Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


A FIX dictionary is an XML-file which that describes FIX messages, fields and groups. A FIX dictionary can be:

  • a self-sufficient dictionary which that describes the FIX protocol;

FIX Antenna JAVA dictionaries have the same format as FIX Antenna C++/.NET dictionaries

  • an additional dictionary which that describes changes that are to be applied to another existing dictionary.


When FIX Antenna is started, all dictionaries from DictionariesFilesList are loaded. If dictionaries are standard, predefined standard parsers (like FIX40; FIX41; FIX42; FIX43; FIX44; FIXT11) are created basing on them. If any dictionary from DictionariesFilesList is custom, the parser is not automatically created and therefore such parsers should be listed manually in AdditionalParsersList parameter.


<fixdics>Root tag of the additional dictionary.

<update>Dictionary update operation. Can be zero or one <update> element.


Dictionary to be updated. Can be zero or more <fixdic> elements.

@idID of the additional dictionary.


ID of the original dictionary additional dictionary based on.

Valid values are:

  • FIX40
  • FIX41
  • FIX42
  • FIX43
  • FIX44
  • FIX50
  • FIX50SP1
  • FIX50SP2
  • FIX50SP2EP
  • FIXT11

@fixversionFIX version additional dictionary based on.

@titleThe name of the additional dictionary.

@versionAdditional dictionary version.

@dateDate of the last additional dictionary update.


<typedef>/<valblockdef>/<fielddef>/<blockdef>/<msgdef> to be added/updated.

The structure of listed elements is the same as described in standalone dictionary structure.



Please see the article How to use custom dictionaries for the cases of additional dictionaries usage.


There is no way to remove an elements from the base FIX dictionary

How to manage list of dictionaries in FIXAntenna based applications
