Imports and Global Definitions (for FIXEdge Java)

Imports and Global Definitions

FIXICC H2 provides availability of viewing and changing the Java Imports and Global Definitions of the FIXEdge Java.

Server Details View

The Configurations Dropdown on the Server details view provides access to the Java Imports and Global Definitions.

Click on the appropriate menu item to access the Imports and Global Definitions.

The window below appears:

You can view and change the Imports and Global Definitions and then save the changes by means of the button "Save".

Business Layer Components Editor

The Context menu in the Business Layer Components Editor (see Business Layer Components (FIXICC H2 for FIXEdge Java)) provides access to the Java Imports and Global Definitions in read-only mode.

To see the Java Imports and Global Definitions in read-only mode, click Additional actions > Show imports and global definitions.

The read-only window appears.

Use the button "Close" or the cross icon to close it.