How to use FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary with Extension Packs

How to use FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary with Extension Packs

FIX employs a process of Extension Packs to add new functionality to the FIX standard. FIX Trading Community has released more than 200 Extension Packs for the FIX 5.0 Service Pack 2 standard.

Here you can see all Extension Packs with a short description of changes and the purpose of creation.

To be on the same page with the global community we promptly add the latest published Extension Packs into FIXEdge dictionaries and notify clients about it within release notes.

Usage of dictionaries with Extension Packs in FIXEdge

Please follow the instruction below to use the updated dictionaries with Extension Packs in FIXEdge configuration:

  1. Files with the new FIX 5.0 dictionaries with Extension Packs are fixdict11ep.xml (session level) and fixdic50sp2ep.xml (application level). They are located in the conf folder along with other dictionaries.
  2. Rename fixdict11ep.xml to fixdict11.xml, open xml file and change id from FIXT11EP to FIXT11.
  3. Rename fixdic50sp2ep.xml to fixdic50sp2.xml, open xml file and change id from FIX50SP2EP to FIX50SP2.
  4. Add changed files into your FIXEdge conf folder to replace the old dictionary files.
  5. To create a session that will use these dictionaries, specify the Version parameter in the FIXEdge.properties file in the conf folder

    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.[Session_name].Version = FIXT11:FIX50SP2
  6. Restart FIXEdge to apply changes.

Please, make sure that dictionaries are included into the DictionariesFilesList in the engine.properties file:

DictionariesFilesList = ... ; FIXEdge1/conf/fixdic50sp2.xml;FIXEdge1/conf/fixdict11.xml

Please, note that the algorithm described above can be used if you have FIX 5.0 SP2 with Extension Packs sessions and do not have FIX 5.0 SP2 without Extension Packs sessions.

Otherwise, FIX 5.0 SP2 without Extension Packs sessions will use FIX 5.0 SP2 with Extension Packs dictionary.

Usage of dictionaries with and without Extension Packs in FIXEdge

Please follow the instruction below to use both FIX 5.0 SP2 without Extension Packs and FIX 5.0 SP2 with Extension Packs dictionaries in FIXEdge configuration:

  1. Add files fixdict11ep.xml and fixdic50sp2ep.xml into the conf folder.
  2. In the engine.properties file add paths to dictionaries into the DictionariesFilesList parameter

    DictionariesFilesList = ... ; FIXEdge1/conf/fixdic50sp2ep.xml;FIXEdge1/conf/fixdict11ep.xml
  3. In the engine.properties file add the new parser into the AdditionalParsersList parameter

    AdditionalParsersList = FIXT11EP:FIX50SP2EP
  4. To create a session that will use these dictionaries, specify the Version parameter in the FIXEdge.properties file in the conf folder

    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.[Session_name].Version = FIXT11EP:FIX50SP2EP
  5. Restart FIXEdge to apply changes.