Table of Contents
Property Name | Default Value | Description |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Description | MQ Transport Adaptor DLL | Description of the transport adaptor |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.DllName | bin/MQTAAddin.dll | Path to the transport adaptor module |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.TimeIntervalBeforeReconnect | 1000 | Time interval in milliseconds between reconnect attempts |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.StorageDirectory | FixEdge1/log | Logging directory for storage of outgoing messages. Required. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.BufferSizeForMessage | 65536 | Message buffer size. Max value is 4194304. 0 means a default value 64 * 1024 |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_HOSTNAME | localhost | MS Series Server host name |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_PORT | 1414 | MS Series Server port |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_MANAGER_NAME | TestMQ | MS Series manager name |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CHANNEL_NAME | TestConnection | MS Series Channel name |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CCSID | 437 | MS Series Server CCSID. The coded character set identifier to use with the WebSphere MQ queue |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslKeyRepository | /var/mqm/ssl/key | Path to SSL certificate storage file without extension (SCKR,MQSSLKEYR) e.g. /var/mqm/ssl/key or C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere MQ\\ssl\\key |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslCipherSpecification | TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US | SSL CipherSpec name (SSLCIPH), required to use SSL, e.g. TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslClientAuthentication | false | Remote peer authentication (SSLCAUTH) |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslPeerName | CN=QMGR.*, OU=IBM, OU=WEBSPHERE | Remote peer DN filter(SSLPEER) |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.WaitIntervalForGet | 1000 | Time interval in milliseconds to wait between polling message on MQ Series Server |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.NumAttemptReconnect | 10 | Number of reconnect attempts to MQ Series Server |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SessionNumber | 1 | Number of sessions with MQ Series. Each session is a set of MQ Series queues. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ClientID | MQClient | MQ session ID. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SmartXMLProcessor | true | Enables mode of processing XML/FIXML messages:
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ToClientQueue | MQClient_to | The name for Queue, dedicated for message coming from client to MQ via FIX Edge |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.FromClientQueue | MQClient_from | The name for Queue, dedicated for message coming from MQ to client via FIX Edge |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ErrorQueue | MQClient_error | The name for Queue dedicated for message, which cannot be handled because of error. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SenderID | - | Not required. SenderCompID (Tag = 49) in the received message is set to the property value. |
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.TargetID | - | Not required. TargetCompID (Tag = 56) in the received message is set to the property value. |
Configure FE using the following sample properties:
Code Block title TransportLayer.TransportAdapters = TransportLayer.MQAdaptor #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MQ Adaptor Settings #------------------------------------------------------------------------- TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Description = MQ Transport Adaptor DLL TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.TimeIntervalBeforeReconnect = 1000 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.DllName = bin/MQTAAddin-vc10-MD-x64.dll TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.StorageDirectory = FixEdge1/log TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.NumAttemptReconnect = -1 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.WaitIntervalForGet = 10000 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.BufferSizeForMessage = 65536 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_HOSTNAME = TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_MANAGER_NAME = TestMQ TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_PORT = 1414 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CCSID = 437 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.MQ_CHANNEL_NAME = TestConnection TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SessionNumber = 1 TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ClientID = MQClient TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.FromClientQueue = MQClient_from TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ToClientQueue = MQClient_to TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.ErrorQueue = MQClient_error TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.Session.1.SmartXMLProcessor = false
Check if Queues are accessible:
Code Block title FixEdge.log [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:33.609 [2840] [MQEngine] - Was created queue 'MQClient_from' [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:33.609 [2840] [MQQueuesReader_Debug] - createClientQueue() finished [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:33.609 [2840] [MQQueuesReader_Debug] - ClientQueue created. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:33.609 [2840] [MQQueuesReader_Debug] - MQQueuesReader::readFromQueuesAndPassToTL(). [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:33.609 [2840] [MQQueuesReader_Debug] - fromClientQueue->getFirst(). [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.039 [12692] [MQEngine] - Was created queue 'MQClient_to' [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQEngine] - Was created queue 'MQClient_error' [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Queues were created for client 'MQClient' [NOTE] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Restore messages for out queue 'MQClient'. [NOTE] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Create storage for the: MQClient [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Load storage. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Persistance storage use file: D:\Program Files\B2Bits\FIX Edge\v.\FixEdge1\log\MQ-MQClient_07180941382511.out [NOTE] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Restore messages for error queue 'MQClient'. [NOTE] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Create storage for the: MQClient-Errors [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.251 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Load storage. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:38.252 [12692] [MQQueueWriter] - Persistance storage use file: D:\Program Files\B2Bits\FIX Edge\v.\FixEdge1\log\MQ-MQClient -Errors_07180941382511.out [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:43.678 [2840] [MQQueueRead] - Was performed get operation on queue 'MQClient_from' with reason code :2033 [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:43.678 [2840] [MQQueueRead] - MQQueueRead::getFirst failed to get message '' [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:43.678 [2840] [MQQueuesReader_Debug] - MQQueuesReader::readFromQueuesAndPassToTL(). [DEBUG] 20120718-11:41:43.678 [2840] [MQQueuesReader_Debug] - fromClientQueue->getFirst().
