FIXEye User Guide
Product Overview
FIXEye is a multi-purpose FIX session surveillance and visibility platform.
FIXEye presents search results in an easy-to-work-with form. It has an intuitive graphical user interface and uses many operational features familiar to MS Excel.
FIXEye can process multiple log files distributed on the network.
FIXEye Features
The FIXEye platform includes the following features:
- Search for FIX log files on a local computer and a whole network
- Show FIX messages in a table
- Select FIX fields to be shown in a table
- Show FIX field names, values, and descriptions
- Distinguish FIX messages received from the "in" and "out" log files
- Filter FIX messages by particular text in fields
- Recognize all FIX versions from a log file
- Support Regular expression
- Read raw FIX messages from any text files (not cleaned FIX logs only)
- Filter FIX messages by sessions
- Provide context search
- Create custom views
- Create custom filters
- Validate FIX messages
- Compare FIX messages
- Support FIX dialects
- Provide Order backtrace
- Support Multi-tab view
- Export selected cells to CSV
FIXEye main window
Components of FIXEye's main window are indicated in the screenshots below:
Starting FIXEye
Quick start
- To start FIXEye, click Start, point to All Programs, click B2BITS, and then click FIXEye. You can also double-click the FIXEye icon.
- To choose data files, on the File menu click Open Log Files, select files with raw FIX messages, and click Open.
- Write a search query in a search box and click Search.
- Double-click on a message in the table to see FIX message details.
At the very beginning FIXEye displays a dialog form for opening log files. You can either browse for files by clicking the corresponding step or skip this step by clicking the Cancel button.
Open file
On the File menu, click Open Log Files or Open Log Folder.
You can also use the button on your toolbar.
Open multiple files with FIXEye
A user can use the "Send to" Windows function to opening files in FIXEye.
- Right-click a folder, point to Send To, and then click FIXEye. (This can be done for multiple selected files.)
- The selected files will be opened in a new instance of FIXEye.
Multiple tabs
FIXEye allows creating multiple data windows (tabs). It is possible to specify different search text, filter, and view for each data window.
- To add a new tab, click the New Message View button. You can also press Ctrl+T.
- New data window with a clear search box will appear next to the current one.
Attach a dictionary to a FIX log file
FIXEye can apply dictionaries to a particular log file or a set of files.
By default, FIXEye reads all loaded log files according to the standard dictionaries. To read a log file using custom dictionaries, you need to attach it to the file.
You can attach a custom dictionary to several files at once.
To load a FIX log file(s) with a custom dictionary attached:
- Click Add Files…
- Click Browse… and choose the file(s).
Select the Add application-level dictionary checkbox and choose an application-level dictionary file (click Browse…)
QuickFIX-formatted dictionaries are supported as well.If the QuickFIX dictionary file name is FIX40.xml, FIX41.xml, FIX42.xml, FIX43.xml, FIX44.xml, FIX50.xml, FIX50SP1.xml, FIX50SP2.xml, or FIXT11.xml, then please change it. Otherwise, the dictionary will not be loaded or attached.
- Optional. Select the FIXT checkbox and choose the session-level dictionary file (click Browse…).
- Click OK
- If the dictionary file is successfully attached to the file, then the dictionary file path will be displayed in the tooltip.
Now all files with a custom dictionary attached will be read using the specified dictionary.
The additional dictionary is the dictionary that changes the standard FIXEye dictionary.
When an additional dictionary (with the <FIX4X>, <FIX50>, <FIX50SP1>, <FIX50SP2>, or <FIXT11> id value) is attached to the log file, then the corresponding standard dictionary with the same ID will be updated.
Change an attached dictionary
To attach another dictionary to a FIX log file, remove the log file from the list of log files (in the Files section) and open it again with a new dictionary attached (see Attaching a dictionary to FIX log file).
Load a set of dictionaries
To load a set of dictionaries:
- Choose Load dictionaries
- Select the required dictionaries
- Click Open
Search with FIXEye
Search methods
FIXEye has several ways to search messages in the files:
- Show all messages
- Use pre-defined filters for searching
- Search and filter messages by a tag-value pair
- Context search
- Search inside the message
The search process can be stopped by clicking the Cancel button on the status bar.
