FIX Antenna ANSI C is discontinued starting version 2.18.1. |
FIX Antenna 2.32.0 is released on .
New Features and Improvements
Fixed Bugs
FIX Antenna 2.31.0 is released on .
New Features and Improvements
FIX Antenna C++ now provides WebUI for FIX session monitoring and runtime control. Monitoring WebUI is implemented as a separate shared library. FIX Antenna-based application must be linked to this library to use monitoring WebUI. |
FIX Antenna C++ now provides the ability to configure each session or group of settings (e.g., validation) in separate properties files. The multiple-level nesting is supported. To use this feature the optional IncludeProperties parameter must be specified with the list of paths to the auxiliary properties files to be included in the configuration file. |
FIX Antenna C++ now provides the ability to configure a throttler to control incoming messages' speed. |
FIX Antenna C++ now tries to create a new log directory for the session if the LogDirectory property was specified with the non-existent path. |
API Changes
The new FixEngine::cancelScheduledSessionRestart() API function to cancel the session restart scheduled using the onSessionTerminated() callback.
Documentation Changes
Other Changes
Fixed Bugs
FIX Antenna 2.30.1 is released on .
FIX Antenna 2.30.1 is a customer-demanded release providing backward compatible repeating groups parser.
FIX Antenna 2.30.0 is released on .
New Features and Improvements
FIX Antenna C++ now provides the ability to configure a throttler to control the outgoing messages rate per time window. |
FIX Antenna C++ now provides the ability to configure a mechanism for handling insufficient disk space. On session creation or switching to backup/primary connection, FIX Antenna C++ will automatically check free space on the disk and if its amount is less than the value of Persistents.MinDiskSpace property, then FIX Antenna C++ will not start a new session or will not switch to backup/primary connection. Also, FIX Antenna C++ will terminate the session if there is no free disk space left on the session's log device. |
FIX Antenna C++ now provides the ability to specify different log storage directories for each FIX session via the LogDirectory property. LogDirectory can also be specified for the backup connection of a particular session. |
FIX Antenna C++ now reuses the log file if there are no business messages in it. Please refer to the LogDirectory page for more details. |
The new method of maintaining the log files in the PersistentMM storage for FIX sessions was added. It can be configured via NewFeatures.EnableOptimizedPersistentMMIndex property. This property enables the method of maintaining the start-up of FIX sessions with log files in the PersistentMM storage marked with the 'correctly stored' flag. If this property is set to 'true' FIXEdge will skip the check of the 'stored correctly' log files in order to improve performance. |
The FixEngine::loadProtocolFile method now returns a list of IDs and FIX versions of newly created dictionaries for later use in creating protocols and sessions. It is now possible to configure the maximum amount of parsers allowed in FIX Antenna C++ using the MaximumParsersAllowed parameter. |
In this mode, FIX Antenna C++ uses a dedicated thread for a session and sends all outgoing messages to the queue without trying to send them to the socket first. This mode aims to reduce the time spent on executing the session:put method and reduce the impact of slow consumers on the application by parallelizing the socket operations by default. The new properties were added: |
This behavior can be configured via Validation.AllowZeroNumInGroup property. |
Logging Improvements
The applied parser is logged as a general parameter on session start-up in the following format: applied ParserVersion = [UNIQUE_PARSER_NAME@][FIXT_PROTOCOL1:]APP_PROTOCOL1[,APP_PROTOCOL2...]. Please refer to the ParserVersion page for more details. |
On the DEBUG level - The StorageCreationTime property was updated. On the WARN level - New log message storage was created. |
FIX Protocol Changes
API Changes
Other Changes
Fixed Bugs
FIX Antenna 2.29.0 is released on .
New features and improvements
Introduced additional affinity properties for some previously not covered by affinity mask threads, and improved thread naming. Please refer to The List of FIX Antenna spawned threads page for more details. |
Please refer to the Explanation of log messages about validation and parsing errors page for more details. |
A range of user-defined fields now can be configured via the MaxTagNumberForValidation property of the file. |
Please refer to Configure Administrative sessions with dedicated ports page for more details. |
When the FIX Antenna C++ sent a session-level Reject message (MsgType=3) then the Engine:Application::onOutgoingSessionLevelRejectEvent method is called. Please refer to the Element OnOutgoingSessionLevelRejectEvent page for more details. |
Only the email ( is mentioned as the contact information in case of license issues (e.g. expired license, invalid license). |
The application uses OpenSSL v. 1.1.1h and supports TLS v. 1.3 (the SSLProtocols property). |
Logging improvements
When the value of parameter ConfirmingLogonStrategy parameter is set to RejectLogout, there is a notification about this in the logs with INFO level: "Option ConfirmingLogonStrategy is set to RejectLogout. The Logout messages received in response to Logon will be treated as an unexpected behavior". Please refer to the ConfirmingLogonStrategy page for more details. |
API changes
Fixed bugs
Fixed the compatibility issue with scheduling the session events in FIXEdge and running the child process.
