Table of Contents |
PostgreSQL installation and configuration
Note | ||
| ||
- in case you already have postgres setup in your network, you can skip this part - installation should be performed under the root user. |
To install PostgreSQL on Centos, install postgresql-server from yum repository
Code Block language bash yum install postgresql postgresql-server
The initialize a new PostgreSQL installation
Code Block language bash postgresql-setup initdb
If you need to install PostgreSQL in Ubuntu, you can use the following guide:
By default PostgreSQL server is only accessible via Unix Domain Sockets or loopback IP interface ( to the local users, the users are authenticated by the operating system, i.e. the OS user postgres can connect as PostreSQL user postgres without any additional authentication from the PostgreSQL server side. To allow PgAdmin4 and FIXICC H2 to work we need to enable access via a network.
To enable network access to PostgreSQL server edit file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (on Centos) or /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf (on Ubuntu) and add the following lines:
Code Block language css host all all md5 host all all ::0/0 md5
It allows all users to connect from any host via TCP or SSL socket using hashed passwords.
Remove lines that enable ident connection to localhost:
Code Block language css # IPv4 local connections: host all all ident # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 ident
To enable listening of all network interfaces edit file /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf (on Centos) or /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf (on Ubuntu), replace line:
Code Block language css # listen_addresses = 'localhost'
Code Block language css listen_addresses = '*'
enable and start postgresql server
Code Block language bash systemctl enable --now postgresql systemctl status postgresql
To install Consul on Centos, apply the following actions:
- add HashiCorp repository:
Code Block language bash yum install -y yum-utils yum-config-manager --add-repo
- install consul from yum repository
Code Block language bash yum -y install consul
In order to install Consul on Ubuntu, follow the steps from
generate Consul CA and server certificate and private key
Code Block language bash openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout consul.key -out consul.crt -subj '/C=RU/L=Saratov/O=EPAM/OU=BFIX/CN=fixicch2.consul'
Note title NOTE! - replace '/C=RU/L=Saratov/O=EPAM/OU=BFIX/CN=fixicch2.consul' with your company identity configure consul as follows (/etc/consul.d/consul.json)
Note Create consul.json file if missing in the directory.
Code Block language css { "bind_addr": "{{GetInterfaceIP \"ens5\"}}", "bootstrap": true, "server": true, "addresses": { "https": "" }, "ports": { "http": -1, "https": 8501 }, "auto_encrypt": { "allow_tls": true, "tls": true }, "client_addr": "", "ui": true, "data_dir": "/var/lib/consul", "log_level": "INFO", "disable_update_check": true, "disable_anonymous_signature": true, "verify_server_hostname": false, "cert_file": "/etc/consul.d/consul.crt", "key_file": "/etc/consul.d/consul.key", "auto_encrypt": { "allow_tls": true } }
Note title NOTE! - replace ens5 with your server's network interface remove or backup /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
remove ConditionFileNotEmpty in /usr/lib/systemd/system/consul.service
Code Block language css ConditionFileNotEmpty=/etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
change ownership and permissions for /var/lib/consul and /etc/consul.d directories
Code Block language css chown -R consul:consul /var/lib/consul chmod -R 775 /var/lib/consul chown -R consul:consul /etc/consul.d
enable and start consul server:
Code Block language bash systemctl enable --now consul systemctl start consul
consul UI should be available on https://server_ip:8501/ui/
- download latest package from (e.g., fixicc-h2-21Q4.1-84.el7.x86_64.rpm or fixicc-h2-21Q4.1-84.el7.x86_64.deb)
install rpm package fixicc-h2-21Q4.1-84.el7.x86_64.rpm on Centos
Code Block language bash rpm -i fixicc-h2-21Q4.1-84.el7.x86_64.rpm
or install deb package on Ubuntu
Code Block language bash sudo dpkg -i fixicc-h2-21Q4.1-84.el7.x86_64.deb
create a user and a database for FIXICC H2 in postgresql
generate keystore for FIXICC-H2
Code Block language bash cd /etc/fixicc-h2/ keytool -genkey -noprompt -alias jetty -keyalg RSA -dname 'CN=admin, OU=EPM-BFIX, O=EPAM Systems, L=Unknown, S=Unknown, C=Unknown' -keystore keystore.jks -storepass <STORE_PASSWORD> -keypass <KEY_PASSWORD> -ext 'SAN=IP:'
Edit /etc/fixicc-h2/ and set properties as follows
