can not be parsed as integer inp: {abc}
- The incorrect interval of Affinity value:
[ERROR] Affinity parse error at pos=0 : token is neither interval nor decimal value inp: 1.3,4/5
How to get information about threads
Example configuration of FIX Antenna C++ application (e.g. EchoServer, SimpleClient samples)
WorkerCpuAffinity = {1} #(it's Worker# in CPU) HelperCpuAffinity = {1} #(it's Dispetcher in CPU)
Check assigned CPU cores in Linux using htop:
$ htop -p `pidof EchoServer`
Check assigned CPU cores in Windows using Visual Studio
The internal threads of FIX Antenna were named firstly in FIX Antenna C++ v2.19.0 (r186).
The ability to rename the threads in FIX Antenna was introduced as well.
Thread names in FIX Antenna C++
Add the threads' names to application logs' records.
The thread name can be settled by ‘%thread_name’ argument in Log.File.Format property in the, e.g:
Log.File.Format = %date{ISO8601} %timezone %level%tablevel [%logger] %thread_name %thread %message
FIX Engine parameters#Log.File.Format
2019-08-16 12:35:53,663 UTC INFO [Engine] Worker_0 31940 -- "Session <MYAPP, CLIENT> : Asynchronously connecting to"
The List of FIX Antenna spawned threads
FIX Antenna adds 'FA: ' prefix to a thread name for Linux.
Linux thread name | FIX Antenna thread name | Description | |
1 | FA: Timer | Timer | Several timer threads which can be used for:
2 | FA: Worker_0 ... FA: Worker_N | Worker_0 | Several threads. Session processing (receive/send) threads from thread pool used by EVEN and DIRECT_SEND modes and configuring by NumberOfWorkers parameter |
3 | FA: Dispacher | Dispacher | Thread that is listening and handling incoming and outgoing connections. |
4 | FA: AbsolutTime | AbsolutTimer | Public timer scheduling tasks. |
5 | FA: ExlusiveRec | ExlusiveReceiveTaskDedicatedWorker | A dedicated thread for receiving in aggressive mode. |
6 | FA: NewInLinkTa | NewInLinkTask | Thread that accepts a new connection. |
7 | FA: ExlusiveSen | ExlusiveSendTaskDedicatedWorker | A dedicated thread to send in the aggressive mode if sending try in the current thread has failed. |
8 | FA: AsyncConnec | AsyncConnectTask | Asynchronous connection to the initiator. |
9 | FA: DBLDispache | DBLDispacher | Thread that is listening and handling incoming and outgoing connections for Myricom DBL network cards. |
10 | FA: LSCommunica | LSCommunicator_Impl |
11 | <Unnamed threads> |
Using the top for viewing thread names
The threads names can be viewed using a command:
top -H
How to change the thread name via FIX Antenna API
The thread name can be changed with a function:
static void System::Thread::setName ( char const * name );