FIX Client Simulator Console User Guide

FIX Client Simulator Console User Guide

Instructions for Launching the Application

  • To launch on Windows, use:

  • To launch on Linux, use:

  • The license file is expected to be located in the same directory as the console binaries.

  • The console's output includes a help prompt with information regarding launching on Linux.

    image (18).png

Additionally, a readme.txt file is included in the package to provide further details.

FIX Client Simulator Scenario Execution

FIX Client Simulator Console will accept scenario files created in the FIX Client Simulator and provide CLI capabilities for loading and executing the defined scenarios.

Key Updates:

  1. Run-scenario Command: This command allows the input a scenario file, establishes a connection to the specified trading platform, and runs the scenario created in the FIX Client Simulator. It also includes optional arguments for customizing the scenario execution, such as timeouts, limiting the number of sent messages, and setting tags for auto-increment:

·        Timeout: This option allows to set the maximum allowed time for the scenario execution in milliseconds.

·        MaxSentMessageCount: This option lets to set the maximum number of sent messages after which the scenario will be canceled.

·        Tag Autoincrement: When sending messages, the values of specified numeric tags can be automatically incremented with each sending. To do this, its required to enter the tag numbers that must be changed in the Autoincrement tags field.

·        Understanding Exit Codes: These codes indicate the status of the scenario run:

0: Scenario passed

1: Scenario failed

2: Scenario cancelled

Replaying Log Files from FCS Console

With 3.9.0 release FCS Console offers the ability to replay log files. The "Help" command provides detailed instructions on the replaying process.


The following options can be run with “replay-log’’ command:

  • --session fcs-fedge.session - A file with session parameters. They are used to create a session to send the log file. FIX Client Simulator must be used to export session parameters into a file.

  • --logFile fcs-fedge.in- A log file to send into the session

  • --count 2 - Repeats sending the file 'count' times

  • --speed 3 - Speed multiplier. It must be in range [0.1, 10]

  • --rate 5 - Msg/sec. It must be in range [0.0, 99999]

  • --useTimestamps true - Allows using timestamps from the log file to make the same pauses between messages. If no timestamps in the file, the value of tag '52' is used for this purpose

  • --seqNumFrom 10 - The messages with lower sequence numbers will not be sent

  • --seqNumTo 20 - The messages with higher sequence numbers will not be sent

  • --filterByMsgType D,8 - The comma separated list of allowed message types. Only messages of these types will be sent

  • --sessionEstablishedTimeout 4 - ·       The time in seconds to wait for establishing session. The default value is 5 second


    replay-log --session fcs-fedge.session --logFile fcs-fedge.in

        Exit codes:
            0 - success
            1 - something went wrong

    General options
    --autoincrement "11=id_1 39"
            Set tags for auto-increment. Quotes are required if the value contains spaces.

        --traceMessages false
            Display [in]/[out] FIX messages. The default value is true.

Session File Creation


FIX Client Simulator templates require a session file to function correctly:

  •  Navigate to the Session menu and select Create New

  • In the Create Session window, fill out the required sections with connection details and select ‘Export for console’

  1. Choose a location to save the session file for further upload


    Generated Replay Log Command

    The “replay-log’’ command initializes the FIX Engine and establishes the specified session. Upon successful execution, the following information is displayed:

    1. Replaying File Details: Information about the file being used for replay.

    2. Sent Message Details: Details of all messages sent from the replay file.

    3. Message Summary: This includes the total number of messages in the file and the number of messages successfully sent.

    4. Replay Duration: The total time taken to send the messages.



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