FIX Antenna 2.14.1 Release Notes
FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.14.1 (revision 71668)
New Features and Improvements
- Separated port for admin session in FIX Antenna - administrative sessions will be accepted on this port only
- MOEX MD Adapter can apply partial snapshot
- Separated port for admin session in FIX Antenna
- DynamicFixMessage object should serialize the field 1128 in the position right after tag 35
- The value of id attribute of the block <connection id="<XXX>" > should be used to identify a connection in MOEX MD adaptor
- MOEX MD Adapter should allow recovery from early snapshots which has the tag 83=0
FIX Antenna .NET v2.14.1 (revision 71644)
- Support all session states in FA.NET
FIX Antenna 2.14.0 Release Notes
FIX Antenna C/C++ v2.14.0 (revision 70487)
New Features and improvements
- The API for assigning CPU affinity masks for working threads has been introduced
- How to Configure FIX Sessions with File
- How to configure Micex MDApplication for April templates
- Broken symlink in FIX Antenna packages (Linux)
- MICEX Market Data Adapter: TCP Replay request is rejected with the error "Requested range is invalid"
- Typos and broken links in online documentation has been fixed
- Cyclic switch to backup/primary connection has been fixed
- Sending reject for garbled message has been fixed
- MICEX Market Data Adapter: onRecoveryStarted/onRecoveryStopped are called in the wrong order
- FIX Session latency degradation in aggressive mode against 2.12 version
- SpectraClient and FortsClient: "_10" suffixes in binaries filenames has been removed
- Throughput/Sender: unexpected error has been fixed
- Throughput: bad allocation in case 3+ sessions has been fixed
- Fast_QuickStart: segmentation fault has been fixed
- MDP 3.0 Sample: Red Hat 7 is supported now
FIX Antenna .NET v2.14.0 (revision 70479)
New Features and improvements
- SimpleClient: SSL support
- SimpleClient: in case there is only one session connected, all messages will be sent to it by default
- How to use SSL with FIX Antenna C++ and FIX Antenna .NET (the section for FIX Antenna .NET has been added)
- SimpleClient: the sample can't handle Logon response if ForceSeqNumReset option is on
- SimpleClient: the possibility of copy text from the Events Viewer has been fixed
- SimpleClient: "Batch Send" button has been fixed if more then one session is used
- SimpleClient: characters in the utf-8 encoding is translated incorrectly
- MDP 3.0 .NET: the "open channel_id" command doesn't work
FIX Antenna 2.13.1 Release Notes
FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET v2.13.1 (revision 70228)
- FIX Session latency degradation in aggressive mode against 2.12 version
- Crash when switch to FIX session backup connection
- Broken symlink in FIX Antenna packages (Linux)
- SimpleClient sample can't handle Logon response if ForceSeqNumReset option is on (.Net)
- MICEX Market Data Adapter: TCP Replay request is rejected with the error "Requested range is invalid"
FIX Antenna 2.13.0 Release Notes
FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET v2.13.0 (revision 69667)
New features and improvements
- SSL support
- Packaging: FastCodec has been packaged into main FIX Antenna package. We will not release a separate package for FastCodec any more.
