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Table of Contents

Transport adapter


FEJ routing server provides the ability to integrate custom 3rdparty transports and use them for routing messages. For such goal server provides few interfaces for implementations:

Endpoint is a basic interface that represents instance of some entry, which could be unique identified by routing engine for receiving or delivering messages. EndpointParams provides unique id of such endpoint and other additional attributes, which may be useful for routing logic.

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public interface Endpoint {
    EndpointParams getParams();

SourceEndpoint interface represent a provider of messages for routing engine.

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public interface SourceEndpoint extends Endpoint {
    void setListener(SourceMessageListener listener);

It offers the ability to register listeners SourceMessageListener of incoming messages for external systems.

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public interface SourceMessageListener {
    void onNewMessage(FIXFieldList message);

DestinationEndpoint represent a target of routing rules. It allows you to pass routed massage to the certain system.

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public interface DestinationEndpoint extends Endpoint {
      * Send a {@link FIXFieldList} to this adapter. If the message is sent successfully,
      * the method returns {@code true}. If the message cannot be sent due to a
      * non-fatal reason, the method returns {@code false}. The method may also
      * throw a RuntimeException in case of non-recoverable errors.
      * <p>This method may block indefinitely, depending on the implementation.
      * @param message the message to send
      * @return whether or not the message was sent
     boolean send(FIXFieldList message);

There is also mechanism for registering such sources and destinations into server. After registration such endpoints will be accessible for routing engine. Registration of sources and destinations are independent. It means that you can register source and destination endpoint with the same id. This is especially important for bidirectional transports like FIX, where in and out connections are identified by the same parameters. For such transports exists 'BidirectionalEndpoint' interface.

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public interface BidirectionalEndpoint extends ConsumerEndpoint, ProducerEndpoint {

Anyway, there are two separate interface for registering sources and destinations:

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public interface SourceEndpointRegistry {
    void registerConsumer(SourceEndpoint consumer);
    void removeConsumer(String id);

public interface DestinationEndpointRegistry {
    void registerProducer(DestinationEndpoint producer);
    void removeProducer(String id);

Both they are implemented by EndpointRegistryAdapter class. it is available for accessing via Spring config:

Code Block
<bean id="endpointRegistry" class="com.epam.fej.routing.endpoint.EndpointRegistryAdapter"

JMS Transport Adapter

There are several ways to add JMS connectivity into FEJ container. fej-jms.xml configuration file already contains basic configuration for JMS adapter:

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<bean id="jmsProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean"

<bean id="jmsConfig" class="com.epam.fixengine.jms.config.Config"

<bean id="jmsConfigRegister" class="com.epam.fej.jms.DefaultJmsConfigsRegister"
      c:config-ref="jmsConfig" init-method="init"/>

<bean id="jmsClientFactory" class="com.epam.fixengine.jms.client.JMSClientFactory" factory-method="getInstance"/>

<bean id="jmsAdaptorManager" class="com.epam.fej.jms.JmsAdapterManager"
      depends-on="rulesConfigManager"/> file contains parameters for JMS producers and consumers (FIXAJ JMS Adaptor properties). jmsConfigRegister bean (com.epam.fej.jms.DefaultJmsConfigsRegister) is responsible for loading JMS session contexts (SessionContext) from configuration file and registering them with jmsAdaptorManager (com.epam.fej.jms.JmsAdaptorManager) for routing engine. JmsAdaptorManager builds source and destination endpoints adapters from given SessionContext objects and register them in server.


If you want use your own Configuration Factory you can use JmsManager implementation for building and registering SessionContext instances also.

DefaultJmsConfigsRegister produces SessionContext via JmsContextFactory implementation. By default it uses com.epam.fej.jms.JndiJmsSessionContextFactory implementation but you can set you own implementation via DefaultJmsConfigsRegister.setJmsContextFactory(JmsContextFactory jmsContextFactory). Also you can use com.epam.fej.jms.SimpleJmsContextFactory with your definition javax.jms.ConnectionFactory

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public SessionContext createSessionContext(JmsConfig config) {
    final ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = config.getConnectionInfo();
    final SessionInfo sessionInfo = config.getSessionInfo();
    return new SessionContext(connectionInfo, sessionInfo, null, jmsContextFactory.createContext(config));

Please note that ConnectionInfo and SessionInfo classes support loading of custom properties from configuration files:

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final Properties additionalProperties = connectionInfo.getAdditionalProperties();

final Map<String, Object> additionalParams = sessionInfo.getAdditionalParams();