Fixed the bug due to which a session couldn't send a message during the Wait For Confirm Logout statement even when enableMessageRejecting = **false.
Fixed issue when FIX Antenna stops receiving messages after receiving a message with a seq number lower than expected.
Fixed the issue when FIX Antenna C++ and FIXEdge crashed on user-modified dictionaries.
Fixed the possible infinite loop while handling the incorrect ResendRequest message.
Fixed the issue when the VerifyReperatingGroupBounds parameter was ignored in some cases. The alias 'VerifyRepeatingGroupBounds' for the parameter 'VerifyReperatingGroupBounds'(spelling fix) was added.
Fixed the issue when FIXEdge C++ wrote incorrect tag 8 in storage if the FIX protocol version is FIX5.0.
FIX Antenna 2.28.0 is released on .
The most important features of this release are the dedicated listen ports for acceptor sessions and the ability to use QuickFIX formatted dictionaries.
Dedicated listen ports allow the user to restrict an incoming connection to one dedicated port (regardless of whether it is secured or not) for a session via the engine properties file, and to a number of secured or unsecured ports within the API.
QuickFIX formatted dictionaries can now be used the same way as FixAntenna formatted dictionaries.
Starting with this release, build configurations are reduced to Visual Studio 2015 x64, RedHat/Centos 7 gcc4.8, Redhat/Centos 7 gcc5.2, Ubuntu gcc6.1
Features and Improvements
FixAntenna C++ now supports QuickFix dictionaries natively. Please refer to the How to manage a list of dictionaries in FIXAntenna-based applications page. |
Added the new tagsDelimiter session parameter.
Make sure you use an allowed value. Check the table. You can also call the static function FAProperties::checkTagsDelimiterValue. |
The listening ports that can be defined per acceptor session. The port is opened for listening only when the session is ready to accept connection. It's possible to have several sessions on the same port as long as SSL configurations match. |
A new option ResetSeqNumFromFirstLogon was added that allows the engine to handle sequence numbers at logon without Resend Requests. It can be configured with its own cron-based schedule or using an existing session schedule. |
A new property, ResetSeqNumOnNonGracefulTermination, was added that allows the session to reset local sequences to 1/1 upon a connection error or a failed Logon/Logout time frame check. |
Added the ConfirmingLogonStrategy session parameter. The list of strategies can be found here. |
Set the recommended value of DuplicateResendRequestLimit = 2 to default in . This option allows the FIX Engine to ignore duplicate resend request and respond to multiple similar resend request messages only once. See DuplicateResendRequestLimit for details. |
The ConnectToGateway sample was updated to support session scheduling with sequence reset and custom logons. |
The details can be found there FIX Client Simulator v.2.28.0 release notes |
The echo server sample now has the ability to disable echo mode and just work as a FIX receiver. This can be configured using the EchoMode property in the file. EchoMode is set to 'true' by default. |
The EnableAutoSessionCreation property was added to the .net EchoServer sample that enables starting pre-configured sessions automatically at start-up. |
EchoServer now supports starting/stopping sessions by schedule. Initiator sessions are supported too. |
API improvements
A new customLogonMessage_ parameter was added to the session configuration parameters. It is available through API only. |
The support of SessionBackupParameters has been added to FixEngineSessionsController. |
Logging improvements
Detection of invalid group tags with the wrong group size was added. |
Fixed bugs
Fixed the incorrect number of next expected SeqNum in logs when using Queue Strategy. |
Added missing date_time_zonespec.csv to the FixAntenna C++ package. |
When using the FIXT1.1 protocol, a correct version of the session protocol is now used to validate storage on startup. This prevents occasional failures upon session initialization if the last message in the *.out storage does not contain the ApplVerID(1128) tag. |
Fixed a rare case when a session tries to reconnect after attempting to send a Session Level Reject(3) message that uses one of the following tags: 371, 372, 373, 1130, 1406, 1131, or contains a value that is not presented in the dictionary, and validation is enabled. |
EchoServer has been completely reworked to provide actual examples of API usage. EchoServer now has an option to disable automatic startup for sessions with configured schedules. If the property "StartSessionsWithSchedule" set to "true", configured sessions will be started on sample execution regardless of the configured schedule. If the property "StartSessionsWithSchedule" is set to "false" or not set at all, configured sessions will be started on sample execution only if a session has no configured schedule. |
Fixed the case when a FIX session does not react correctly when the NextExpectedSeqNum(789) tag in an incoming Logon message has a value higher than the sequence number that is next to be assigned. Now, a Logout message will be sent in a scenario like this, as described in the FIX specification. |
Fixed the detection of the invalid number of entries in repeating groups. This occurs when there is no entry at all. |
Fixed the AllowZeroNumInGroup property. It allows zero-sized repeating groups in incoming messages when set to true. |
Renamed the crash dump file from fix.crush.dmp to fix.crash.dmp for the Win32 platform. |
FIX Protocol specifications updates
The FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary has been updated with 258 Extension Packs. |
Scheduler QuickStart Guide section added. |
FIX Antenna 2.27.1 is released on .