New OS support:
- CentOS/RedHat 7
New compilers support:
- Libraries for MS Visual Studio 2013 (x32&x64) in Windows package
- Libraries for gcc48 and gcc49 (x32&x64) in Linux CentOS7 package
- New Market Data Adaptors:
- Book management API for CME MDP 3.0 adaptor
- MOEX Spectra FAST gateway adaptor
Myricom DBL emulator
FIX Sessions:
- Session::put now can handle multiple FIX messages at a time
- Compatibility with FixAntenna 2.8 dictionaries
- FAST Sessions:
- "bool->string" conversion is now configurable
- New API have been added:
- Method: Engine::PreparedMessage::initField
- Method: Engine::PreparedMessage::setMsgSize
- Method Engine::PreparedMessage::setMsgStart
- Class: System::Thread
- Class: System::HRTimer
- Class: Utils::RefCounter
- Class: Engine::FastCodec
- Exe installer is not available from this version. Package is redistributed as zip or gzip archive
- Password in Logon messages log files are now masked with asterisks
New features and improvements in Market Data Adaptors
- Bovespa: onSecurityStatus callback
- MDP 3.0: Myricom DBL UDP support
- MDP 3.0: Book Management API
- Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor: InstrumentID is passed to the user in onItchMessage callback
Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor: Ability to configure periodic replay/recovery timeouts has been added (disabled by default)
MICEX Market Data Adapter: Support for changes in the Market Data streams, which are planned to be launched in April 2015 (
- Documentation for Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor
- Documentation for CME MDP 3.0 Adaptor
Description for log record format in sample file
Description for 'Trace' log severity in sample file
New in the Samples
- New FAST Codec samples were added to FixAntenna distribution package in folder "FastCodec":
- MDP 3.0 low-level API sample - C++ and .NET
- Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor: Incorrect run recovery process if a message was missed in a channel
- MDP 3.0: Incorrect outright book
- MDP 3.0: CmeMdpClient crashes after the second subscription on the same instrument
- ConnectToGatewayEx sample: incorrect tag value in test messages
- Missed "logs" and "backup" folders from samples in zip packages
- Some samples .sh files doesn't have X permissions (Linux)
- MitClient sample .sh files contains bad symbol (Linux)
- "Tag is not defined" error for FIX group with large tag number
- Typo in error message "Sender/Target differs from expected in recieved message"
- Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor: Relpay recovery is triggered every hour by time out
- SWXFastDecoder sample "integer in the stream does not fall within the bounds" error on Linux
- Log.File.Recreate property doesn't work
FIX Antenna .NET v2.13.0 (revision 69612)
- Exe installer is not available from this version. Package is redistributed as zip or gzip archive
Wrong default values in sample
Garbled message inside iLink sample
- Incorrect templates for Bovespa sample
- SimpleClient can't handle Logon response with seq num reset
- Missed x86 samples for Benchmarks
- Missed "logs" and "backup" folders from samples in zip packages
- Bovespa sample: Attempted to read or write protected memory
New in the Samples
- CmeMdpClientHighLevel was removed as obsolete
- CmeMdpClient was removed as obsolete
- CmeMdpMessageClient was added
FIX Antenna 2.12.0 Release Notes
FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET v2.12.0 (revision 68047)
November 11, 2014
New features and improvements
- Packaging: many separate platforms were combined in a single package. Now there are only one Windows (x32&x64, VS 10&11) and one Linux (x32&x64) pakages
- New Market Data Adaptor have been added:
- CME MDP 3.0 Adaptor
- Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor (
- Implementation for London Stock Exchange (LSE)
- Implementation of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)
- FIX Sessions:
- Ability to send ResetSeqNumFlag field in the custom Logon message has been added
- Method MsgStorage::getCreationTime has been added (C++ only)
- Method UTCTimestamp::dayOfWeek has been addded (C++ only)
- FAST codec:
- New class 'FastMappingOptions' has been introduced to provide customization of types conversion rules; customization of conversion 'char'/ 'bool' has been implemented
- FIX XML Dictionary file validation: check for unknown fields inside 'update' section has been added
- Property Log.File.Backup.Dir is now set to %BackupDirectory% if empty or not defined in file
- Empty tail of persistentMM message storage file (for incremental file mode) is shrunk now after session termination.
New in the Samples
- MICEX_MdScanner config files location has been fixed (Linux)
- MICEX_QuickStart config files location has been fixed (Linux)
- FastCodecBenchmark executable filename has been fixed
- Bug with "pure virtual call" in the Session Qualifier sample has been fixed
- Default values of options have been set to more appropriate values in the default '' configuration files
- BovespaClient
- The '' configuration file has been added
Parameters for TcpReplay can be configured in the '' file
- BovespaClient executable, missing in BovespaClient sample, has been added (Linux)
- BovespaDecoder
- Decoding large messages (>140 000 symbols) into FIX has been fixed
- Documentation for MessageStorageType and UnderlyingProtocol has been corrected
- Documentation of the Persistents.LogIncrementSize and Persistents.IdxIncrementSize parameters has been extended
- Documentation for UTCDateOnly and UTCTimeOnly has been extended
- Session state chart has been updated
- Requirements page has been updated
- Memory access violation in the FIXMessage::toRaw and toString methods has been fixed.
