Export/Import Server Configuration (for FIXEdge Java)

Export/Import server configuration

FIXICC H2 provides availabilities of:

  • Exporting the server configuration in a ZIP archive
  • Importing the previously exported server configuration on a specified server
  • Importing a legacy server configuration on a specified server

Access to importing, exporting, and migrating server configuration is provided via the Configurations dropdown on the Server details view 

The Dropdown contains the following items:

  • Business Rules
  • Export Server Configuration
  • Import Server Configuration
  • Migrate BL Configuration
  • Imports and Global Definitions

Export Server Configuration

To export the configuration of the selected server, click on the "Export configuration" menu item.

If your browser is configured to download files to the pre-defined location, the ZIP archive named <server_name>_configuration.zip will be downloaded automatically and the file name appears in the downloads section at the bottom of the screen.

Otherwise, the system dialog "Save As" appears.

Specify the desired location, change the name if required, and click the button "Save".

The downloaded ZIP archive contains the following items:

TitleTypeContent description


  • files <component_name>.json (one file per component)


  • file schedules.json with the list of schedules in JSON format
  • file schedules.xml with the list of schedules in XML format


  • files with Java Scripts
  • JSON files for each script file
  • files <session_name>.properties with the legacy FIX session (one file per session)
  • file sessions.json with the list of FIX sessions stored in the FIXICC H2 database
rules.groovyfileGroovy file comprising imports and global definitions

This file can be imported to the FIXEdge server of the same type as described in the next section.

Import Server Configuration

To import the configuration, click on the "Import Configuration" menu item.

The dialog "Upload the file" appears.

You can drag the appropriate ZIP file and drop it in the specified area, or click on the button "Upload" to open the system dialog "Open".

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Migrate BL Configuration

To migrate the configuration, click on the "Migrate Server Configuration" menu item.

In case the FIXICC H2 already has the configuration for this server, the warning message appears:

You can cancel the migration by clicking the button "Cancel" or proceed by clicking the button "Yes".

The dialog "Upload the file" appears.

You can drag the appropriate ZIP file and drop it in the specified area, or click on the button "Upload" to open the system dialog "Open".

Migrate Legacy FIX Sessions

FIXICC H2 imports the legacy sessions specified in the files <session_name>.properties and in file s_fixDefault.properties.

As the s_fixDefault.properties file contains the default session properties, the FIX session's properties specified in the files <session_name>.properties are merged with default session properties before importing: the default property is used when the registered session does not have it.

The sessions specified in the files <session_name>.properties are to be imported to the FIXICC H2 DB as follows:

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

In case the FIXEdge.properties file within the ZIP file is invalid:

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Migrate Legacy Schedules

The FIXEngine.properties file may contain the server schedules that will be imported as well as the schedules in the file schedules.xml.

schedule id is the same as schedule name

Page lookup error: page " Export/Import Server Configuration" not found.

If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.