The major features of this release are the Scheduler component and flexible affinity mask setup, see below. The scheduler component allows users to build and execute flexibly defined schedules and override actions execution if required, see the documentation
This is the last release that supports RHEL / Centos 6 and Visual Studio compilers prior to Visual Studio 2015. So, please be informed that RHEL 6 configurations along with Visual Studio prior to 2015 will be discontinued starting the next release. Windows configurations will be reduced to only one - Visual studio 2015 in particular since starting 2015 studio ABI compatibility is maintained across compilers versions, So the library built with 2015 studio can be used with 2015/2017/2019. Linux configurations will be reduced to only three: RHEL 7 gcc4.8, RHEL 7 gcc5.2, Ubuntu gcc6.1
Breaking changes
(SD4906754) Port accepted the connection is passed to the public API method:
virtual bool onIncomingConnection( const FIXMessage& logonMsg, const IPAddr& remoteAddr, int remotePort, int localPort ) |
The following methods signatures have been changed:
NewIncomingConnection( const std::string& address, int port ); NewIncomingConnectionError( const std::string& address, int port, const std::string& msg ); SessionLogonError( const SessionId& sessionId, const std::string& address, int port, const std::string& aReason ); SessionLogonWarning(const SessionId& sessionId, const std::string& address, int port, const std::string& aReason); SessionWasRejected( const SessionId& sessionId, const std::string& address, int port, const std::string& aReason ); |
NewIncomingConnection( const std::string& remoreAddress, int remotePort, const std::string& localAddress, int localPort ); NewIncomingConnectionError( const std::string& remoreAddress, int remotePort, const std::string& localAddress, int localPort, const std::string& msg ); SessionLogonError( const SessionId& sessionId, const std::string& remoreAddress, int remotePort, const std::string& localAddress, int localPort, const std::string& aReason ); SessionLogonWarning(const SessionId& sessionId, const std::string& remoreAddress, int remotePort, const std::string& localAddress, int localPort, const std::string& aReason); SessionWasRejected( const SessionId& sessionId, const std::string& remoreAddress, int remotePort, const std::string& localAddress, int localPort, const std::string& aReason ); |
Since the methods signatures were changed, user's application modification is required. |
Features and improvements
FIX Antenna accepts Hexadecimal values as a CPU affinity mask.
Affinity mask for CPU cores can be specified as comma-separated, semicolon-separated lists or as a range see details (Core binding and affinity mask usage in FIX Antenna C++ products).
NOTE: The curly braces should be used in case of a single number configuration in order to keep backward compatibility. By default affinity parameter values are treated as affinity mask in decimal format. It the value is set in curly braces than cores number is used instead of the mask. |
API improvements
API changes
Logging improvements
(SD4906754) Extended logging of incoming connection event
text has been changed: | |
Previous message | <severity> <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - New incoming connection was detected (from <target ip>:<target port>). |
Current message | <severity> <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - New incoming connection was detected (from <target ip>:<target port> to <local ip>:<local port>). |
Improved logging of errors for unhandled exceptions generating business rejects during processing the message.
