Configuring FIX endpoints

Configuring FIX endpoints

This section describes how to configure FIX Engine and FIX session.

Configuring FIX Engine

The FIX Engine is based on the FIX Antenna Java library

FIX Engine's basic settings are stored in the fixengine.properties file, located in the conf directory. Refer to the B2BITS FIX Antenna Java Programmer’s Guide for a complete list of FIX Antenna settings.

The fixengine.properties file contains global B2BITS FIX Antenna settings. A user can specify FIX session default parameters here as well. 

The fixedge.properties file contains settings of the default FIX server port by which the FIX Antenna listens to incoming data.

The currently used default: server.port=8911.

Additional listening ports could be defined within FIX session configurations (see the port property). In this case, the FIX Engine automatically manages their opening and closing according to started sessions.

Custom FIX dictionaries setup

The custom FIX dictionaries setup in the FIXEdge Java product is based on the FIX Antenna custom FIX dictionaries setup (see How to set up custom FIX dictionaries), but there is FIXEdge Java configuration specific.

Follow these steps to set up FIX dictionaries:

  1. Place the customFIXVersions section into the default fixengine.properties file located in the conf directory to set up custom FIX version info for all FIX sessions.

    # comma-separated list of custom FIX dictionary aliases
    # pair of 'fixVersion' and 'fileName' for each FIX dictionary alias with the pattern:
    # customFixVersion.<custom FIX version alias>.fixVersion=<base standard FIX version>
    # customFixVersion.<custom FIX version alias>.fileName=<custom FIX dictionary file name>
    # example of custom FIX dictionary based on FIX.4.4
    # examples of custom FIX dictionary based on FIX.5.0

  2. Set the defined dictionary aliases as session's fixVersion or appVersion in the appropriate FIXEdge Java session configuration file 's_fix_[SESSION_ID].properties':

    # FIXEdge Java session configuration properties
    # FIXEdge Java session configuration properties

    The value of the default custom version is specified in the DefaultCstmApplVerID <1408> field of the Logon message. Its value is configured in the s_fix_[SESSION_ID].properties file via the appVersion property - the first custom version in the list will be considered the default one and its value will be set for the DefaultCstmApplVerID <1408> field of the Logon message.

    Please be aware that the value of the default custom version of the FIX protocol should meet the counterparty's requirements. Otherwise, the Logout message will be received and the session connection process will be terminated. 

Changes, which are made in the fixengine.properties file will be applied only after the FIXEdge Java server restart.

Configuring FIX Session

For establishing and managing FIX sessions, the FIX Antenna Java library is used. FEJ also introduces a per-file base configuration for each FIX session. All such configuration files are placed into subdirectories of the conf/session directory and should follow the s_fix_[SESSION_ID].properties mask (this behavior can be changed with the sessionConfigManager bean into sysconf/fej-server.xml). Additionally, each subdirectory may have the s_fixDefault.properties configuration file which defines a common option for all groups of the FIX session.

To add a new FIX session, the s_fix_[SESSION_ID].properties file is used with new session settings. 

To modify the FIX session, the changes to the s_fix_[SESSION_ID].properties file should be done.

To apply changes to the FIX session, the following options are available:

  • Restart the FIXEdge Java server by using the administrative instruments (all sessions will be initialized in this case)
  • Load or reload the session configuration from the FIXICC app (refer to the FIXICC & FEJ Integration User Guide)

NOTE: Changes, which are made in fixengine.properties will be applied to the FIX Engine and sessions only after the FIXEdge server restart.

For monitoring available sessions and their states, use the administrative tools (SSH, JMX), or FIXICC.

FIX session configuration options

(You can find the advanced options for the FIX session on the FIX Antenna Java configuration page).

Property nameDefault valueRequired for session initiatorRequired for session acceptorDescription




Session type. If the type is not defined, then the session will be resolved as an acceptor.

Valid values: acceptor/initiator.



The connecting host for the initiator session


YesYes, if SSL is enabled

The connecting port for the initiator session or listening port for the acceptor session.

If the port property is defined for the acceptor, the FIXEdge server tries to open this port during the acceptor session start and close during its stop. The FIXEdge server accepts such a session only on the defined port.