Show all messages
FIXEye searches for all FIX messages in the specified files without any additional filtering.
Use pre-defined filters for searching
Pick a filter from the list and search for specific message types.
For details, refer to Pre-defined filters.
Search and filter messages by a tag-value pair
FIXEye can search for messages by a tag-value pair. Values, in this case, are treated as whole words.
FIXEye also accepts regular expressions for this search method, for example: "35=[A58]".
This type of search can be combined with using pre-defined filters, which makes it the fastest way for searching messages. Search by tag-value pair has priority over other types of search, so only tag-value expressions will be used for the search.
Text other than FIX messages is ignored by FIXEye.
The given search method requires the actual version of the FIX dictionary. Otherwise, searching by custom tags will not return any results!
The given search method doesn't work with repeating groups. Please search by context instead.
The space character acts as the logical operator AND. For searching a tag-value pair in which the value is represented by an integral word-group, the space character should be preceded with a backslash ('\') symbol, for example:
"58=Unknown\ Reason".
Regular expressions should be used for the logical operator OR.
Case 1. Search by a single tag-value pair
Query: 35=d
Explanation of search query: Only messages where condition 35=d is true will be displayed in the output
Case 2. Search by two or more tag-value pairs
Query: 35=d 34=6
Explanation of search query: Tag-value pairs are separated by the space character. Only messages where condition 35=d is true and 34=6 is true will be displayed in the output.
Case 3. Search by a single tag-value pair where the value is represented by integral word-group
Query: 58=Unknown\ Reason
Explanation of search query: For searing "Unknown Reason" in Text (58), the backslash symbol precedes the space symbol, not to interpret the space as a the logical operator AND.
Context search
Context search means that all input in the "search box" is considered to be plain text. It is divided into search queries according to the rules described below. These search queries are searched for in the input log file. First a text put in the “search box” is analyzed.
Text in quotes (" ") is considered as one search query and is taken as the integral text phrase for the search engine. The input text is divided into many queries when space characters are met. Each query is searched. Here, the space character means the OR logical operator. The plus character (+) at the beginning of a query is used to indicate the logical AND operation. That means that searching <query1> +<query2> will lead to success only if both query1 and query2 are found in the input stream.
Context search differs from the search by a tag-value pair. The entire input stream is analyzed, and the results are shown only at the end. Note, context searching may take a long time if the input file is big! You can click the Cancel button at the bottom of the page to stop the process.
Searching for search queries in a FIX message is more complicated than the ordinary plain text search. First, the search engine looks for search queries in a raw FIX message. Then the FIX message is parsed and tag IDs are converted to names, (e.g. 35=A is turned to MsgType=A) and the search engine looks for search queries again. And for the third time, search tag values are converted to text equivalents, (e.g. 35=A is turned to MsgType=Logon). At the display step, all FIX messages satisfying search criteria are displayed.
Examples for the context search method can be found below.
Case 1. Search by a single one-word query
Query: heart
Explanation of search query: Messages with the "heart" query have been found in 35 tag and 108 tag
Case 2. Search by several queries in a row delimited by spaces, no quotes used
Query: heart security
Explanation of search query: All messages have been displayed where "heart" or "security" query have been found
Case 3. Search by a single multi-word query, enclosed in quotes
Query: "list of securities"
Explanation of search query: All messages have been displayed where the integrated "list of securities" query has been found
Case 4. Search by several queries in a row delimited by " +" character, no quotes used
Query: security +gas
Explanation of search query: All messages have been displayed where "security" and "gas" in a single word-group have been found
Data search + pre-defined filter
It is sometimes useful to do some preliminary filtering and start searching within the filtered results. For more information on pre-defined filtering, refer to Pre-defined filters. When the filter is set and text is entered in the search box, FIXEye will first apply the filter and then search the filter's output.
Search within message details
You can search for a specific context in a raw message.
- Double-click on a message to open the Message Details window and enter your search query in the search text box.
- Press Enter to go to the next search result or Shift+Enter to return to the previous one.