text has been changed: | |
Previous message | [ERROR] <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - Session <session> : Exception in Application::process() - "<exception text>" |
Current message | [ERROR] <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - Session <DEF, ABC> : Exception in Application::process() - "The message 'New Order - Single' (D) with sequence number 4 can't be processed properly because it causes an exception '<exception text>' at the application level. A business level reject message (j) will be sent to the counterparty." |
Improved text of FIX Dictionary load warnings
text has been changed: | |
Previous message | [WARN] <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - Found duplicate in c:\Downloads\FIX_Antenna_Cpp_2.25.1_274\samples\EchoServer\bin\.\../../../data/fixdic40.xml: / 6 |
Current message | [WARN] <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - Found duplicated value = '6' for node 'fielddef' with attributes { name='TrdRegPublicationReason' tag='2670' type='int' } in the dictionary fixdic40.xml |
Improved exception in the logs for loading dictionary failure
text has been changed: | |
Previous message | [WARN] <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - |
Current message | [ERROR] <timestamp> <thread> [Engine] - FixEngine::init: Cannot load message '<msg>' in the protocol '<version>'. Duplicated tag in the message is found. Possible reason is field used outside the block. Tag: <tag> |
Fixed bugs
Connectivity updates
FIX Antenna 2.26.0 is released on .
New Features and improvements
See for details.
SSL support changes:
For more information see:
Fixed critical bugs
FIX Antenna C++/.NET Market Data Adapters:
will be removed from the package starting the next release.
Market Data Adapters will be delivered as a separate package to simplify the release process, speed up the delivery of updates including bug fixes, and improve its integration with custom code.
FIX Antenna 2.25.1 is released on .
New Features and improvements
Role, Host, Port, HBI, version and custom logon message can be configured in (see How to configure FIX Sessions with file#Createpre-configuredsessionsfromapropertiesfile.)
Function for getting list of pre-configured sessions from engine properties has been introduced to API: ConfiguredSessionsMap getConfiguredSessions(const Engine::SessionRole filterInRole = NA_SESSION_ROLE) const;
Property SSLCiphersList has been added to configure ciphers for SSL connections.
FIX Client Simulator (former Simple client):
FIX Antenna C++ samples:
List of parameters passing to decorator-generator tool has been slightly changed: output dir for the headers has been added and transport layer dictionaries should be passed with -f flag, e.g.:
buildwin.bat vs100 x64 ..\..\headers ..\..\lib -s FIXT11 -a FIX50SP2 -f ..\..\data\fixdic50sp2.xml -f ..\..\data\fixdict11.xml |
Logging improvements:
engine.log | |
Previous message | [INFO] <timestamp> [thread] [Engine] - Session <TargetCompID, SenderCompID> : Connecting to using SSL (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2) |
Current message | [INFO] <timestamp> [thread] [Engine] - Session <TargetCompID, SenderCompID> : session with was established using SSL (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2) with ciphers configuration: AES+aRSA:AES+aECDH:AES+aECDSA:@STRENGTH |
Critical bugs and fixes
May, 18, 2018
New Features and improvements
API improvements
The property for limitation of number of incoming simultaneous connections that haven't sent logon message yet from one host has been added (no limitation by default).
The property for limitation of the maximum size of the buffer of incoming messages has been added (no limitation by default).
Refer to How to configure TCP protection for more information
Other improvements
Logging improvements
Logging for getaddrinfo failure has been changed:
Previous message | ... getaddrinfo(<hostName>) failed: <error code> |
Current message | ... Nodename-to-address translation in protocol-independent manner failed - getaddrinfo(<hostName>) failed: <error code>. Please check DNS configuration. Most likely this error means DNS configuration issue. |
Critical bugs and fixes
Known Issues
February 19, 2018
New Features and improvements
Extension Packs
Critical bugs and fixes
FIX Antenna C++ samples:
Samples: Throughput2, Parser, EncryptionQuickStart, iLink , CMEGlobexClient have been decommissioned.
FIX Antenna .Net samples:
Samples: CMEGlobexClient, HelloWorld have been decommissioned.
December 22, 2017
New Features and improvements
New compilers support:
API improvements
Extension Packs
Critical bugs and fixes
October 23, 2017
New Features and improvements
New compilers support:
Session-level improvements:
Simple Client:
Logging improvements:
Logging category has been changed for a number of cases:
Message | Old category | New category |
Session <sender, target> : Error during processing Logon message from Session is not waiting for connect: current state is <XXX> | ERROR | WARN |
Other improvements:
Critical bugs and fixes
August 31, 2017
MOEX Spectra Market Data Adapter:
New FAST gate v1.4.2 is now supported:
Spectra adapter dictionary fixdic50sp2spectra.xml has been updated based on the new templates.xml.