- Reading corrupted storage file when last stored messages is allocated at the end of file has been fixed. Now restoring after failure is more safe.
- Log messages backup delay was calculated incorrectly. Integer value overflow has been fixed
- Crash during verification empty 'DayOfMonth' value has been fixed
FIX Antenna .NET
New featuress and improvements
- Add the method GetReceivedMessages into Session interface, update for vs 2012
- Add Session.StorageCreationTime, Session.IsStorageExpiredUtc, and Session.ResetStorageIfExpiredUtc methods/properties
- Check version of the V12.dll and raise exception if FIX Antenna .NET assembly version is different.
- Pin FixMessage object in the Session callbacks to prevent GC to destroy them.
New in the Samples
- Support of all message storage types has been added to SimpleBenchmark sample
- Support of command line parameters in run.bat has been added to SimpleBenchmark
- ForceSeqNumReset is set to ALWAYS in all benchmarks to fix issue related to recoveries on test restart start.
- Startup of MICEX sample has been fixed
- BovespaClient: the fast templates file has been updated
Paths in 'run.bat' and '' files have been corrected for samples
Documentation and Samples
- Documentation for AfterMessageIsReceivedEventArgs::Msg field has been fixed
- Documentation of the Statistics class has been.
- Documentation for methods Session::Put() and Session::connect() as initator has been extended
Documentation of the ConstFieldValue has been extended
FIX Antenna 2.10.16 Release Notes
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (revision 66359)
The update 4 to version has been released on August 21, 2014. Main updates are:
- Added support of LME session: password encryption according to LME requirements has been implemented.
- When creating FIX logs file names, special characters in sessions Target/Sender CompIDs are replaced with their ASCII codes. All characters except letters and numbers are considered as special ones.
- Improovements in custom FIX parsers handling
- Added a method for getting list of registered custom FIX parsers and protocols.
- Market Data Adapters:
- The issue with arbitrary recovery starting has been fixed.
- Bovespa
- The issue with incorrect prices parsing in Equity snapshots / increments has been fixed.
- Subscription by SecurityID has been added
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (revision 65944)
The update 3 to version has been released on July 24, 2014. Main updates are:
- Allow user to send ResetSeqNumFlag field in the custom Logon message.
- The properties 'ProhibitTagsWithoutValue' and 'VerifyTagsValue' are now supported for repeating groups.
- Bugfix: Crash when creating an Unregistered Acceptor has been fixed.
- FIX message format extension: allow 0 in Raw Data Length field if Raw Data field is empty.
- Market Data Adapters:
- Bugfix: TCP replay cannot start.
- Bovespa:
- Bugfix: BovespaClient doesn't display order book correctly
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (revision 65772)
The update 2 to version has been released on July 10, 2014. Main updates are:
Crash in sessions dispatcher has been fixed.
- additional.xml files in samples have been corrected (duplicated items have been removed)
- MMFileMsgStorage::retrieveLocal() has been fixed (failure when index file is full)
- CQG Market Data Adaptor:
- MDApplication::unsubscribeBySecurityID method has been added
- onSecurityDefinitionListComplete() now called after all SD feeds completed security definitions loading
- Hang when one feed is unavailable has been fixed
- Feed ID in SDResolver log messages has been added
- Crash when multiple feeds are used has been fixed
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (revision 65111)
The update 1 to version has been released on June 4, 2014. Main updates are:
- Samples have been updated:
- FastCodecBenchmark sample (project name has been fixed)
- BovespaQuickStart (dictionary has been updated to the latest venue's spec)
- MICEX_QuickStart (post-build xml files copying has been fixed)
- FastCodecBenchmark (dictionary has been updated)
- b2b_bovespa_client sample for Linux has been added
- MICEX_MdScanner sample has been fixed: config files have been moved to /bin folder
- CQG Market Data Adaptor:
- MDApplication::subscribeBySecurityID method has been added
- Bugfix: MDApplication cannot re-subscribe to instruments after book reset
- Bugfix: OnSubscribed event should not be called on Resubscription after book reset
- Bugfix: CqgChannelProcessor::unsubscribeAll should clear instruments set
- FIX Antenna .NET:
- Session::GetReceivedMessages method has been promoted to .NET API
- Check version of the V12.dll and raise exception if FIX Antenna .NET assembly version is different.
