FIXICC & FEJ Integration User Guide

FIXICC & FEJ Integration User Guide


FIXICC is a standalone application, which can be installed along with FIXEdge/J or separately.

Installation from zip archive

  1. Unzip fixicc-x.y.z.zip file into any folder on your machine.

  2. Start FIXICC GUI using the executable file placed in 'fixicc/bin' directory.


FIXEdge Java parameters are already pre-configured from the package. You can find the following settings for Admin session inside 'fixengine.properties' configuration on the server side:


Here you may find more information about monitoring and administration of admin sessions.

Connect To Server

Add server

  1. Click Add Server icon or choose the same command in the context menu.

  2. Set the following mandatory parameters:

    Server name – any value describing the server being added
    Type - B2BITS FIX Edge Java
    Hostspecify the host where the server is installed
    Portspecify server listening port
    Username - specify admin session username

  3. Set the following extended parameters: (optional step)

    SenderCompID - id that is used as SenderCompID in administration session between FIXICC and FIXEdge/J. This id is not validated so you can configure it by your own way. To achieve the Admin Session uniqueness for different users, apply 'Autogenerate SenderCompID Suffix' option.
    TargetCompID - id that is used as TargetCompID in administration session between FIXICC and FIXEdge/J. Should be equal to one of autostart.acceptor.targetIds property values configured in 'fixengine.properties' file on the server.

  4. Click Finish. Now new server is added to the list of 'Servers'.

Import / Export Servers Configuration

You can also import/export servers configuration from/to the file. This can be handy in cases of backing‐up your configuration or sharing it with someone else.

You can either go to “File” submenu or do right click on "Servers".

Connect To the Server

Select the required server from the 'Servers' list and click “Connect”  button or go to “Server → Connect” context menu option to establish a direct connection to the server.

Use the values of autostart.acceptor.admin.login and autostart.acceptor.admin.password prameters defined in 'fixengine.properties' file to specify the username and the password.


Server level

The following health statuses are indicated for each monitored server in the 'Status' column and next to the server in the 'Servers' list:

Green - server is connected, up and running

Red - server is not connected 

Double click on a server from the 'Servers' list expands the list of pre-configured sessions.

Edit Server Details

When the server has the disconnected state, it's possible to edit server configuration using right‐click menu and selecting “Edit Server”.

Disconnect From Server

In order to disconnect from the server, select it from 'Servers' list and and click "Disconnect” button or go to “Server → Disconnect” context menu.

You can also do right mouse click the required server and select “Disconnect” from the context menu.

Disconnection from the server will not affect its operation. If server was up and running before the disconnection attempt, it will still be running.

Remove Server

Right cllick the required server from the list and select the “Remove Server” button or go to the context menu “Server → Remove Server”.

You should be disconnected from the server before removing it from the monitored servers list.

Server removal will not affect its operation. If server was up and running before the removal attempt, it will still be running.

Session level

Note: Currently we have restriction for unregistered acceptor sessions. Such session will not be displayed on FIXICC GUI.

Once the server is added, you are able to view, configure and manage FIX sessions. All possible actions are available in 'Session' submenu and 'Session Administration' toolbar.

Note: “View → Toolbars” context menu item can be used to hide/display this toolbar. 

Add Session 

Before adding the session it is required to copy the session configuration to the FIXEdge Java server and place it to conf/session directory.

By default FIXEdge Java expects s_fix_<session id>.properties file, where session id - is the name of the session to be added.

In order to add a new FIX session to the required server, it is needed to select the server and click the "Load New Session” button.

In the dialog window, it's necessary to specify a session id.


For the example above the configuration will be loaded from 's_fix_session3.properties' configuration file.

If the schedule is specified in the 'schedules.xml' file it would be applied. If the schedule is not specified it can be started manually via FIXICC.

Start Session

In order to start a certain FIX session, it's necessary to select it and click the “Start Session” button or go to “Session → Start Session” menu to start it. The same can be done via right mouse click on the selected session and “Start Session” option from the context menu.

Session details

In order to access all sessions configured for a particular server, navigate to the left side of FIXICC GUI and double click on the necessary server in the "Servers" list. This will expand the list of all configured FIX sessions for the server and display their summary on the right side of the application window.

The following real-time session statuses are displayed:

Green - ESTABLISHED - Session is up and running

Blue - ESTABLISHED TO BACKUP HOST - Session is connected to backup host/port

Yellow - CONNECTING - Session is connecting/waiting for incoming connection

Red - NOT ACTIVE - Session is not running

To drill down to session details double click on FIX Session of your interest either in the table or in the list of sessions. Detailed view of the selected FIX session will be displayed in the new tab on the right side of the FIXICC GUI.

Session updates

Session updates are sent automatically. In order to set the updates frequency and response waiting time, go to “Edit → Options” and select the FIXICC tab.

  • "Updating Period" parameter sets the updates frequency;
  • "Wait For Answer" parameter is responsible for the response waiting time.

"F5" hot key can be used at any time to request latest FIX session statuses update.

Reload Session Configuration

Now it's possible to edit session configuration in runtime by the following way.

  1. Edit existing files with the particular session configuration/defualt sessions configuration/schedules configuration.
  2. Right‐click the appropriate session in the sessions list and select “Reload Session Configuration” option.

It's possible to edit session in any status.  If the session was started, it will be stopped before the configuration reloading. The session will be started again according to the schedule configuration. If the 'onLoad' parameter has 'true' value, the session will be started just after the configuration reloading.

Stop Session

The session can be stopped using “Stop Session” button in 'Sessions' toolbar or via “Session → Stop Session” menu option.
Also this option is available via right click on the necessary FIX session and “Stop Session” item.

Remove Session

The session can be removed from the server using “Remove Session” button in 'Sessions' toolbar or via “Session → Remove Session” menu option.

Also this option is available via right click on the necessary FIX session and “Remove Session” item.

This session will be removed from the FEJ session register. In case the session was started, it will be stopped at first (with or without Logout sending according to the user's choice). The configuration file with the session properties will be saved on the server side and may be loaded again.

 Extended Session Level

Extended session functionality can be accessed via 'Session' sub-menu and/or 'Session Administration Extension' toolbar.
Note: “View → Toolbars” context menu item can be used to hide/display this toolbar.

Manage Sequence Numbers

It is possible to change and/or reset sequence numbers for any FIX Session configured at the server.

Change Sequence Numbers

In order to do so, select the required session, click the “Set Sequence Numbers” button in the toolbar or go to “Session → Set Sequence Numbers” menu item.
Note: It is possible to change both Incoming and Outgoing Sequence Numbers at once or just one of them.

Reset Sequence Numbers 

To reset sequence numbers for the selected session, click the “Reset Sequence Numbers”  button in the toolbar or go to “Session → Reset Sequence Numbers” menu item.

Both features are also accessible via right click on the selected FIX session.

Send Message

FIXICC allows to specify any FIX message(s) to be sent by server via selected  FIX session. 
This can be achieved by clicking “Send Message” button in the toolbar or via “Session → Send Message” menu item.
In the opened 'Send message' form, enter FIX message and click 'OK'. 'Cancel' button discards the attempt to send message and closes the window.

FIX message can be entered either:

  • as a raw FIX message (use the “SOH” button to insert delimiters) 
  • or as a predefined FIX message (click “Load message” button to load the necessary message).

Besides that, it is possible to send:

  • Test Request
  • HeatBeat

via corresponding 'Send Test Request' and 'Send Heartbeat' buttons in the toolbar or 'Session → Test Request' and 'Session → Heartbeat' menu items.

The same can be also done via the right click on the selected FIX session.

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