IBM MQ Series Adapter Configuration

IBM MQ Series Adapter Configuration


IBM MQ Transport Adapter (hereafter MQ TA) is an add-in for FIXServer that allows clients to communicate with FIXServer over IBM MQSeries middleware. The document contains full instructions on how to install MQ TA for testing.

Starting FixEdge version 6.10.0 it is recommended to use IBM MQ Client library version 8.x.

The older and newer versions may lead to MQ adapters failures

MQ TA is responsible for:

  • Establishing and maintaining sessions with MQ Series Server to communicate with Clients.
  • Transmitting messages to its clients.
  • Delivering messages from clients.
  • Facilitating monitoring and administration.

Monitoring and Administration

Information about the configured TA's session parameters list and dynamic state is sent to the subscribed monitoring application when FIXEdge starts.

When the TA session dynamic state is changed FIXEdge sends the update to the subscribed monitoring application.

MQ TA provides the following monitoring information:

  • Status
  • Number of messages sent
  • Number of messages received
  • Time of the last successful message sending
  • Time of the last successful message receiving
  • List of clients

Integration Guide


IBM MQ Transport Adapter is present on the FIXEdge C++ package in the bin directory.

MQ Adapter requires IBM MQ client libraries installed in the host with FIXEdge, the libraries can be found on the official IBM MQ site.

Make sure that path to IBM MQ client libraries is added to the path environment variable.


IBM MQ Transport Adapter can be configured using FIXICC or directly by editing the FIXEdge.properties file of the correspondent FIX Edge instance. All properties to be set up are described in the table below. You can also use the FIXEdge.properties file from the package as an example.

Make sure that configuration of the adapter correlates with the MQ Series Server parameters.

Property NameDefault ValueDescription


MQ Transport Adapter DLLDescription of the transport adapter.


bin/MQTAAddin.dllPath to the transport adapter module. In case this parameter is not specified, the TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.AdapterId is applied to define the adapter's library by ID.


This parameter is applicable since FIXEdge C++ 6.14.0 version.

The parameter to define the adapter's library by ID. In case this parameter is not specified or TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.DllName parameter is specified too, the TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.DllName is applied.

Required value: MQ


1000Time interval in milliseconds between reconnect attempts.


FixEdge1/logRequired. Logging directory for storage of outgoing messages.


65536Message buffer size. The max value is 4194304. 0 means a default value 64 * 1024.


localhostMS Series Server hostname.


1414MS Series Server port.


TestMQMS Series manager name.


TestConnectionMS Series Channel name.


437MS Series Server CCSID. The coded character set identifier to use with the WebSphere MQ queue.


/var/mqm/ssl/keyPath to SSL certificate storage file without extension (SCKR, MQSSLKEYR) e.g. /var/mqm/ssl/key or C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere MQ\\ssl\\key.


TRIPLE_DES_SHA_USSSL CipherSpec name (SSLCIPH), required to use SSL, e.g. TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US.


falseRemote peer authentication (SSLCAUTH).




1000Time interval in milliseconds to wait between polling messages on MQ Series Server.


10The number of reconnect attempts to the MQ Series Server.


1The number of sessions with MQ Series. Each session is a set of MQ Series queues.


MQClientMQ session ID.



In every session, FIX messages use a particular version of the FIX protocol. Use this parameter to set the version of the FIX protocol for a given session.

Valid values:

FIX40, FIX41, FIX42, FIX43, FIX44, FIX50, FIX50SP1, FIX50SP2.


trueEnables mode of processing XML/FIXML messages:
  • For outgoing FIX XML messages (MsgType = n) adapter extracts XML data and then sends data to the MQ client.
  • For incoming XML/FIXML raw data IBM MQ TA wraps data into a FIX XML message (MsgType = n) and then routes the message to FIXEdge C++.


MQClient_toThe name for the Queue dedicated for messages coming from clients to MQ via FIXEdge C++.


MQClient_fromThe name for the Queue dedicated for messages coming from MQ to clients via FIXEdge C++.


MQClient_errorThe name for the Queue dedicated for messages, which cannot be handled because of errors.


-Optional. SenderCompID (Tag = 49) in the received message is set to the property value.


-Optional. TargetCompID (Tag = 56) in the received message is set to the property value.



This parameter is applicable since FIXEdge C++ 6.15.1 version.

Optional. Defines the format of the message data to be sent to IBM MQ via the IBM MQ TA session. Ignored for incoming messages.




This parameter is applicable since FIXEdge C++ 6.15.1 version.

Optional. Defines whether incoming messages from IBM MQ that were correctly parsed and routed to BL will be stored in the MQ-<ClientID>-Incoming_<Timestamp>.out file.

The MQ-<ClientID>-Incoming_<Timestamp>.out file will be created in the TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.StorageDirectory directory regardless of the value of the LogIncomingMessages property.

Valid values: true | false


-Optional. Defines a regular expression (perl syntax) to drop matched messages coming from MQ.