FIX Antenna C++/.NET (revision 64792)
New features and improvements
- Session Qualifier has been added to provide the possibility to create several sessions with same Sender/TargetComID pairs.
- New sockets dispatcher on Linux to minimize latency spikes in messages sending/receiving. (see Threads configuration::Linux) documentation for details. (C++ only)
- Performance of
class has been improved - New session parameters:
. If true, session will use blocking I/O. This mode is usefull for OpenOnload and enabled if aggressive mode is ON.Engine::SessionExtraParameters::aggressiveReceiveDelay_
is used as timeout parameter.- LogonMessageSessionQualifierTag. Defines field which would be used by Dispatcher to bind incoming connection with registered Acceptor session.
- EnableFastScp. Defines either FAST SCP should be used by FIX-over-FAST TCP session.
- New Engine parameters
. When it's set to true there is being enabled backward resolve based DNS entry spoofing detection mechanism in DNS related functionsDispatcher.SendWorkersCount
. Defines number of workers to handle outgoing messages.Dispatcher.RecvWorkersCount
. Defines number of workers to handle incoming messages.Dispatcher.SendWorkersTimeout
. Defines number of milliseconds to wait for readiness of the socket to send data.Dispatcher.RecvWorkersTimeout
. Defines number of milliseconds to wait for readiness of the socket to receive data.
- New API (only in C++):
- more operators have been added to Engine::Decimal class
- New config-file parameters:
- nicConfig for MOEX MICEX adapter
- Market Data Adapters:
- Bovespa:
class has been published inB2BITS_BovespaApplicationListeners.h
(C++ only)
- templates.xml file has been updated according to the latest spec
- The issue with NIC teaming has been fixed
- The description for
enumeration values for Bovespa, CQG, and CME Market Data Adaptors has been added (C++ only)
- Bovespa:
- Add
macros. Macro allows programmer to mark most possible hive of the if/else statement to let compiler improve branch prediction (C++ only)
storage has been changed to close mapped region before reopening new oneSession::putAsIsNoLock(PreparedMessage)
does not update CheckSum field anymore- Utils::bind now accepts const and ancestors (C++ only)
- Conversion constructor from StringEx has been removed (C++ only)
- B2BITS_FIXEnums.h: CS enumeration value value has been replaced with B2B_CS (C++ only)
- Statistics class methods have been marked as deprecated. Statistics is disabled because of performance impact.
for RawDataLength now returns true if corresponding RawData field is not empty
New in the Samples
- Bovespa C++ sample: The support of DeleteThru and DeleteFrom instructions has been added
- New SessionQualifier sample
- Now user can pass command line parameters to CMEGlobexClient via run.bat file
Latency C++ sample: session settings have been moved to the file
Fix incorrect type of argument to
in theThread.cpp
- Search has been added to FIX Antenna C++ documentation
- Some sections have been improved
- Update requirements to compiler and OS (FIX Antenna .NET, FIX Antenna C++)
- Add Threads configuration section
- Add Session configuration section
- Improve documentation of
43 bugs have been fixed. See VersionHistory.txt for the complete list.
FIX Antenna .NET
- The following APIs of FIX Antenna C++ now available in .NET as well:
: Add option to reject incoming connection with Logout message.
- Dependency on boost_thread library has been removed
- FIX Engine core is now linked to FIX Antenna .NET dynamically.
- Fix documentation error for Bovespa, Micex, Globex namespaces
I get some troubles:
- for 5% of Bovespa Equity the snapshot comes wrong (i.e. bid/ask/last could be evaluated at 23000 when true price is 10.25). This issue occurs with or without DBL. This issue made me lose trades and money.
