This document contains description of the main features of JMS Transport Adaptor for FixEdge and common steps required to install JMS Transport Adaptor (JMS TA) for the FIX Edge.
The JMS Adaptor for FIX Server (hereinafter JMS Adaptor) is intended for communication with FIX Server from third-part applications via JMS. JMS TA is a library that exposes a set of methods for communicating with FixEdge's Transport Layer. Also, JMS TA gives a transport, which implements JMS protocol for transmitting/receiving data to/from JMS provider(s):
During FIX server start-up Transport Layer creates JMS connection for each Client Name listed in configuration ClientNames property with specified Session Type, Topic, Ack mode and other properties created.
Path to jvm libraries should be specified in PATH variable if installation goes in Linux (E.g.: /home/user/work/environment/jdk1.7.0/jre/lib/amd64/server).
For FIXEdge prior to v5.7:
Install FIXEdge for Windows (use "tar xvf" commands for Linux/Solaris)
Add path to appropriate activemq*.jar to java classpath in FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/etc/JVM_Options.jvmopts file e.g.:
Windows: -Djava.class.path=(...);FixEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib/activemq-all-5.3.2.jar; Linux: -Djava.class.path=(...);../FixEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib/activemq-all-5.3.2.jar; |
The ActiveMQ library could be found at |
Configure paths to logs in FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/etc/ Paths to logs directory must be absolute.
Configure JMS adapter in
Add TransportLayer.JMSTA to TransportLayer.TransportAdapters, so as a result you should get "TransportLayer.TransportAdapters = TransportLayer.JMSTA"
And add JMS session parameters, for example:
# Transport Layer Section TransportLayer.TransportAdapters = TransportLayer.JMSTA TransportLayer.JMSTA.Description = JMS Transport Adaptor TransportLayer.JMSTA.DllName = bin/jmsTADll-vc10-MD-x64.dll // Use for Linux TransportLayer.JMSTA.JVMOptionsFile = FixEdge1/conf/JVM_Options.jvmopts // Use ../FixEdge1/conf/JVM_Options.jvmopts for Linux TransportLayer.JMSTA.ConnectionNames = Connection1 TransportLayer.JMSTA.ClientNames = ProducerSession, ConsumerSession TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.InitialContextFactory = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ProviderURI = tcp:// TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.User = test TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.Password = test TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ConnectionFactory = queueConnectionFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.Reconnect = false TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ReconnectTries = 3 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ReconnectInterval = 500 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.ConnectionName = Connection1 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.StorageDir = ../FixEdge1/log TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.SessionType = Producer TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.MessagingMode = Queue TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.DestinationURI = MyQueue TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.DeliveryMode = NoPersist TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.TimeToLive = 100000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.SessionAckMode = Auto TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.MessageType = Text TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.Transacted = true TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.DurableSubscription = false TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ProducerSession.DurableSubscriptionName = DurableTest TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.ConnectionName = Connection1 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.StorageDir = ../FixEdge1/log TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.SessionType = Consumer TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.MessagingMode = Queue TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.DestinationURI = MyQueue TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.DeliveryMode = NoPersist TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.TimeToLive = 100000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.SessionAckMode = Auto TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.MessageType = Text TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.Transacted = false TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.DurableSubscription = false TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.ConsumerSession.DurableSubscriptionName = DurableTest |
Note: TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ProviderURI = tcp:// - host:port of Apache ActiveMQ Message Broker.
According to this configuration, FIXEdge will establish connection (Connection1) with ActiveMQ on This connection will be used by two JMS sessions: ProducerSession will receive FIX messages and send converted messages into MyQueue queue of ActiveMQ (producer session), ConsumerSession will receive JMS messages from MyQueue queue of ActiveMQ and convert them into FIX (consumer session).
Use FixEdge1/conf/BL_Config.xml as Business Layer Rules configuration file.
According to that BL rule and to JMS adapter configuration: FIX messages from FIXCLIENT1 will be converted into JMS and sent to ActiveMQ using producer session JMSPTestSession, then consumers session JMSPTestSession2 will get these JMS messages from ActiveMQ, convert it back to FIX and send messages to FIXCLIENT2.
In conf/activemq.xml add <destination> to <broker> section:
<destinations> <queue physicalName="MyQueue" /> </destinations> |
Start ActiveMQ using bin/activemq.bat
Enable UnregisteredAcceptors in FixEdge1/conf/ (UnregisteredAcceptor.CreateSession = true)
Start FIXEdge
Start, for example, SimpleClient (or HSBC tool) and establish FIXCLIENT1-FIXEDGE, FIXCLIENT2-FIXEDGE sessions with FIXEdge
Send FIX messages to FIXCLIENT1-FIXEDGE session
Messages from FIXCLIENT1-FIXEDGE session should be received in FIXCLIENT2-FIXEDGE Session
Open ActiveMQ admin console. Messages Enqueued and Messages Dequeued counters on Queues and Topics page should be changing with each sent message.