Code Block language css = true cuba.anonymousLogin = anonymous cuba.dbmsType = postgres cuba.dataSourceProvider = application cuba.dataSource.username = <DBUSERNAME> cuba.dataSource.password = <DBPASSWORD> cuba.dataSource.dbName = <DBNAME> = cuba.dataSource.port = 5432 fixicch2.consul.encrypted_connection = true = fixicch2.consul.port = 8501 fixicch2.consul.insecure_connection_enabled = true fixicch2.fixServerType = all fixicch2.consul.check.tls_skip_verify=true fixicch2.secure_http_port = 8443 fixicch2.key_store_path = keystore.jks fixicch2.trust_store_path = keystore.jks =
edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/fixicc-h2.service as follows
Code Block language css [Unit] Description=FIXICC-H2 [Service] Type=simple User=<USER> Group=<GROUP> SuccessExitStatus=143 Environment=FIXICC_H2_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> FIXICC_H2_KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> FIXICC_H2_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/java -Dapp.home=/etc/fixicc-h2/ -Dfixicch2.secure_http_port=8443 -Dfixicch2.key_store_path=/etc/fixicc-h2/keystore.jks -Dfixicch2.trust_store_path=/etc/fixicc-h2/keystore.jks -jar /usr/lib64/fixicc-h2/21Q4.1/app.jar' ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID [Install]
Note title NOTE! - The path to app.jar on Ubuntu will be a bit different: /usr/lib/fixicc-h2/21Q4.1/app.jar enable and start fixicc-h2 server:
Code Block language bash systemctl enable --now fixicc-h2 systemctl start fixicc-h2
- FIXICC-H2 UI should be available on https://server_ip:8443/app/
- download latest package from (e.g., fixedge-java-1.9.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm or fixedge-java_1.9.1_amd64.deb)
install rpm package fixedge-java-1.9.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm on Centos
Code Block language bash rpm -i fixedge-java-1.9.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
or install deb package on Ubuntu
Code Block language bash sudo dpkg -i fixedge-java_1.9.1_amd64.deb
- copy your fixaj2-license.bin file into your /etc/fixedge-java directory
in /etc/fixedge-java/ replace the line
Code Block language bash
Code Block language bash
and replace the line
Code Block language bash metrics.enable=false
Code Block language bash metrics.enable=true
then replace Discovery Service Configuration section with the following one:
Code Block language css ################################################################### ################# DISCOVERY SERVICE CONFIGURATION ############### ################################################################### # Name of server, if it is not empty, server will be registered in Discovery by this name. Otherwise, it will not be registered. # Name of protocol, used for server registration in Service Discovery service.discovery.enabled=true # Health check interval (Service Discovery) service.discovery.healthcheck.interval=10 # Service Discovery attempt period, milliseconds service.discovery.attempt.period=10000 # To use original sessionConfigManager and scheduleConfigManager beans set 'false' or comment it # To use fixxicch2 session and schedule config managers set 'true' server.useFixicch2ConfigManager=true server.useFixicch2RoutingConfigManager=true fixicch2.enable=true # Fixicch2 service name in Service Discovery fixicch2.service=FIXICC-H2-Secure # Fixicch2 URL prefix if Service Discovery is used to define IP and port fixicch2.url.prefix=https # Timeout for attempts to connect to Service Discovery, mc fixicch2.service.discovery.connection.timeout=60000 # Max time to wait Service Discovery Fixicc H2 health status update, min fixicch2.service.discovery.status.update.timeout=10 # Pause to reconnect to FIXICC H2 URL in case of errors, mc fixicch2.reconnect.pause=2000 fixicch2.reconnect.attempt=3 = consul.port = 8501 server.checkHost = # True if insecure connection through https to FIXICC H2 is enabled. fixicch2.insecure.connection.enabled=false # FIXICC H2 client keystore properties fixicch2.keystore.path=/etc/fixedge-java/ssl/fixicch2/keystore.jks fixicch2.keystore.password=<PASSWORD> service.discovery.encrypted.connection=true service.discovery.insecure.connection.enabled=true fixicch2.cache.path=/var/log/fixedge-java/cache
copy fixicc-h2 keystore
Code Block language bash cp /etc/fixicc-h2/keystore.jks /etc/fixedge-java/ssl/fixicch2/keystore.jks chown fixedge-java:fixedge-java /etc/fixedge-java/ssl/fixicch2/keystore.jks
enable and start fej server:
Code Block language bash systemctl enable --now cd /usr/bin/fixedge-java systemctl start fixedge-java/ ./FIXEdgeJ
- after startup fej server should appear in fixicc-h2 UI
- download latest package from (e.g.,
Code Block language bash unzip fixedgej-1.9.1 /etc mv /etc/fixedgej-1.9.1 /etc/fixedge-java