Support of Sequence Reset messages has been added.
Fixed bugs:
July 7, 2017
MIFID II support
Timestamps in SendingTime (52), OrigSendingTime (122) are filled with configurable precision (per-session configurable property)
Extension Packs
Other improvements
Critical bugs and fixes
June 7, 2017
MIFID II support (FIX Antenna C++)
Logging improvements
Validation Errors
Old Category | Old Format | New Category | New Format |
ERROR | Required tag missing [RefSeqNum: 1148, RefTagID: 55, RefMsgType: 6] | WARN | Required tag Symbol (55) is missing in message Indication of Interest (6) with sequence number 1148. |
ERROR | Incorrect field data format. Incorrect integer value: '1000000.23' [RefSeqNum: 399, RefTagID: 27, RefMsgType: 6] | WARN | Incorrect integer value in tag IOIQty (27): '1000000.23' in message Indication of Interest (6) with sequence number 399. |
ERROR | Incorrect field data format. Incorrect float value: '1.3060876925930742E36' [RefSeqNum: 2412, RefTagID: 44, RefMsgType: 6] | WARN | Incorrect float value in tag Price (44): '1.3060876925930742E36' in message Indication of Interest (6) with sequence number 2412. |
ERROR | Tag specified without a value [RefSeqNum: 2691, RefTagID: 699, RefMsgType: 6] | WARN | Tag BenchmarkSecurityID (699) is specified with no value in message Indication of Interest (6) with sequence number 2691. |
ERROR | Incorrect field data format. Incorrect field size: 8 [RefSeqNum: 2, RefTagID: 52, RefMsgType: B] | WARN | Incorrect field value size in tag SendingTime (52): [expected between 17 and 30, actual 8] in message News (B) with sequence number 2. |
ERROR | Incorrect field data format. Field value does not meet ValBlock conditions. Value: 'X' [RefSeqNum: 2, RefTagID: 54, RefMsgType: D] | WARN | Field value 'X' does not meet ValBlock dictionary conditions in tag Side (54) in message New Order - Single (D) with sequence number 2. |
ERROR | Tag specified without a value [RefSeqNum: 2, RefTagID: 115, RefMsgType: 1] | WARN | Tag OnBehalfOfCompID (115) is specified with no value in message Test Request (1) with sequence number 2. |
ERROR | Incorrect field data format. [RefSeqNum: 2, RefTagID: 52, RefMsgType: 1] | WARN | Incorrect field data format in tag SendingTime (52) in message Test Request (1) with sequence number 2. |
Parsing Errors
Old Category | Old Format | New Category | New Format |
ERROR | Tag not defined for this message type. Parsing stopped at column: 63 [RefSeqNum: 2, RefTagID: 11, RefMsgType: B]. | WARN | Tag 11 is not defined for this message type. Parsing stopped at column: 63 in message B with sequence number 2. |
ERROR | Tag not defined for this message type. Parsing stopped at column: 240 [RefSeqNum: 129, RefTagID: 10, RefMsgType: 6]. | WARN | Tag CheckSum (10) must not be present inside repeating group with leading tag 100, but found there. Parsing stopped at column: 240 in message 6 with sequence number 129. |
ERROR | Tag appears more than once. Parsing stopped at column: 42 [RefSeqNum: 3, RefTagID: 34, RefMsgType: B]. | WARN | Tag MsgSeqNum (34) appears more than once. Parsing stopped at column: 42 in message B with sequence number 3. |
General improvement for all other Validation and Parse Errors
Old Format | New Format |
[RefSeqNum: <seqNum>, RefTagID: <tag>, RefMsgType: <msgType>] | in tag <tagName> (<tag>) in message < msgTypeName> (<msgType>) with sequence number <seqNum>. |
Other Errors
Old Category | Old Format | New Category | New Format |
ERROR | Error during processing Logon message from <host>:<port>: Cannot find the acceptor for the <<targetCompID>, <senderCompID>, <sessionQualifier>> session. | WARN | Error during processing Logon message from <host>:<port>: Session with SenderCompID=<senderCompID>, TargetCompID=<targetCompID>, SessionQualifier=<sessionQualifier> is not found. |
WARN | Incoming message is received which was previously handled. Message is ignored. [RefSeqNum: 3798, RefMsgType: 6] | INFO | Ignoring Incoming message Indication of Interest (6) with sequence number 3798. The message was processed earlier. |
INFO | Message was received with SeqNum that was proceed earlier. Message was skipped. | - | The message was removed since it duplicates the message above |
ERROR | The incoming message has a sequence number (1) less than expected (2) and the PossDupFlag is not set. This indicates a serious error. [RefSeqNum: 1, RefMsgType: D] | ERROR | The incoming New Order - Single (D) message has a sequence number (1) less than expected (2) and the PossDupFlag is not set. This indicates a serious error. |
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
May 4, 2017
New Features and Improvements
Extension Packs:
MOEX ASTS Market Data Adapter:
Logging improvements
API improvements
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
February 22, 2017
New Features and Improvements
MOEX Spectra Market Data Adapter:
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
February 20, 2017
New Features and Improvements
MOEX Spectra Market Data Adapter:
MOEX ASTS Market Data Adapter:
Environment Variables:
Please see How to configure properties with environment variables article for more details.