The same port may be defined for several acceptor sessions. All of these sessions should contain the same value for the 'enableSSL' property.



The assigned value is used to identify a firm that sends the message


The assigned value is used to identify a specific message originator (desk, trader, etc.)


The assigned value is used to identify a specific message originator’s location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader)



The assigned value used to identify a receiving firm


The assigned value is used to identify a specific individual or a unit intended to receive the message


The assigned value is used to identify a specific message destination’s location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader)



A version of the FIX protocol, a version of the transport protocol in case of FIX 5.0-FIXLatest (FIXT1.1), or a custom version (see How to set up custom FIX dictionaries)

Valid values: FIX.4.0, FIX.4.1, FIX.4.2, FIX.4.3, FIX.4.4, FIXT.1.1.


A version of the application-level protocol or a custom version (see How to set up custom FIX dictionaries)

Valid values: FIX.4.0, FIX.4.1, FIX.4.2, FIX.4.3, FIX.4.4, FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2, FIXLatest

The FIXLatest application version is available since FIXEdge Java 1.10.3 release.


Backup host for initiator session


Backup port for initiator session



An initial incoming sequence number



An initial outgoing sequence number



Heartbeat interval (in seconds)


User-defined fields for messages. If this list is not empty, the Engine adds it to each outgoing message.


Additional fields for the outgoing Logon message


A comma-separated list of routing groups


The assigned value is used to identify a username to send in the Logon message for the initiator session and a username to validate with the user name from the Logon request for a session acceptor. The session will be accepted if the username is not defined.


The assigned value is used to identify a password to send in the Logon message for the session initiator and the password to validate
with the password from the Logon request for the session acceptor. The session will be accepted if the password is not defined.



Disposes the FIX session when another side breaks the connection or in case of disconnection. More details about session statuses can be found in the FIX Antenna Java documentation.

NOTE: If the property is set to true, then the reconnect logic will be suppressed.


falseYesYesWhether a FIX session should be started during FIXEdge Java server initialization.


YesYesA cron expression that defines a FIX session start time


YesYesA cron expression that defines a FIX session stop time


YesYesA time zone for the start and stop times


falseYesYesWhether sequences of a FIX session should be reset at the moment, defined by the startTime expression.


  1. The FIX session can be started or stopped only if the startOnload option is enabled or if any scheduling is applied. Otherwise, the session will be inactive. Please also refer to the Scheduler configuration section for more complex scheduling definitions.
  2. It is possible to use environment variables in the configuration.
    Example: password = ${ENV_PASSWORD}, where ENV_PASSWORD is the name of the environment variable.

Timestamps in storages

FIX Antenna Java library provides the ability to mark storages and messages inside them with timestamps. This feature is supported only for storages with human-readable formats

  • Filesystem Storage - persistent storage, all messages will be saved on disk;
  • Sliced File Storage - persistent storage with a defined maximum file size;
  • MMF Storage - persistent file storage that uses the technology of the memory-mapped file.

Incoming and outgoing message storages could contain the timestamp of the FIX sessions starting in their names. The following session properties are responsible for such a configuration:

Configuration options

Property nameDefault valueDescription



Ability to add a session creation timestamp to the storage file name.

The timestamp replaces the placeholder {3} from the format defined in the outgoingLogFile parameter (see below).

If the option is enabled and the storage filename includes a timestamp of the session start, during the backup procedure such file will be moved to a backup folder with the same name. Otherwise, if the filename is simple and without a timestamp, the file will be copied with the timestamp by the FIX Engine backup procedure to support the uniqueness of this file in the backup folder.



The SimpleDateFormat pattern. 

NOTE: Avoid delimiter chars that are not valid for file system file names.



Incoming storage file name pattern.

  • {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID
  • {1} with actual SenderCompID
  • {2} with actual TargetCompID
  • {3} can be replaces with timestamp (see 'storageNameTimestamped')
  • {4} with actual session qualifier

Acceptable values:

  • {0}-{3}.in
  • {3}-{0}.in



Outgoing storage file name pattern.

  • {0} will be replaced with actual sessionID
  • {1} with actual SenderCompID
  • {2} with actual TargetCompID
  • {3} can be replaces with timestamp (see 'storageNameTimestamped')
  • {4} with actual session qualifier.

