Configuration deployment
- Unpack the 'conf' folder from the archive.
- Select 'Add Unmanaged Deployment' on the Deployment tab.
- Set 'configuration' as a name
- Specify the path to the 'conf' folder into in the Path field.
- Click Enable on configuration.
Make sure that the SqliteLibs folder is located in same root folder as the 'conf' folder.
- Select 'Upload Deployment' and specify .ear module from the archive.
- Optional. Rename the .ear module into the as 'fej-wildfly'.
- Choose Enabled = 'On' option.
- Verify that the upload is successful.
- Check for the following errors in the following log files.
- FIXEdge/J logs:
- Systems properties "user.dir" poits points on log folder (%JBOSS_HOME%\bin) and two main log files fixedgej.log and fixedgej-admin.log.
- There is Log4j2.xml in conf folder for configuration logging and changing log level FIXEdge/J
- WildFly Logs:
- Server log is located in %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\log\server.log
- FIXEdge/J logs:
- Update the SQLite library in the 'SqliteLibs' folder.
- Select the 'Replace' action on ear link and specify the new version of the ear module.
Update Configuration
1. Disable the ear module:
2. Update the configuration files in the configuration folder.
3. Run the cmd command : service wildfly restart.
4. Enable the ear module.
5. Check for the following errors in the following log files:.
- FIXEdge/J logs:
- Systems properties "user.dir" points on log folder (%JBOSS_HOME%\bin) and two main log files fixedgej.log and fixedgej-admin.log.
- There is Log4j2.xml in the conf folder for configuration logging and changing log level FIXEdge/J
- WildFly Logs:
- Server log is located in %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\log\server.log