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FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0

FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0 is released on 24.06.2024

New Features and Improvements

titleMultiline Session Display

The FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0 release introduces a multiline session display option within the Session list. Previously, session details were confined to a single row, causing readability issues. This update allows to enable "Multiline Session Display" through the Options menu. This functionality allows users to have control over how they view session information.

titleDetailed Message View from Events Viewer

With FIX Client Simulator 3.9.0 release it is possible to access detailed message information within the Event Viewer. By right-clicking on a specific message and selecting "View FIX Message" a dedicated window launches, presenting comprehensive message data in a structured table format. This window offers the functionality to collapse and expand sections containing repeating groups, allowing users to efficiently navigate and analyze message content.

titleReplaying Log Files from FCS Console

FCS Console now offers the ability to replay log files and the "Help" command has been expended for detailed guidance. The available options for log replay customization are the following and they allow to:

  • Log File: Specify the precise log file to be used for the replay.
  • Repeats: Define the number of times you want to replay the chosen log file.
  • Speed Multiplier: Adjust the replay speed to run faster or slower than the original session.
  • Message/Second: Control the message rate during replay based on timestamps within the log file.
  • Sequence Numbers: Choose which sequence numbers to process or exclude from the replay.
  • Message Filtering: Select specific message types to include or exclude from the replay process.
  • Session Timeout: Set the maximum wait time for establishing the replay session to avoid unnecessary delays.

FIX Client Simulator 3.8.0

FIX Client Simulator 3.8.0 is released on  

New Features and Improvements

title• Ability to select incoming Order Single (35=D) message and automatically form the Execution Report (35=8) with 39=8 (reject)

FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to select incoming Order Single (35=D) message in the Events Viewer section and automatically form the Execution Report (35=8) with 39=8 to send in running Initiator or Acceptor session (reject).

title• Improved access to repeating groups and its elements

When working on test scenarios at the stages “Expect”, “Expect Until”, and “ExpectThenSend”, the tags that go into specific repeating groups can already be validated, not just based on a particular tag but also with an asterisk (*) instead of 0,1,2, etc.

titleAutomatic distribution of a set quantity across multiple execution reports

FIX Client Simulator now has Balance quantities checkbox which allows checking the messages     “Partial Fill” and “Fill”, balance 32, 14, 151 tags by filling empty values with correct values according to the order flow when "Balance order quantities" is set and incoming message is New Order Single.

If Partly Fill, and Fill do not contain some of tags 32, 14, 151, the tags will be added.

If the user sets some of the tags to have an incorrect value (too big or too small), the tags will be filled in with correct values.

Additionally, tag 6 (AvgPx) is being calculated.

titleAbility to duplicate the test scenario command step

FIX Client Simulator now has been updated with button “duplicate command” as well as other commands have been changed to icons instead of wording.

titleActive test scenario button and the name of the session in use are more visible

Coloring on the active test scenario button has been added to make it easier to define the running scenario among others as well as the name of the running session is being displayed under “Session” column.

titleAbility to set time delay property for a message

With 3.8.0 release it is already possible to manually configure the delays between messages in ExpectThenSend command Parameter. Additionally, the random delay interval can be set up with minimum and maximum values as well as fractional values are possible for seconds.

titleDeletion of default horizontal scroll bar in event viewer

Now the horizontal scroll bar will be displayed in Event viewer only when it’s needed.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed issue with test execution time being displayed incorrectly if it is higher than 1h
  • Fixed issue with error message not being shown when user trying to run Test Scenario after scenario file being deleted

FIX Client Simulator 3.7.0

FIX Client Simulator 3.7.0 is released on .

New Features and Improvements

  • Expand
    titleAbility to autogenerate Order Status Request (35=H) for incoming New Order Single (35=D) and outgoing Execution Report (35=8) messages.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to autogenerate the Order Status Request (35=H) message for incoming New Order Single (35=D) and outgoing Execution Report (35=8) messages in the Events Viewersection.

    The new message will be autogenerated according to the attached FIX dictionary file using the tag values present in the initial FIX message.

