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FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0

FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0 is released on 19.06.2024

New Features and Improvements

titleMultiline Session Display

The FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0 release introduces a multiline session display option within the Session list. Previously, session details were confined to a single row, causing readability issues. This update allows to enable "Multiline Session Display" through the Options menu. This functionality allows users to have control over how they view session information.

titleDetailed Message View from Events Viewer

With FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0 release it is possible to access detailed message information within the Event Viewer. By right-clicking on a specific message and selecting "View FIX Message" a dedicated window launches, presenting comprehensive message data in a structured table format. This window offers the functionality to collapse and expand sections containing repeating groups, allowing users to efficiently navigate and analyze message content.

titleReplaying Log Files from FCS Console

FCS Console now offers the ability to replay log files and the "Help" command has been expended for detailed guidance. The available options for log replay customization are the following and they allow to:

  • Log File: Specify the precise log file to be used for the replay.
  • Repeats: Define the number of times you want to replay the chosen log file.
  • Speed Multiplier: Adjust the replay speed to run faster or slower than the original session.
  • Message/Second: Control the message rate during replay based on timestamps within the log file.
  • Sequence Numbers: Choose which sequence numbers to process or exclude from the replay.
  • Message Filtering: Select specific message types to include or exclude from the replay process.
  • Session Timeout: Set the maximum wait time for establishing the replay session to avoid unnecessary delays.

FIX Client Simulator 3.8.0

FIX Client Simulator 3.8.0 is released on  


titleAutomatic distribution of a set quantity across multiple execution reports

FIX Client Simulator now has Balance quantities checkbox which allows checking the messages     “Partial Fill” and “Fill”, balance 32, 14, 151 tags by filling empty values with correct values according  to the to the order flow when "Balance order quantities" is set and incoming message is New Order Single.

If Partly Fill, and Fill do not contain some of tags 32, 14, 151, the tags will be added.

If the user sets some of the tags to have an incorrect value (too big or too small), the tags will be filled in with correct values.

Additionally, tag 6 (AvgPx) is being calculated.