FIXEye-Splunk integration
Some basic capabilities for searching in the Splunk system using FIXEye have been introduced (since 4.1 version). See How to use FIXEye-Splunk integration capabilities.
This section describes:
- how to add an agent
- how to rename an agent
- how to remove an agent
You can use an agent to browse log files on a remote computer if direct access to the machine is prevented due to security or other issues.
Add an agent
Please note that the agent should already be installed, configured and able to run on the remote computer.
To add an agent, perform the following steps:
- Right-click anywhere in the Files window, then click Add Agent in the right-click menu.
You can also use the Add Agent button. - In the Add Agent dialog, define your connection parameters, such as Name, Host, Port, Login and Password. If you need to connect the agent immediately, select the "Connect now" check box. Make sure the name you choose has not been used before. Otherwise, you will get the warning message: "The agent with the entered name already exists."
- Click Add to save your agent settings.
If "Connect now" is selected, the connection is available, and everything is set up properly, your agent will launch and its status will change to “Connected”.
- You can see which files you can browse and what dictionaries the agent uses in the corresponding sub-lists.
- You can only browse static files. No changes in logs will be reflected.
- If you want browse logs in real-time, please see the Watch section.
Rename an agent
You can rename your agent at any time. To rename an agent, perform the following steps:
- Select the required agent and click Edit Agent in the right-click menu.
- Enter a new name in the Edit Agent dialog.
- Click Save to finish renaming. Your agent is renamed.
Another option to rename an agent is to select it and click it once to apply the 'in place' editing mode. Then you can change agent's name and press <Enter> to save your edits.
Remove an agent
To remove an agent, select the required agent and click Remove Agent in the right-click menu.
Confirm deletion in the Remove Agent pop-up dialog by clicking Yes. Your agent is removed.
Message details
To view message details:
- Right-click the selected FIX message, and then click Show Message Details, or use the F3 key. You can also double-click the selected FIX message.
The Message Details window has the following view:
Paste a message
You can paste a FIX message or the sequence of FIX messages from the clipboard or type them manually in the new data window (tab) to process the message.
To paste a FIX message:
- Open the new data window.
- Paste the copied message (or some text with the part of the message, or sequence of messages) into it.
- Click OK to process the message.
You can type your own message manually in the new data window with observing proper FIX message syntax. Use the SOH button to insert the Start of Header separator.
The pasted messages are processed the same way as messages taken from the log file or from the agent.
If the entered string doesn't fit validation rules, then the warning message is shown according to the FIXEye error handling rules.
On hovering the warning icon, the error message is popped up. You can also find out an error explanation by selecting the Errors tab as shown below.
Compare messages
You can compare two messages tag by tag in a separate window.
- Select a message, and then hold down Ctrl key while you click other message you want to select.
- Right-click the selected message and click Compare Messages.
Please note, that if you select more than two messages, FIXEye will compare only the first and the last one.
You can exclude separate tags from the comparison.
- In the Message Compare dialog, in the Exclusive tags, type the tags with any delimiter, and then click the Compare button to refresh the list.
= values are identical
<> values are different
<= tag is present only in the left message
=> tag is present only in the right message
Compare files
You can compare two log files message by message using our new Files Compare tool.
- On the Tools menu, click Files Compare.
- Click the Browse at the end of each line to select the files you want to compare.
- Click the Compare.
“<>” indicates that messages are different
- Click the <> to compare 2 messages in a new window.
If FIXEye can't find the FIX messages in the files, it will notify that the files are identical.
Pipe symbols as delimiters
Pipe symbols (‘|’) can be used as delimiters in the log files and the text pasted from the clipboard instead of the SOH symbols
FIXEye reads the pipe-delimited files the same way as SOH-delimited ones.
Pipe-delimited FIX message:
SOH-delimited FIX message:
All delimiters must be the same type
Newline symbol ignorance
FIXEye ignores the newline symbols:
- In the FIX log file during the parsing
- In the FIX log file during the search
- In the text pasted from the clipboard
Sort messages
You can sort messages by the chosen tag in ascending or descending order.
- Click the appropriate table column header to sort messages.
- The direction of the arrow next to the header name indicates the direction of the sort.
- You can reset current sorting by pressing <Esc>.
