How to use Spectra Application Listener callbacks

How to use Spectra Application Listener callbacks

Using callbacks during the recovery.

The recovery process is started when there is inconsistent Market Data for a particular Instrument. At the start of the recovery process, the following callback is fired:

/// Fired when recovery is started 
/// @param subsItem Description of the instrument 
virtual void InstrumentListener::onRecoveryStarted( SpectraSubscriptionItem const& subsItem );

During the recovery onSnapshot and onIncriment callbacks are fired to provide a user with the most recent Market Data that the Adapter has and the data can be applied:

/// Fired when update for instrument is available.
/// @param subsItem Description of the instrument
/// @param msgs Increment container with group entry inside Market Data - Incremental Refresh message assigned to instrument.
/// @param incrementsCount Increments count into Msgs
/// @return false if book need start recovery, otherwise true
/// @note it is possible that last message in msgs contains LastFragment==0 
/// (in case when FIX message with LastFragment==1 doesn't contain updates for this subsItem)
virtual bool InstrumentListener::onIncrement( SpectraSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* const* msgs, size_t incrementsCount );

/// Fired when user should reset book with the bnew values.
/// @param subsItem Description of the instrument
/// @param msgs Snapshots container 
/// @param snapshotsCount Snapshots count into Msgs
virtual void InstrumentListener::onSnapshot( SpectraSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* const* msgs, size_t snapshotsCount);

But the Market Data can't be treated as actual on the Exchange.

The Market Data for an instrument can be considered as actual only after onRecoveryStopped callback:

/// Fired when recovery is ended
/// @param subsItem Description of the instrument
/// @param reason Reason of recovery
virtual void InstrumentListener::onRecoveryStopped( SpectraSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, RecoveryReason reason );

It means that the recovery process has been done and Market Data is in a consistent state.

How MOEX Spectra Market Data Adapter reacts on Sequence Reset message

The new type of messages (a message 'Sequence Reset') was introduced in Spectra FAST protocol specification v 1.4.2. 

MOEX Spectra Market Data Adapter handles Sequence Reset message in the following way:

  1. A Sequence Reset message received in Incremental feed initiates recovery mechanism for all subscribed instruments. 
    In this case, callbacks Spectra::InstrumentListener::onRecoveryStarted() and Spectra::InstrumentListener::onBookReset() are fired.

  2. Sequence filtering mechanism isn't applied to Sequence Reset messages. 
    Therefore, OnRecoveryStarted and OnBookReset callbacks would be fired for each sequence reset message (i.e. twice due to A-B arbitrage).