Table of Contents
Property Name | Default Value | Description |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Description | MQ Transport Adaptor DLL | Description of the transport adaptor |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.DllName | bin/MQTAAddin.dll | Path to the transport adaptor module |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.TimeIntervalBeforeReconnect | 1000 | Time interval in milliseconds between reconnect attempts |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.StorageDirectory | FixEdge1/log | Logging directory for storage of outgoing messages. Required. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.BufferSizeForMessage | 65536 | Message buffer size. Max value is 4194304. 0 means a default value 64 * 1024 |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_HOSTNAME | localhost | MS Series Server host name |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_PORT | 1414 | MS Series Server port |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_MANAGER_NAME | TestMQ | MS Series manager name |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CHANNEL_NAME | TestConnection | MS Series Channel name |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CCSID | 437 | MS Series Server CCSID. The coded character set identifier to use with the WebSphere MQ queue |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslKeyRepository | /var/mqm/ssl/key | Path to SSL certificate storage file without extension (SCKR,MQSSLKEYR) e.g. /var/mqm/ssl/key or C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere MQ\\ssl\\key |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslCipherSpecification | TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US | SSL CipherSpec name (SSLCIPH), required to use SSL, e.g. TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslClientAuthentication | false | Remote peer authentication (SSLCAUTH) |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslPeerName | CN=QMGR.*, OU=IBM, OU=WEBSPHERE | Remote peer DN filter(SSLPEER) |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.WaitIntervalForGet | 1000 | Time interval in milliseconds to wait between polling message on MQ Series Server |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.NumAttemptReconnect | 10 | Number of reconnect attempts to MQ Series Server |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SessionNumber | 1 | Number of sessions with MQ Series. Each session is a set of MQ Series queues. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ClientID | MQClient | MQ session ID. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SmartXMLProcessor | true | Enables mode of processing XML/FIXML messages:
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ToClientQueue | MQClient_to | The name for Queue, dedicated for message coming from client to MQ via FIX Edge |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.FromClientQueue | MQClient_from | The name for Queue, dedicated for message coming from MQ to client via FIX Edge |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ErrorQueue | MQClient_error | The name for Queue dedicated for message, which cannot be handled because of error. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SenderID | - | Not required. SenderCompID (Tag = 49) in the received message is set to the property value. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.TargetID | - | Not required. TargetCompID (Tag = 56) in the received message is set to the property value. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.FromClientDropMessageFilter | - | Not required. Defines a regular expression (perl syntax) to drop matched messages coming from MQ. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SmartXMLProcessorFromClientMessageFilter | - | Not required. Defines a regular expression (perl syntax) to apply SmartXMLProcessor to matched messages coming from MQ. Overrides default filter: case insensitive "<\?xml version.*|<FIXML.*" |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslKeyRepository = C:\\B2BITS\\FIXEdge\\FixEdge1\\conf\\key
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslCipherSpecification = TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslClientAuthentication = false
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslPeerName =
Disabling IBM
MQ authentication
If MQ TA fails to initialize with the record in log "Failed to set character set. Code: ...<some code>...": make sure QueueManager on the server-side is running and you are trying to set right code character set.
MQ TA has not supported the authentication в IBM MQ Server.
The authentication should be disabled. You should perform the following steps:
Login to the remote server where MQ Instance is running
Open cmd
Run 'runmqsc'. Check if connected to correct QM:
Try to reestablish connection by clicking 'No' in the dialog:
And Finish in the dialog:
- If the error is still here, look at Channel authentication records and make sure that your account is not in the Block User List:
- Try again steps 5-6.
Also you can find how to disable IBM MQ authentication on the official site.