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
December 20, 2016
New Features and Improvements
MOEX Spectra Market Data Adapter:
Other improvements:
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
November 25, 2016
Extension Packs:
Other improvements:
FIXAntenna Samples:
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs and vulnerabilities have been fixed:
Critical bugs and fixes
August 15, 2016
New Features and Improvements
New compilers support:
Extension Packs:
Other improvements:
Critical bugs and fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
Critical bugs and fixes
January 27, 2016
New Features and Improvements
CME iLink MSGW support has been added and certified
CME Drop Copy 4.0 support has been added and certified
MIT Adapter has been updated to support LSE MIT 303 Level 2 - MITCH Specification 11.6
Сertification for Borsa Istanbul FIX Order Entry and FIX Reference Data interfaces of BISTECH Trading Platform has been passed
Сrash during receiving some invalid FIX messages
New Features and Improvements
Extended options for "Reset sequence numbers" checkbox in Simple Client have been added
December 18, 2015
November 3, 2015
New Features and Improvements
Support of the updated MOEX FAST feeds for Derivatives (SPECTRA) v.1.2 was added. Note: The new version of Spectra adapter is incompatible with the previous version, more info in the article
Support of new low latency socket option available in RHEL 7.1 was added to reduce the latency of message receiving
The properties in file (SSLCertificate = cert.pem; SSLCACertificate = certCA.pem) uses EngineRoot as base if relative path is used
New Features and Improvements
New Features and Improvements
July 3, 2015
New Features and Improvements
April 9, 2015
New Features and improvements
New Features and improvements
March 23, 2015
February 24, 2015
New features and improvements
New OS support:
New compilers support:
Myricom DBL emulator
FIX Sessions:
New features and improvements in Market Data Adaptors
Millenium IT ITCH Adaptor: Ability to configure periodic replay/recovery timeouts has been added (disabled by default)
MICEX Market Data Adapter: Support for changes in the Market Data streams, which are planned to be launched in April 2015 (RUS_Market_Data_Multicast_User_Guide_Ver_4_0_2.pdf)
Description for log record format in sample file
Description for 'Trace' log severity in sample file
New in the Samples
Wrong default values in sample
Garbled message inside iLink sample
New in the Samples
October 20, 2014
New features and improvements
New in the Samples
Parameters for TcpReplay can be configured in the '' file
New featuress and improvements
New in the Samples
Paths in 'run.bat' and '' files have been corrected for samples
Documentation and Samples
Documentation of the ConstFieldValue has been extended
August 21, 2014
The update 4 to version Main updates are:
July 24, 2014
Update 3 to version The main updates are:
Update 2 to version The main updates are:
The crash in the sessions dispatcher has been fixed.
Update 1 to version The main updates are:
New features and improvements
enumeration values for Bovespa, CQG, and CME Market Data Adaptors have been added (C++ only).Changes
New in the Samples
Latency C++ sample: session settings have been moved to the file.
Fix the incorrect type of argument to printf in the Thread.cpp.
43 bugs were fixed. Please refer to VersionHistory.txt for the complete list.
March 19, 2014
New features:
March 7, 2014
[FA-NET] Fix warning "FixEngine::CreateSession(...) "MessageStorageType storageType"
parameter is deprecated. Please use SessionExtraParameters::storageType instead."
December 30, 2013
New features:
November 28, 2013
New features:
October 17, 2013
New features:
September 23, 2013
New Features:
Critical bugs and fixes