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Table of Contents

Product Overview

FIXEye is a multi-purpose FIX session surveillance and visibility platform.


  • Show all messages
  • Use pre-defined filters for searching
  • Search and filter messages by a tag-value pair
  • Context search
  • Search inside the message

The search process can be stopped by clicking the Cancel button on the status bar.

Show all messages

FIXEye searches for all FIX messages in the specified files without any additional filtering.


Pick a filter from the list and search for specific message types.

For details, refer to Pre-defined filters.

Search and filter messages by a tag-value pair


This type of search can be combined with using pre-defined filters, which makes it the fastest way for searching messages. Search by tag-value pair has priority over other types of search, so only tag-value expressions will be used for the search.

Text other than FIX messages is ignored by FIXEye.


The given search method requires the actual version of the FIX dictionary. Otherwise, searching by custom tags will not return any results!

The given search method doesn't work with repeating groups. Please search by context instead.

The space character acts as the logical operator AND. For searching a tag-value pair in which the value is represented by an integral word-group, the space character should be preceded with a backslash  ('\') symbol, for example: 


It is sometimes useful to do some preliminary filtering and start searching within the filtered results. For more information on pre-defined filtering, refer to Pre-defined filters.  When the filter is set and text is entered in the search box, FIXEye will first apply the filter and then search the filter's output.


Some basic capabilities for searching in the Splunk system using FIXEye have been introduced (since 4.1 version). See How to use FIXEye-Splunk integration capabilities.


This section describes:


FIXEye provides a real-time session states monitoring tool which is Session Watch. Multiple sessions can be monitored at the same time.


A comprehensive video tutorial is available on YouTube.

  • To create a new Session Watchopen the Sessions Watch window, select the Create Sessions Session Watch option in the File menu or press the Image Added icon on the toolbar.


  • Also, the Image Removed icon on the toolbar may be clicked to open the Add Sessions Watch window.


  • Attach session log files to the Server instance or FIXEye Agent in the opened Sessions Watch window by pressing theImage Addedicon in the Files tab.

Image Added

  • To create new Sessions Watch instance press theImage Added icon in the Watches tab. The Add Sessions Watch window will be opened.


  • Specify the name of the Session Watch in the Watch Name field.
  • Specify the storage of the log files in the Files Storage list.
  • Select the particular log files to monitor the session(s) in the Files list.
  • Specify the check interval in milliseconds in the Check Interval field.
  • Specify the heartbeat interval in seconds in the Heartbeat Interval field.
  • Select the E-mail Notifications checkbox to receive a notification email every time the state of the session changes. Click the Configure button to set up an outgoing mail server.
  • Press the Save button to save created Session Watch or press the Cancel button to cancel the Session Watch creation.

The Session Watch tab will be opened and displayed on the main FIXEye screenin the Sessions Watch window. There is no need to keep this tab expanded or displayed for FIXEye the Sessions Watch window opened to monitor the selected session(s) sessions - it will be done automatically while the created Session Watch is running.


The monitoring process can be stopped or started via buttons in the Watches section tab of the Sessions Watch window. The created Session Watch may be removed as well.


States of all sessions whose log files were selected in the Add Sessions Watch window will be displayed in the Session Watch tab. The time of the last session state change, SenderCompID, TargetCompID, SenderSubID, and TargetSubID will be displayed for each session as well.

The states of the session:

Image RemovedThe connection is established.

Image Added

InitialFIXEye cannot define the state of the session. There are no messages in the log file of the session.

Image Removed


The connection is established. The last message in the *.body file is Logon or the last message in the *.in and *.out log files is Logon.


The last message in the session log file is received or sent less than 2 heartbeat intervals ago and it is not the Logout message.


The connection is broken. The last message in the *.body file is Logout or the last message in the *.in and *.out log files is Logout.


The last message in the session log file is received or sent more than 2 heartbeat intervals ago.

FIX Events Viewer

FIXEye can notify and send emails on the following events:

  • Connection status - FIX Session status has been changed
  • Order acknowledgement time - The time between receiving the order and sending the acknowledgement is exceeded.

Follow the steps to enable notification:

  1. On the Tools menu, click the Events Viewer. You can also use the Events Viewer button on the toolbar.
  2. In the FIX Events Viewer dialogue, add files or agents you want to track.
  3. Create a subscription.

Image Removed

Click the button on the FIX Events toolbar and select your subscription type.

Connection status

Specify the expected FIX connection status for notification.

Image Removed

Order acknowledge time

FIXEye can compare the time from SendingTime (52) tag between order and the first acknowledgment on it. This check can be used if one needs to monitor delays in message processing.

Image Removed

The precision between order and acknowledgment can be different (e.g. Milliseconds vs microseconds) which leads to unexpected/wrong results. Use this option only in case of the same accuracy.

Configuring Email notifications

To receive an email notification on Select the E-mail Notifications checkbox and click on the Configure to set up an outgoing mail server.

Image Removed


File list

All opened log files are listed in the Files window.

  • Select the respective file checkbox to include the file content in the next search.
  • Clear the respective file checkbox to exclude the file content from the next search.

