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  1. Click Add Server icon or choose the same command in the context menu.

    Image RemovedImage Added

  2. Set the following mandatory parameters:

    Server name – any value describing the server being added
    Type - B2BITS FIX Edge Java
    Hostspecify the host where the server is installed
    Portspecify server listening port
    Username - specify admin session username

  3. Set the following extended parameters: (optional step)

    SenderCompID - id that is used as SenderCompID in administration session between FIXICC and FIXEdge/J. This id is not validated so you can configure it by your own way. To achieve the Admin Session uniqueness for different users, apply 'Autogenerate SenderCompID Suffix' option.
    TargetCompID - id that is used as TargetCompID in administration session between FIXICC and FIXEdge/J. Should be equal to one of autostart.acceptor.targetIds property values configured in '' file on the server.

  4. Click Finish. Now new server is added to the list of 'Servers'.