FIX Antenna 2.10.15 Release Notes (revision 63622)
- SessionQualifier field in Logon Message has been made not obligatory for sessions with Session Qualifier (revision 63380)
New features:
- FIX Antenna .Net: Session::LocateSentMessage( int msgSeqNum ) method has been added
- SessionId structure which includes Session Qualifier has been added
- Session Qualifier sample has been added in FA C++ package
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- NIC teaming isues has been fixed - .Net only (revision 63043)
- SessionExtraParameters.SocketPriority getting wrong params has been fixed
[FA-NET] Fix warning "FixEngine::CreateSession(...) "MessageStorageType storageType"
parameter is deprecated. Please use SessionExtraParameters::storageType instead."
New features:
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Ability to specify NIC for feed subscription for DBL. (revision 59512)
New features:
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Ability to specify NIC for feed subscription.
- Feed reset detection by seqnum's order.
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Recovery modes have been described
- Daylight saving time offset has been fixed.
- Exception in Admin application has been fixed (array index out of range)
- Resend requests have been fixed
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Filtering MDEntries has been optimized (revision 58020)
New features:
- CBOE CMi2: Converting of session error codes to string description has been implemented.
- 100% CPU usage on Linux in the AGGRESSIVE_RECEIVE mode has been fixed
- Memory access violation in the MarketDataStorage in Bocespa sample has been fixed
- Performance fix for RecorsdStorage (revision 56916)
- Latency of the incoming message processing is improved
- FIX-parser performance has been improved
- FIX Session logging has been improved
New Features:
- PreparedMessage::set( int, AsciiString ) method is added
- Engine::String class is added which extends std::string with some useful methods.
- Engine::StringRef typedef is added. Synonym of the AsciiString
- Engine::WStringRef typedef is added. Synonym of the WideString
- FixEngine::getSession() method is added
- SequenceGapEvent::requestLostMessagesFlag_ field is added
- Option to call Session::put in any state (for some cases rejecting does not work) is added
- Option to split resend request (SessionExtraParameters::resendRequestBlockSize_) is added
- Support of VS2012 in Decorator has been added
- Samples solution files is updated to VS2012
- ConnectPort session parameter is added
- FixEngine::createFastCoder with SCP parameter is added
- Support of the FIXT11, FIX50, FIX50SP1, FIX50SP2 protocols to the FAST session is added
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Feed identifying parameters is added to OnCompleteMessageProcessing callback
- TargetCompId is added to application parameters
- Myricom DBL support
- Board support in callbacks
- CME Market Data Adapter (Globex):
- Option to receive data for feeds A and B on separated network cards (Sockets) is added
- Bovespa Market Data Adapter:
- A call to AppListener::process on all non "X" "W" messages from increment channel is added
- CQG Market Data Adapter
- Loading UseTCPRecovery property from config is added
- Calling OnError for non exists instruments is added
- Session is changed to Send Logout message instead of connection closing on critical error
- Parameter "localPort" is added to SessionsManager::onIncomingConnection handler
- It is forbidden to call Session::disconnectNonGracefully withing Application::onLogonEvent callback. Behavior is not defined. LogonEvent::logonAction_ should be used to reject connection (for Acceptors only).
- Engine::String is renamed to StringEx
- MockDataReader is renamed to GlobexMockDataReader
- pushPCAP method is now a template function in public header: B2BITS_MockDataReaderPushPcap.h
- FIXMessage::type now returns empty value if message is not defined in the FIX dictionary
- Session does not send Resend Request message in case of gap after reconnect
- HeartBtInt field is made optional
- "Send Message" command in Admin protocol
- Session incorrectly processes Logon with 141=Y
- Session does not switch to the NON_GRACEFULLY_TERMINATED state if connection is rejected by user
- Memory access violation caused by FD_SET function on Linux
- Exception in the FIXSessionsMgr if session is destroyed
- Decorator: Field::isSet and Field::isEmpty methods return incorrect result
- Message storage is reset incorrectly when IntradayLogoutTolerance is on
- MICEX Market Data Adapter:
- Snapshot processing.
- Tag 336 value acquisition in heavily multi-threaded environment
- CQG Market Data Adapter
- Incorrect empty seqNum detection
- Parsing of messages from incremental channel
- Applying log dir for binary files