Image Removed

Dictionaries list

FIXEye covers standard FIX-features by default, but you can work with non-standard FIX-dialects after loading special files (XML-format) that contain the necessary descriptions.

  • To add a dictionary file, on the File menu, click Load Dictionaries. You can also click the Image Removed icon on the toolbar. The third option is to right-click anywhere on the Files pane, and then click Add Dictionary(ies).

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

  • To remove a dictionary file, right-click the selected file, and click Remove Dictionary(ies).


Pre-Populating Real-Time Watches with Files and Agents.

This feature allows to sync files between the main window and the Real-Time Session Watches, Real-Time Watch, and Events Viewer features.

Image Added

  1. Open Watch/Viewer window and find the "Sync" button. It's used to synchronize files and folders from the main window to the Watch/Viewer window.
  2. Click on the "Sync" button. All folders and files from the main window will be added to the Watch/Viewer window.
  3. If it is required to upload files into Watch/Viewer window manually, navigate to the Watch/Viewer window and select the option to upload files. Follow the prompts to select and upload your files. 

Image Added


If it is required to delete any agent from the main window and then sync in the Watch/Viewer window, the deleted agent will still appear in the Watch/Viewer window. It is needed to manually delete the desired files from the Watch/Viewer window separately.

Real Time Files Watch View Configuration

The Real Time Files Watch View feature in FIXEye allows to customize how messages are displayed. To configure it, it is required to:

  1. Open the application and navigate to the Real Time Files Watch View feature

    Image Added

  2. Choose how the information is to be represented. For example, if select the "Raw Data" option, the information will be displayed in rows:

    Image Added

  3. To create your own view types, navigate to the main menu. You'll find options to customize the view according to your preferences:

Image Added

FIX Events Viewer

FIXEye can notify and send emails on the following events:

  • Connection status - FIX Session status has been changed
  • Order acknowledgement time - The time between receiving the order and sending the acknowledgement is exceeded.

Follow the steps to enable notification:

  1. On the Tools menu, click the Events Viewer. You can also use the Events Viewer button on the toolbar.
  2. In the FIX Events Viewer dialogue, add files or agents you want to track.
  3. Create a subscription.

Image Added

Click the button on the FIX Events toolbar and select your subscription type.

Connection status

Specify the expected FIX connection status for notification.

Image Added

Order acknowledge time

FIXEye can compare the time from SendingTime (52) tag between order and the first acknowledgment on it. This check can be used if one needs to monitor delays in message processing.

Image Added

The precision between order and acknowledgment can be different (e.g. Milliseconds vs microseconds) which leads to unexpected/wrong results. Use this option only in case of the same accuracy.

Configuring Email notifications

To receive an email notification on Select the E-mail Notifications checkbox and click on the Configure to set up an outgoing mail server:

Image Added

Support of wildcards in paths

FIXEye  provides the ability to use wildcards (*) in file paths. This feature allows easily upload a series of files in FIXEye.

1.Select upload icon to brows a fille
2. Navigate to the file list
3. Select a file from the list that must be uploaded

Image Added

4. In the filename or file path, replace the relevant part of the filename or path with an asterisk (*)

  1. Image Added

  2. Image Added
    5. The application will automatically populate the main window with all relevant files that match the filename or path with the wildcard:

    Image Added

    For Windows and Linux Agents:

    Both Windows and Linux agents in FixEye support wildcards within file paths. To leverage this functionality, it is needed

    to manually edit the FixEye Agent Config file and specify the path using wildcards:

    Image Added


File list

All opened log files are listed in the Files window.

  • Select the respective file checkbox to include the file content in the next search.
  • Clear the respective file checkbox to exclude the file content from the next search.

Image Added

Dictionaries list

FIXEye covers standard FIX-features by default, but you can work with non-standard FIX-dialects after loading special files (XML-format) that contain the necessary descriptions.

  • To add a dictionary file, on the File menu, click Load Dictionaries. You can also click the Image Added icon on the toolbar. The third option is to right-click anywhere on the Files pane, and then click Add Dictionary(ies).

Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

  • To remove a dictionary file, right-click the selected file, and click Remove Dictionary(ies).

Ability to add custom dictionary for folder

FIXEye provides opportunity to add a custom dictionary to log folders.  For adding, follow these steps:

  1. Find and select the "Add custom dictionary" section in the "Browse for folder” form. Upon selection, the "Browse" button will become active.
  2. Click on the "Browse" button to open a dialog box that allows to upload a file. Navigate to the location of your custom dictionary file and select it.
  3. If the dictionary file is of the FIX50 version or above, or if you need to attach a transport level dictionary, ensure you select the "FIXT" section.
    Image Added
  4. Once uploaded, your custom dictionary will appear in the list of files.

    Image Added


    Only one dictionary can be uploaded per file. Attempting to add more than one dictionary to the same file will result in an error message.

    Image Added

    If it is needed to change the attached dictionaries, it will require to delete the old dictionary files first before adding new ones.

    Session's list

All sessions found in opened log files are listed in the Sessions window.
