The FIXEdge has the option to configure log files names and paths to them.
The log file name is composed of two parameters in file: Log.File.RootDir and Log.File.Name.
In order to use relative paths, you should specify the root directory (using the Log.File.RootDir parameter) and the file name (using the
Log.File.Name parameter).
Log.File.RootDir=/mnt/storage/fixedge_dev/FixEdge1/log Log.File.Name=FixEdge.log |
In order to use absolute paths, you should leave the Log.File.RootDir parameter empty and you should specify the whole path to the log file
(using the Log.File.Name parameter)
Log.File.RootDir= Log.File.Name=/mnt/storage/fixedge_dev/FixEdge1/log/FixEdge.log |