    The autogenerated Order Status Request (35=H) message will be added to the Send Message section.

  • Expand
    titleAbility to autogenerate Execution Report (35=8) for incoming Order Status Request (35=H) messages.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to autogenerate the Execution Report (35=8) for incoming Order Status Request (35=H) messages in the Events Viewer section.

    The new message will be autogenerated according to the attached FIX dictionary file using the tag values present in the initial FIX message.

    The autogenerated Execution Report (35=8) message will be added to the Send Message section.

  • Expand
    titleAbility to autogenerate Order Cancel Reject (35=9) for incoming Order Cancel Request (35=F) and Order Cancel/Replace Request (35=G) messages.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to autogenerate the Order Cancel Reject (35=9) message for the incoming Order Cancel Request (35=F) and Order Cancel/Replace Request (35=G) messages in the EventsViewer section.

    The new message will be autogenerated according to the attached FIX dictionary file using the tag values present in the initial FIX message.

    The autogenerated Order Cancel Reject (35=9) message will be added to the Send Message section.

  • Expand
    titleTLS v1.3 support for FIX sessions.

    It is possible now to configure FIX sessions using TLS v1.3 protocol version.

  • Expand
    titleAbility to send FIX messages with delay using the OnMessage handler.

    The OnMessage handler now provides the ability to specify, whether messages from the Then Send section must be sent:

    • with the specified probability
    • immediately
    • with the specified delay
    • with the random delay

  • Expand
    titleAbility to generate tag values in different formats.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to generate values in different formats for tags in the Command Parameter window while creating a new Test Scenario:

    • guid - ${guid}
    • number - ${random(0, 10)}
    • current timestamp - ${timestamp}

  • Expand
    titleAbility to configure system directory to store created Test Scenarios.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to define the path to the system directory where all created Test Scenarios will be stored.

    The new optional TestScenarioFolder property is added to the Fcs.exe.config configuration file.

  • Expand
    titleAbility to copy the message from the Events Viewer section without timestamps.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to copy FIX messages from the Events Viewer section to the clipboard without timestamps.

    To copy the message from the Events Viewer section to the clipboard without a timestamp this message must be right-clicked on and then the Smart Copy action must be selected in the Context Menu.

    The Smart Copy action also allows copying the whole message even if only its part is selected.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the issue when FIX Client Simulator could not be closed correctly when 1M messages were sent.
  • Fixed the issue when FIX Client Simulator didn't check the user's RO permissions to replay log files on Linux.

FIX Client Simulator 3.6.0

FIX Client Simulator 3.6.0 is released on .


  • Expand
    titleAbility to run Test Scenario in the infinite loop to simulate FIX messages flow.

    The new OnMessage handler is introduced enabling users to define the Expect Then Send instruction.

    This instruction will be executed in the infinite loop simulating FIX messages flow.

  • Expand
    titleEvents and messages filtering within the Events Viewer section.

    Events and messages in the Events Viewer section now can be filtered using the Filter text field.

    All special symbols are supported except '/'.

  • Expand
    titleCustomizable title for main FCS window.

    FIX Client Simulator allows customizing the title of the main application window by defining the MainWindowTitle property in the Fcs.exe.config file.


  • Expand
    titleUbuntu Linux and Rocky Linux support.

    FIX Client Simulator is now available on Ubuntu Linux 22.04 and Rocky Linux 8.


FIX Client Simulator 3.3.0


  • Expand
    titleThe ability to autogenerate Order Cancel Request (35=F) and Order Cancel/Replace Request (35=G) messages for outgoing New Order Single (35=D) and incoming Execution Report (35=8) messages.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to autogenerate Order Cancel Request (35=F), Order Cancel/Replace Request (35=G) messages for outgoing New Order Single (35=D) and incoming Execution Report (35=8) messages in the Events Viewer section.

    The new message will be autogenerated according to the attached FIX dictionary file using the tag values present in the initial FIX message.

    The autogenerated message will be added to the Send Message section.