Route message to MQ and check FE logs:
Code Block title FixEdge.log [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [FL_MsgTrace] - New message FIX was received from session with ID 'TROIKALSE'. Message: '8=FIX.4.49=16535=D49=LSE56=TROIKA34=250=3073757=ECL_TURQ97=Y52=20120718-09:48:16.38811=900010081=1003000321=255=TESTA54=160=20000809-18:20:3238=400040=244=3059=010=224'. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [BL_Layer] - Process incoming message. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [BL_RoutingTable] - There are no suitable rules were found for message with Source ID 'LSE', executing DefaultRule. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [CC_Layer] - BL has processed a message. Number of client IDs for delivery :0. Number or FIX sessions for delivery :0.. Number or sources identifiers for delivery :1. Source IDs: 1. 'MQClient' [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [TransportLayer] - Sending message '8=FIX.4.49=16535=D49=LSE56=TROIKA34=250=3073757=ECL_TURQ97=Y52=20120718-09:48:16.38811=900010081=1003000321=255=TESTA54=160=20000809-18:20:3238=400040=244=3059=010=224' to client MQClient [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [MQQueueWriter] - Was put message to messageQueue. Message = (ToClientQueue, MQClient, 8=FIX.4.49=16535=D49=LSE56=TROIKA34=250=3073757=ECL_TURQ97=Y52=20120718-09:48:16.38811=900010081=1003000321=255=TESTA54=160=20000809-18:20:3238=400040=244=3059=010=224) [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [7968] [MQQueueWriter] - Store into the Persistance storage. [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.389 [12228] [MQQueueWriter] - Was get message from MessageQueue. Message: ( toClientQueue,MQClient, 8=FIX.4.49=16535=D49=LSE56=TROIKA34=250=3073757=ECL_TURQ97=Y52=20120718-09:48:16.38811=900010081=1003000321=255=TESTA54=160=20000809-18:20:3238=400040=244=3059=010=224) [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.460 [12228] [MQQueueWrite] - Was performed put operation on queue 'MQClient_to' with reason code :0. Message = '8=FIX.4.49=16535=D49=LSE56=TROIKA34=250=3073757=ECL_TURQ97=Y52=20120718-09:48:16.38811=900010081=1003000321=255=TESTA54=160=20000809-18:20:3238=400040=244=3059=010=224' [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.460 [12228] [MQQueueWrite] - message was successfully sent to to queue 'MQClient_to' with reason code :0 [DEBUG] 20120718-11:48:16.460 [12228] [MQQueueWriter] - message was put to ToClient queue.Client 'MQClient'. MEssage '8=FIX.4.49=16535=D49=LSE56=TROIKA34=250=3073757=ECL_TURQ97=Y52=20120718-09:48:16.38811=900010081=1003000321=255=TESTA54=160=20000809-18:20:3238=400040=244=3059=010=224'
Configuring SSL in IBM MQ Server
This instruction assumes that non-SSL configuration works OK
1. On IBM MQ server start IBM Key Management tool
2. Create new Key Database File
- Key database type: CMS
- File name: key.kdb
- Location: use same location as specified in "SSL Key Repository" parameter of your Queue Manager (for example, if SSL Key Repository is "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\FIXEdge\ssl\key", then set Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\FIXEdge\ssl\)
3. Create Password and set "Stash password to a file" checkbox
4. Click on "New Self-Signed..." button to create self-signed certificate
- Key Label: set it as "ibmwebspheremq<QM_name>", here QM_name - name of your Queue Manager in lower case
- Common Name: set any
- Organization: set any
- Organization Unit: set any
5. Close IBM Key Management using menu Key Database File -> Close and then Key Database File -> Exit
6. Go to SSL Key Repository folder and make sure that only SYSTEM and your MQ user have full access to key.kdb, key.rdb and key.sth files. All other user may have only "Read" permissions
7. In Websphere MQ Explorer go to Channels
8. Open Properties of your channel and on SSL tab select SSL Cipher Spec. For example, TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US.
Select SSL Authentication = Optional if you don't plan to use SSL client authentication.
Apply your changes
9. From SSL Key Repository folder (see step 2) copy three files: key.kdb, key.rdb and key.sth files somewhere on FIXEdge's server (for example, FixEdge1/conf)
10. Configure to use SSL connection with MQ:
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslKeyRepository = C:\\B2BITS\\FIXEdge\\FixEdge1\\conf\\key
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslCipherSpecification = TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslClientAuthentication = false
TransportLayer.MQAdaptor.SslPeerName =
If MQ TA fails to initialize with record in log "Failed to set character set. Code: some code": make sure QueueManager on server side is running and you are trying to set right code character set.