How to build your application with FIX Antenna .NET libraries

Samples at {path to FIX Antenna .NET package}\samples in FIX Antenna .NET package demonstate how to use FIX Antenna libraries.

To create a new application with FIX Antenna for Visual Studio 2010 follow the next instructions:

  1. Configuring project
    • Create a new Console application project.
    • Remove all default references except System
    • Set manually platform target for application (x86 or x64).
      The next steps describe the x64 case.
    • Add a reference FIXAntenna_net4.0.dll from package ( {path to FIX Antenna .NET package}\lib\x64\FIXAntenna_net4.0.dll ).
      Make sure that property Copy Local = true is set.

    • Copy file to your project from any of existing samples (or create it using "FIXAntenna .NET" — Programmer's Guide).
      Note: you can add to project and set Copy to Output directory = Copy if newer property or use absolute path.

  2. Working with code:
    • Declare the usage of com.b2bits.FIXAntenna namespace
    • Call FixEngine.Create with a path to the engine. properties as parameters in your application statup code.
    • Stop the engine before exiting the program



    using com.b2bits.FIXAntenna;
    static void Main(string[] args)
            FixEngine.Create("");  // engine initialization
            // Your code
            // ...
        catch (Exception ex)
  3. Configure properties file:
    • Correct LicenseFile parameter in There should be absolute or relative path with filename to the license file.
      Note: For Win32 platforms, the filename-separator character is "\\" or "/" in
      LicenseFile for samples in FIXAntenna .NET package configured to root of the package (i.e {path to FIX Antenna .NET package}\engine.license). Make sure that your copy license before run samples.

    • Create directories logs and logs\backup in $(TargetDir) of your project.
      These directories can be configured by parameters LogDirectory and BackupDirectory in and should be created manually.

    • Copy required V12-vc10-MD*-x64.dll from {path to FIX Antenna .NET package}\lib directory to $(TargetDir) of your project.
      V12-vc10-MD-x64.dll for Release
      V12-vc10-MDD-x64.dll for Debug 

  4. Troubleshooting:

    • If application not working correctly look to logs\engine_XXXX.log for [ERROR] and [FATAL] notes.

    • Make sure that your aplication uses opened ports.