Message auto filter
You can use different filters to show or hide specific messages.
- Click the arrow next to header name, and then select a required value to apply auto filter.
- To reset filtering, select (All).
- Click the arrow next to header name, and then select (Custom).
- Set up a condition operator and a criterion <value> to compare the current FIX field with some value(-s).
- The filter criteria can either be selected from the drop-down list or entered by the user.
Additional tools
FIXEye provides a powerful real-time monitoring tool which is Watch. You can create multiple processes with various filters and search parameters to follow updates in selected files.
- To create a new Watch, select the Create Watch option in the File menu. You can also click the icon on the toolbar to open the Realtime Files Watch window.
- Specify the message type you want to watch in the Filter list.
- In the Search box, type search parameters. You can leave the box empty to see all messages.
- In the Validation list, select a required validation level.
- In the Check Interval box, type a check interval in milliseconds.
- In the Schedule list, select the moment when you would like to start.
- To add files you want to watch, under Files, click Open. Select files you want to monitor, and then click Open. You can also add files to the list by typing a file path, and then click Add.
- To remove a file from the list, select a required file, and then click Remove.
- Select the 'E-mail Notifications' check box if you want to receive a notification email every time a new message is detected. Click Configure to set up an outgoing mail server.
- Select the 'Activate on new message' check box if you want FIXEye to blink on a taskbar when a new message is detected.
You can stop or pause the process in the Realtime Files Watch window using the corresponding buttons on the Watches toolbar.
- Click the Now Scroll is: Off to switch off the automatic scroll to the latest messages. Clicking the Now Scroll is: On button will restore it.
- Click the button on the toolbar to clear the list.
You can add an agent to monitor the files on a remote computer.
- In the Realtime Files Watch dialog, right-click anywhere in the Files window, and then click Add Agent. You can also use the button. Please mind that the agent should already be configured on a remote computer.
- Once the agent is connected you can add a Watch that will monitor the remote storage.
Sessions Watch
The ability to monitor session state changes is available since FIXEye 4.5 release.
FIXEye provides a real-time session states monitoring tool which is Session Watch. Multiple sessions can be monitored at the same time.
A comprehensive video tutorial is available on YouTube.
- To open the Sessions Watch window, select the Create Session Watch option in the File menu or press the icon on the toolbar.
- Attach session log files to the Server instance or FIXEye Agent in the opened Sessions Watch window by pressing theicon in the Files tab.
- To create new Sessions Watch instance press the icon in the Watches tab. The Add Sessions Watch window will be opened.
- Specify the name of the Session Watch in the Watch Name field.
- Specify the storage of the log files in the Files Storage list.
- Select the particular log files to monitor the session(s) in the Files list.
- Specify the check interval in milliseconds in the Check Interval field.
- Specify the heartbeat interval in seconds in the Heartbeat Interval field.
- Select the E-mail Notifications checkbox to receive a notification email every time the state of the session changes. Click the Configure button to set up an outgoing mail server.
- Press the Save button to save created Session Watch or press the Cancel button to cancel the Session Watch creation.
The Session Watch tab will be opened and displayed in the Sessions Watch window. There is no need to keep the Sessions Watch window opened to monitor the selected sessions - it will be done automatically while the created Session Watch is running.
The monitoring process can be stopped or started via buttons in the Watches tab of the Sessions Watch window. The created Session Watch may be removed as well.
States of all sessions whose log files were selected in the Add Sessions Watch window will be displayed in the Session Watch tab. The time of the last session state change, SenderCompID, TargetCompID, SenderSubID, and TargetSubID will be displayed for each session as well.
The states of the session:
Colour | State | Description |
Running | The connection is established. The last message in the session log file is received or sent less than 2 heartbeat intervals ago and it is not the Logout message. | |
Disconnected | The connection is broken. The last message in the *.body file is Logout or the last message in the *.in and *.out log files is Logout. OR The last message in the session log file is received or sent more than 2 heartbeat intervals ago. |
Pre-Populating Real-Time Watches with Files and Agents.
This feature allows to sync files between the main window and the Real-Time Session Watches, Real-Time Watch, and Events Viewer features.