Versions Compared


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Configuration deployment

  1. Unpack the 'conf' folder from the archive.
  2. Select 'Add Unmanaged Deployment' on the Deployment tab.
  3. Set 'configuration' as a name
  4. Specify the path to the 'conf' folder into in the Path field.
  5. Click Enable on configuration.
  6. Make sure that the SqliteLibs folder is located in same root folder as the 'conf' folder.


  1. Select 'Upload Deployment' and specify .ear module from the archive.
  2. Optional. Rename the .ear module into the as 'fej-wildfly'.
  3. Choose Enabled = 'On' option.
  4. Verify that the upload is successful.
  5. Check for the following errors in the following log files.
    1. FIXEdge/J logs: 
      1. Systems properties "user.dir" poits points on log folder (%JBOSS_HOME%\bin) and two main log files fixedgej.log and fixedgej-admin.log.
      2. There is Log4j2.xml in conf folder for configuration logging and changing log level FIXEdge/J
    2. WildFly Logs:
      1. Server log is located in  %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\log\server.log


  1. Update the SQLite library in the 'SqliteLibs' folder.
  2. Select the 'Replace' action on ear link and specify the new version of the ear module.

 Update Configuration

1. Disable the ear module:

2. Update the configuration files in the configuration folder.

3. Run the cmd command : service wildfly restart.

4. Enable the ear module.

5. Check for the following errors in the following log files:.

  1. FIXEdge/J logs: 
    1. Systems properties "user.dir" points on log folder (%JBOSS_HOME%\bin) and two main log files fixedgej.log and fixedgej-admin.log.
    2. There is Log4j2.xml in the conf folder for configuration logging and changing log level FIXEdge/J
  2. WildFly Logs:
    1. Server log is located in  %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\log\server.log