Acceptable values:

  • {0}-{3}.out
  • {3}-{0}.out


trueAbility to write timestamps in the in/out log files.



The desired precision of timestamps in the in/out log files.

Valid values:

  • Milli
  • Micro
  • Nano

By default, human-readable storages include a millisecond timestamp for each message. This behavior could be flexibly changed. For example, it's possible to disable timestamps to minimize the latency and save time for timestamp generation. Or to increase the precision of timestamps if it is needed for better statistics.



Transport will set the additional time mark in nanoseconds for incoming messages right after reading data from the socket if this option is set to true.
The AbstractFIXTransport.getLastReadMessageTimeNano() method could return this value.

Note that, by default, messages are marked with a timestamp at the moment of storing them in the storage. But, for incoming messages, it is possible to store the timestamp of the message reading with the enabled markIncomingMessageTime option, but this slightly increases the latency.

Secure connection configuration

FIXEdge Java supports configuring secure transport separately for each session. 

FIX Sessions can use a mutual store of private keys (KeyStores) and a mutual store of trusted keys (TrustStore).

In some cases (for security reasons, administrative convenience, or flexibility), each session must use independent KeyStore and TrustStore.

Default session settings can be configured in the s_fixDefault.properties file (see details here) located in the same directory as the s_fix<session id>.properties session configuration file.

Each acceptor can use the dedicated port if this port is defined in the session configuration file. Otherwise, the default settings port is used.

If Secure Connection settings for a session differ, the use of a dedicated port is mandatory.

Secure connection parameters

The full list of configuration parameters can be found here: B2BITS FIX Antenna Java Programmer’s Guide.

PropertyDefault value Description


falseEnable secure transport for the session


Path to a KeyStore, which contains private keys for a secure connection.

One key is to be set per port.


KeyStore password


Path to a TrustStore. Usually contains a chain of trusted certificates.


TrustStore password


JKSThe type of a KeyStore.
See the KeyStore section in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for information about standard types.
Examples of value: JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, PKCS11


JKSThe type of a TrustStore.
See the KeyStore section in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for information about standard types.
Examples of value: JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, PKCS11


Alias filter for used entities in a KeyStore. The only keys with defined alias will be used for a secure connection if this property is defined.


Alias filter for used entities in a TrustStore. The only certificates with defined alias will be used for a secure connection if this property is defined.



Preferred SSL protocol.
For the initiator side, it's a protocol, which is used for handshake initialization (but the server may propose another protocol for connection).
For an acceptor side, it defined a family of possible protocols. See the SSLContext section in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for information about standard protocol names.
To define certain protocol(s) for communication, please use the acceptedSslServerProtocols option.


Accepted SSL protocols for connection to the server.
This option is used to restrict the SSL protocols to which the initiator can connect.
Value type: comma-separated string
Examples of value: "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2"


Accepted SSL cipher suites for connection to the server.
Value type: comma-separated string.
Examples of value: "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, ..."


SunX509Key manager factory algorithm name (see Customizing the Default Key Managers and Trust Managers). Possible values are SunX509, and PKIX.


Key manager provider. Used to get the KeyManagerFactory instance.
Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via the Security.getProviders() method.


SunX509Trust manager factory algorithm name (see Customizing the Default Key Managers and Trust Managers). Possible values are SunX509, and PKIX.


falseDefine if authentication is required for the server-side socket. This option is working only for the acceptor sessions.

Example configuration for default acceptor session parameters 

# FIXEdge Java SSL default session configuration properties
startOnload = true

# Define options for secure connection
sslProtocol = TLS
acceptedSslServerProtocols = TLSv1.2

# SSL Properties

Example configuration for a secure acceptor session using default secure properties

# FIXEdge Java session configuration properties with default SSL settings

Example configuration for a secure acceptor session using custom secure properties

# FIXEdge Java session configuration properties with custom SSL settings

# Specifing custom port because secure configuration is changed
sslProtocol = TLS
acceptedSslServerProtocols = TLSv1.2
# SSL Properties

Example configuration for a secure initiator session using custom secure properties

# Define options for secure connection

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