  • Expand
    titleThe ability to autogenerate New, Filled and Partially Filled Execution Report (35=8) messages for incoming New Order Single (35=D) message.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to autogenerate New, Partially Filled, and Filled Execution Report (35=8) for incoming New Order Single (35=D) messages in the Events Viewer section.

    The new message will be autogenerated according to the attached FIX dictionary file using the tag values present in the initial FIX message.

    The autogenerated message will be added to the Send Message section.

  • Expand
    titleThe ability to restore logs in the Events Viewer section after the session restart.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to restore session log files in the Events Viewer section after the session restart.

    The new DaysToKeepEventViewLogs property defining the number of days for which the session logs must be restored is added to the Fcs.exe.config file.

  • Expand
    titleThe ability to copy the whole message or only its part from the Events Viewer section.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to copy the whole FIX messages or only their parts from the Events Viewer section to the clipboard.

    To copy the whole message from the Events Viewer section to the clipboard this message must be right-clicked on and then the Copy Message action must be selected in the Context Menu.

    To copy the part of the message from the Events Viewer section to the clipboard this part of the message must be selected/highlighted and right-clicked on and then the Copy action must be selected in the Context Menu.


  • Expand
    titleImproved the reset of the 'Autoincrement tags' functionality.

    FIX Client Simulator now does not reset selected tag values auto-incrementation in the following cases:

    • When a new message was added or the old message was deleted from the Send Message section.
    • When the message was changed in the Send Message section, even if this message became non-parsable (e.g. the SOH symbol was added near another SOH).
    • When the value of the auto-incrementing tag was changed for the message in the Send Message section.

  • Expand
    titleThe ability to copy the part of the message from the Events Viewer section.

    FIX Client Simulator now provides the ability to copy only part of the FIX message (e.g. tag=value or only value) from the Events Viewer section.

    In such a case, the selected text will be highlighted in blue, and the whole message will be highlighted in white.

  • Expand
    titleThe ability to store the user.config configuration file in the current working directory.

    The new StoreSettingsInCurrentWorkingFolder property was added to the Fcs.exe.config configuration file.

    This property defines whether the user.config file must be stored in the default or current working directory.

    To store the user.config configuration file in the current working directory the StoreSettingsInCurrentWorkingFolder property must be set to 'true'.


New Features and Improvements

  • The ability to replay QuickFIX log files.
  • The ability to set the initial tag value for auto-increment.
  • FIXLatest application version support.


  • Expand
    titleThe ability to send or resend only selected messages from the log file.

    To use this functionality a log file must be loaded to FIX Client Simulator and particular message(s) from this file must be selected in the Send Message tab.

  • Expand
    titleThe ability to send or resend messages from the log file one by one.

    The ability to send the selected message(s) and automatically select the next message for sending was added.


New Features and Improvements

Fixed bugs

  • Error sending messages containing internal raw FIX messages from Send Message tab.


New Features and Improvements

  • Display administrative messages in console
  • Create message from template
  • “Send Message“ functionality extended to work with multiple messages 
  • “Send message“ window visualization was improved with highlighted "tag=" and rich undo/redo functionality
  • Configuration settings file path was simplified
  • Configuration settings file made available for user (to copy/paste/export/share)
  • Previous user configuration settings can be used after upgrading to a new version 
  • Added an ability to send a message(s) without any delays, when the Rate field is set to "0"
  • Improved “Edit message “ interface usability


New Features and Improvements

  • FIX logs replay feature has been implemented
  • An ability to autoincrement tags while sending has been implemented
  • FIX Client Simulator persists the following data between program runs :
    • Position and size of the main window.
    • Names and parameters of all created sessions. Sessions can be restored in a connected or disconnected state. 
    • Edited message.
    • Value for Autoincrement tags edit box.
    • Values of Rate and Send Count controls for both Send Message and Replay tabs.
    • Values for other controls from the Replay tab: Log file, Sequence numbers, Filter, Use timestamps and Speed.
    • Values for checkboxes from the Events Viewer menu and Options menu.


  • Fixed the issue when FIX Client Simulator could not handle Logon response if the ForceSeqNumReset property was set to 'true'.