-Optional. Defines a regular expression (perl syntax) to apply SmartXMLProcessor to matched messages coming from MQ. Overrides default filter: case insensitive "<\?xml version.*|<FIXML.*"



This parameter is applicable since FIXEdge C++ 6.16.1 version.

Optional. This property determines the maximum duration that can elapse before a transaction is forcibly committed to IBM MQ. It acts as a timer that starts after the start of the transaction. Once this timer exceeds the period defined by SendForceCommitTimeMs, if there are uncommitted messages, a commit operation is triggered.

Valid values:

  • Empty value: Indicates that this property is not set, and the default behavior (as if the value is 0) is in effect.
  • Integer Values (milliseconds):
    A whole number ranging from 0 to 60,000 inclusive. The value represents the duration in milliseconds for the force commit interval.



This parameter is applicable since FIXEdge C++ 6.16.1 version.

Optional. This property determines the maximum duration that can elapse before a transaction is forcibly committed from IBM MQ. It acts as a timer that starts after the start of the transaction. Once this timer exceeds the period defined by ReceiveForceCommitTimeMs, if there are uncommitted messages, a commit operation is triggered.

Valid values:

  • Empty value: Indicates that this property is not set, and the default behavior (as if the value is 0) is in effect.
  • Integer Values (milliseconds):
    A whole number ranging from 0 to 60,000 inclusive. The value represents the duration in milliseconds for the force commit interval.

Configuration Sample

The following configuration describes the basic FIX to MQ conversion message flow.

FIX message from the SENDER session is converted to FIXML and pushed to the middleware via MQ.

All messages from MQ are converted from FIXML to FIX and send to the RECEIVER FIX session.

  1. Configure sessions in FIXEdge.properties

    # FIX Layer Section
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Sessions = SENDER, RECEIVER
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.Version = FIX44
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.StorageType = persistentMM
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.Role = Acceptor
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.SenderCompID = FIXEDGE
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.TargetCompID = SENDER
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.EncryptMethod = 0
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.InSeqNum = 0
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.OutSeqNum = 0
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.Description = FIX session for test mq sender
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.StartTime = 08:00
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.TerminateTime = 23:59
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.RecreateOnLogout = true
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.IntradayLogoutTolerance = true
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.ForceSeqNumReset = false
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.SocketPriority = EVEN
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.SENDER.HandleSeqNumAtLogon = false
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.Version = FIX44
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.StorageType = persistentMM
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.Role = Acceptor
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.SenderCompID = FIXEDGE
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.TargetCompID = RECEIVER
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.EncryptMethod = 0
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.InSeqNum = 0
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.OutSeqNum = 0
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.Description = FIX session for test mq receiver
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.StartTime = 08:00
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.TerminateTime = 23:59
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.RecreateOnLogout = true
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.IntradayLogoutTolerance = true
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.ForceSeqNumReset = false
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.SocketPriority = EVEN
    FixLayer.FixEngine.Session.RECEIVER.HandleSeqNumAtLogon = false
  2. Configure IBM MQ Adapter

    # Transport Layer Section
    #Comma separated list of identifiers of Transport Adapters should be loaded.
    TransportLayer.TransportAdapters = TransportLayer.MQAdaptor
    # MQ Adaptor configuration
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Description = MQ Transport Adaptor DLL
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Type = DLL
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.DllName = bin/MQTAAddin-MD-x64.dll
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.TimeIntervalBeforeReconnect = 1000
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.BufferSizeForMessage = 65536
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_HOSTNAME = ecsa00400539.epam.com
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_MANAGER_NAME = FIXEdge
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_PORT = 1414
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CCSID = 437
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CHANNEL_NAME = TestConnection
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.WaitIntervalForGet = 1000
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.NumAttemptReconnect = 10  
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.StorageDirectory = FIXEdge1/log
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.UseTransactions = true
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SessionNumber = 2
    # MQ QA session
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SessionNumber = 1
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ClientID = MQHub1
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ToClientQueue = MQClient_test
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.FromClientQueue =
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ErrorQueue = MQClient_error
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SmartXMLProcessor = true
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SendTransactionSize = 300
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ReceiveTransactionSize = 1
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SessionNumber = 2
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.ClientID = MQHub2
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.ToClientQueue =
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.FromClientQueue = MQClient_test
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.ErrorQueue = MQClient_error
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.SmartXMLProcessor = true
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.SendTransactionSize = 300
    TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.2.ReceiveTransactionSize = 1
  3. Configure BL 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Rule Description="Convert ExecutionReport from FIX.4.4 to FIXML.4.4">
                <Source Name="SENDER" />
                    <Convert SourceProtocol="FIX.4.4" TargetProtocol="FIXML.4.4"/>
                    <Send Name="MQHub1"/>
    		<Rule Description="Route MQ messages back to receiver and convert from FIXML.4.4 to FIX.4.4">
                <Source Name="MQHub2" />
    				<Convert SourceProtocol="FIXML.4.4" TargetProtocol="FIX.4.4"/>
                    <Send Name="RECEIVER"/>

    Please refer to the