Custom connection factory instead of JNDI

Custom jms connection factory could be used in few ways:

  1. Declaring ConnectionFactory in Spring and inject it in SimpleJmsContextFactory:

    Code Block
    <bean id="jmsConfigRegister" class="com.epam.fej.jms.DefaultJmsConfigsRegister"
          c:config-ref="jmsConfig" init-method="init"/>
    <bean id="jmsConnectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory"
    <bean id="jmsContextFactory" class="com.epam.fej.jms.SimpleJmsContextFactory"
  2. Implement your own JmsContextFactory and pass it as a parameter for DefaultJmsConfigRegister:

    Code Block
    public class ActiveMqJmsContextFactory implements JmsContextFactory {
        public JMSContext createContext(JmsConfig config) {
            return new SimpleJmsContext(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(
                    config.getConnectionInfo().getProviderURL()), config.getConnectionInfo());
    Code Block
    <bean id="activeMqContextFactory" class="com.epam.fej.jms.ActiveMqJmsContextFactory"/>
    <bean id="jmsConfigRegister" class="com.epam.fej.jms.DefaultJmsConfigsRegister"
          c:config-ref="jmsConfig" init-method="init"/>

Persistence API

Persistent API provides easy and fast way to storing data. It support two main storages: PersistentSequence and PersistentQueue.


PersistentSequence provides functionality for storing sequential data (for example, logs). Each record should have unique index. Indexer implementation is used to provide index for certain storing record. Also PersistentSequence requires custom Serializer implementation to serialize objects to byte buffer and restore it back.

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PersistenceFactory factory = ...

Indexer<MyRecord> indexer = new Indexer<MyRecord>() {
    public long getIndex(MyRecord item) {
        return item.getId();

Serializer<MyRecord> serializer = new Serializer<MyRecord>() {
    public void serialize(MyRecord item, ElasticByteBuffer buffer) {
        // serialize instance ...

    public MyRecord deserialize(ElasticByteBuffer buffer, int length) {
        MyRecord record = new MyRecord;
        // load data to instance...
        return record;

final PersistentSequence<MyRecord> sequence = factory.buildSequence("seq_sample", indexer, serializer);

//store record to sequence

In additional to storing data PersistentSequence provides methods for retrieving records from storage. It supports reading single item by index or iterating through items:

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//get single item with index 100
final MyRecord myRecord = sequence.get(100);

//iterate items from index 0 till 100
sequence.retrieveItems(0, 100, new RetrieveSequenceItemsListener<MyRecord>() {
    public void onItem(long id, MyRecord record) {
}, true);

There is a possibility to review stored records and remove some of them from storage:

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sequence.cleanUp(new CleanupItemListener<MyRecord>() {
    public boolean checkForClean(long id, MyRecord item) {
        //return true to removed this record from storage
        return false;

Or remove all and reset sequence:

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//remove all items and reset index

Default PersistentSequence implementation is optimized for writing data and reading operations may take a bit more time.


PersistentQueue works like a queue but persist all items to disk. Thus it can restore its state after application restart. PersistentQueue has similar to java.util.Queue methods:

Code Block
final PersistentQueue<MyRecord> queue = factory.buildQueue("queue_sample", serializer);

//push item to the tail of queue

// read iem from head but doesn't remove
record = queue.peek();

// extract item from head and remove it from queue
record = queue.poll();

Also PersistentQueue allow to iterate all its items:

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queue.iterate(new RetrieveQueueItemsListener<MyRecord>() {
    public void onItem(MyRecord record) {

To remove all items from queue you can use clean method:




Child pages (Children Display)


FIXEdge Java functionality can be extended with custom modules if required. The new logic can be integrated via Spring configuration files. As a default extension point, use the conf/spring/custom-ext.xml configuration file. Add any custom Beans there.

The conf/spring/custom-ext.xml currently includes two Java Beans for extending Groovy rules with custom functionalities:  

  • Listing a bean with the customBLImports ID allows extending default imports for Groovy scripts:
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<util:list id="customImports" value-type="java.lang.String">
	<!--Example of import value-->
  • Mapping a Bean with the customBLBeans ID allows adding custom Beans as variables to Groovy scripts:
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<util:map id="customAdditionalProperties" key-type="java.lang.String">
    <!-- exampleBean now is accessible in Groovy scripts -->
	<entry key="exampleBean" value-ref="testBean"/>

<bean id="testBean" class="java.lang.Object"/>