- copy your fixaj2-license.bin file into your /etc/fixedge-java/conf directory
in /etc/fixedge-java/conf/ replace the line
Code Block language bash
Code Block language bash
and replace the line
Code Block language bash metrics.enable=false
Code Block language bash metrics.enable=true
then replace Discovery Service Configuration section with the following one:
Code Block language css ################################################################### ################# DISCOVERY SERVICE CONFIGURATION ############### ################################################################### # Name of server, if it is not empty, server will be registered in Discovery by this name. Otherwise, it will not be registered. # Name of protocol, used for server registration in Service Discovery service.discovery.enabled=true # Health check interval (Service Discovery) service.discovery.healthcheck.interval=10 # Service Discovery attempt period, milliseconds service.discovery.attempt.period=10000 # To use original sessionConfigManager and scheduleConfigManager beans set 'false' or comment it # To use fixxicch2 session and schedule config managers set 'true' server.useFixicch2ConfigManager=true server.useFixicch2RoutingConfigManager=true fixicch2.enable=true # Fixicch2 service name in Service Discovery fixicch2.service=FIXICC-H2-Secure # Fixicch2 URL prefix if Service Discovery is used to define IP and port fixicch2.url.prefix=https # Timeout for attempts to connect to Service Discovery, mc fixicch2.service.discovery.connection.timeout=60000 # Max time to wait Service Discovery Fixicc H2 health status update, min fixicch2.service.discovery.status.update.timeout=10 # Pause to reconnect to FIXICC H2 URL in case of errors, mc fixicch2.reconnect.pause=2000 fixicch2.reconnect.attempt=3 = consul.port = 8501 server.checkHost = # True if insecure connection through https to FIXICC H2 is enabled. fixicch2.insecure.connection.enabled=false # FIXICC H2 client keystore properties fixicch2.keystore.path=/etc/fixedge-java/conf/ssl/fixicch2/keystore.jks fixicch2.keystore.password=<PASSWORD> service.discovery.encrypted.connection=true service.discovery.insecure.connection.enabled=true fixicch2.cache.path=/etc/fixedge-java/logs/cache
- add group and user fixedge-java
Code Block language bash sudo groupadd --system fixedge-java sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin --system -g fixedge-java fixedge-java
copy fixicc-h2 keystore
Code Block language bash cp /etc/fixicc-h2/keystore.jks /etc/fixedge-java/conf/ssl/fixicch2/keystore.jks chown -R fixedge-java:fixedge-java /etc/fixedge-java/
add new file /etc/systemd/system/fixedge-java.service:
Code Block language bash [Unit] Description=Fixedge-java [Service] Type=simple User=fixedge-java Group=fixedge-java ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID ExecStart=/etc/fixedge-java/bin/runConsole.shFIXEdgeJ SyslogIdentifier=fixedge-java Restart=always [Install]
enable and start fej server:
Code Block language bash systemctl enable --now fixedge-java systemctl start fixedge-java
- after startup fej server should appear in fixicc-h2 UI
- download latest package from (e.g., fixeye-agent- or fixeye-agent-
install rpm package fixeye-agent- on Centos
Code Block language bash rpm -i fixeye-agent-
or install deb package on Ubuntu
Code Block language bash sudo dpkg -i fixeye-agent-
- copy your fixeye-agent.license file into /etc/fixeye/ directory
generate Fixeye CA and server certificate and private key
Code Block language bash openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout fixeye.key -out fixeye.crt -subj '/C=RU/L=Saratov/O=EPAM/OU=BFIX/CN=fixicch2.fixeye'
Note title NOTE! - replace '/C=RU/L=Saratov/O=EPAM/OU=BFIX/CN=fixicch2.fixeye' with your company identity edit /etc/fixeye/fixeye-agent.config as follows
Code Block language bash -rest-port 8882 -rest-pkey "/etc/fixeye/fixeye.key" -rest-cert "/etc/fixeye/fixeye.crt" --propfile "/etc/fixeye/" -f "/var/lib/fixedge-java/*.in" "/var/lib/fixedge-java/*.out" --pidfile "/var/log/fixeye/" -licfile "/etc/fixeye/fixeye-agent.license"
add below in the end of /etc/fixeye/
Code Block language css Consul.Enabled=true Consul.Host=localhost Consul.Port=8501 Consul.ReconnectInterval=1000 Consul.ServerName=ServerA Consul.Services.Host=localhost Consul.Services.HealthChecks.Interval=5 Consul.Services.HealthChecks.Timeout=5 Consul.SSL=true Consul.SSL.CertificateAuthority=/etc/fixeye/consul.crt
copy consul certificate
Code Block language bash cp /etc/consul.d/consul.crt /etc/fixeye/consul.crt chown -R fixeye:fixeye /etc/fixeye/
enable and start fixeye-agent server:
Code Block language bash systemctl enable --now fixeye-agent systemctl start fixeye-agent