3. Unpack jms-ta-distribution*.zip to FixEdge1/conf/
4-5. In FixEdge1/conf directory create JVM_Options.jvmopts file with:
-Xms232m -Xmx512m -Xrs -Djava.class.path=FixEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/lib/jms-ta-jni-1.2.2.jar;FixEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/lib/jms-ta-core-1.2.2.jar;FixEdge1/conf/jms-distribution-1.2.2/lib/activemq-all-A.B.C.jar;FixEdge1/conf/; |
Where 1.2.2 - numbers in version of jms-distribution.
A.B.C - numbers in version of activemq jar-file.
6. Copy file (on older version it is logback.xml) from FixEdge1/conf/jms-distribution/etc to FixEdge1/conf
7. ...
8. Configure BL_Config.xml as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <FIXEdge> <BusinessLayer> <Rule> <Source> <FixSession SenderCompID="FIXCLIENT1" TargetCompID="FIXEDGE"/> </Source> <Action> <Send Name="ProducerSession" /> </Action> </Rule> <Rule> <Source Name="ConsumerSession" /> <Action> <Send> <FixSession SenderCompID="FIXEDGE" TargetCompID="FIXCLIENT2"/> </Send> </Action> </Rule> <DefaultRule> <Action> <DoNothing/> </Action> </DefaultRule> </BusinessLayer> </FIXEdge> |
authorization = enabled
user_auth = local // Not sure if this is required
client_heartbeat_server = <interval> // in seconds
2. Using TIBCO EMS admin tool og GEMS create user "fixedge_dev" with password "fixedge_dev"
3. Using TIBCO EMS admin tool og GEMS create TOPIC ""
4. In "" topic set isSecure property to "true"
5. Assign "Subscribe To Topic", "Create Durable" and "Use Durable" permissions for "fixedge_dev" user
6. There is no need in manual creation of DURABLE. FIXEdge will create it automatically.
Install FIXEdge for Windows (use "tar xvf" commands for Linux/Solaris)
Put jmsTADll-xx.dll ( and symlink for Linux/Solaris) file from JMSAdaptor package into bin directory of FIXEdge
Copy "jms-ta-distribution" directory to FIXEdge's configuration directory (e.g FixEdge1/conf/)
Copy JVM_Options.jvmopts from Package/DOC/ to FixEdge1/conf/
Copy appropriate tibjms.jar library from TIBCO EMS (for example, it can be located into C:/tibco/ems/6.3/lib/) to, for example, jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib/ folder and add path to this library to classpath in JVM_Options.jvmopts, e.g.:
-Djava.class.path=(...);FixEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib/tibjms.jar; |
Configure consumer connection parameters in the, e.g.:
TransportLayer.TransportAdapters = TransportLayer.JMSTA TransportLayer.JMSTA.Description = JMS Transport Adaptor TransportLayer.JMSTA.DllName = bin/jmsTADll-vc10-MD-x64.dll TransportLayer.JMSTA.JVMOptionsFile = FixEdge1/conf/JVM_Options.jvmopts TransportLayer.JMSTA.ConnectionNames = Connection1 TransportLayer.JMSTA.ClientNames = fixedge_recv_dev // This will be used as ClientID of durable TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.InitialContextFactory = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ProviderURI = tcp://epuakyiw1476:7222 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.User = fixedge_dev TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.Password = fixedge_dev TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ConnectionFactory = TopicConnectionFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ReconnectTries = 2000000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ReconnectInterval = 2000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.Reconnect = true ## Topic Consumer client TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.ConnectionName = Connection1 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.SessionType = Consumer TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.MessagingMode = Topic TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DestinationURI = TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DeliveryMode = NoPersist TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.TimeToLive = 100000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.SessionAckMode = Auto TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.MessageType = Text TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.StorageDir = FixEdge1/log TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DurableSubscription = true TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DurableSubscriptionName = |
If you need to configure consumer and producer, then you should repeat steps 2 and 5 from "On TIBCO EMS side" instruction and in configuration should looks like:
TransportLayer.TransportAdapters = TransportLayer.JMSTA TransportLayer.JMSTA.Description = JMS Transport Adaptor TransportLayer.JMSTA.DllName = bin/jmsTADll-vc10-MD-x64.dll TransportLayer.JMSTA.JVMOptionsFile = FixEdge1/conf/JVM_Options.jvmopts TransportLayer.JMSTA.ConnectionNames = Connection1,Connection2 TransportLayer.JMSTA.ClientNames = fixedge_recv_dev,fixedge_send_dev TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.InitialContextFactory = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ProviderURI = tcp://epuakyiw1476:7222 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.User = fixedge_dev TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.Password = fixedge_dev TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ConnectionFactory = TopicConnectionFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ReconnectTries = 2000000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.ReconnectInterval = 2000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection1.Reconnect = true TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.InitialContextFactory = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.ProviderURI = tcp://epuakyiw1476:7222 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.User = fixedge TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.Password = fixedge TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.ConnectionFactory = TopicConnectionFactory TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.ReconnectTries = 2000000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.ReconnectInterval = 2000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.Connection2.Reconnect = true ## Topic Consumer client TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.ConnectionName = Connection1 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.SessionType = Consumer TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.MessagingMode = Topic TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DestinationURI = TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DeliveryMode = NoPersist TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.TimeToLive = 100000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.SessionAckMode = Auto TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.MessageType = Text TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.StorageDir = FixEdge1/log TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DurableSubscription = true TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_recv_dev.DurableSubscriptionName = ## Topic Producer client TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.ConnectionName = Connection2 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.SessionType = Producer TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.MessagingMode = Topic TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.DestinationURI = TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.DeliveryMode = NoPersist TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.TimeToLive = 100000 TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.SessionAckMode = Auto TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.MessageType = Text TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.StorageDir = FixEdge1/log TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.DurableSubscription = false TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.fixedge_send_dev.DurableSubscriptionName = |
7. Configure BL Rules in BL_Config.xml to put received FIX messages to "fixedge_send_dev" client and get messages from "fixedge_recv_dev" client
8. Start TIBCO EMS
9. Start FIXEdge
The JMS adaptor is configured by means of the following properties:
Property name | Description | Required | Default Value | |
TransportLayer.TransportAdapters | Comma delimited list of TA. Separate configuration section for each listed client should be specified. JMSTA should be specified here. | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Description | TA Description | Y | JMS Transport Adaptor | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.DllName | TA library file name. In case this parameter is not specified, the TransportLayer.JMSTA.AdapterId is applied to define the adapter's library by ID | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.AdapterId | The parameter to define the adapter's library by ID. In case this parameter is not specified, or TransportLayer.JMSTA.DllName parameter is specified too, the TransportLayer.JMSTA.DllName is applied
Required value: JMS | N | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.JVMOptionsFile | TA configuration file name | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.AllowRejectMessages | When option is true, JMS rejects messages if unable to send to the MQ or error was fired. False by default. | N | false | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.AllowRepeatedStatusNotification | When option is true, JMS allows to call onLogout() callback if no onLogon() callback was called. False by default. | N | false | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.ConnectionNames | Comma delimited list of TA connections. Separate configuration section for each listed connection should be specified | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.ClientNames | Comma delimited list of TA clients. Separate configuration section for each listed client should be specified | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.FIXVersion | In every session, FIX messages use a particular version of the FIX protocol. Use this parameter to set the version of the FIX protocol for a given session. Acceptable values: FIX40, FIX41, FIX42, FIX43, FIX44, FIX50, FIX50SP1, FIX50SP2, FIXLatest, custom dictionaries. | N | FIX44 | |
Connections parameters | ||||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].InitialContextFactory | JNDI option. The fully qualified class name of the factory class that will create the initial context. An initial context is the starting point for naming operations. | C, required if JNDI mechanism is used | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].ProviderURI | JMS provider URI that defines where the Connection that is created is to connect to as well as the protocol that should be used, for example TCP/IP. Additionally configuration information can be encoded in the URI. | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].User | User name | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].Password | User Password | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].ConnectionFactory | JNDI option. Connection factory object name in the JNDI object store. | C, required if JNDI mechanism is used | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].Reconnect | Enables or disables reconnect procedure for connection restore | N | false | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].ReconnectTries | Number of reconnect tries or -1 for an infinite number of attempts | N | 3 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Connection.[ConnectionName].ReconnectInterval | Fixed interval in milliseconds between reconnection attempts | N | 2000 | |
Clients parameters | ||||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].ConnectionName | Name of primary connection used by client. Connection should be registered in ConnectionNames enumeration and has all required parameters | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].StorageDir | Directory where persistence file is stored in case the communication problem | Y, if persistent mode is enabled | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].SessionType | Session type:
| Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].MessagingMode | Session messaging mode: Queue - Point-To-Point. Each message is addressed to a specific queue, and receiving clients extract messages from the queue(s) established to hold their messages. Queues retain all messages sent to them until the messages are consumed or until the messages expire. Topic - Publish/Subscribe. In a pub/sub product or application, clients address messages to a topic. Publishers and subscribers are generally anonymous and may dynamically publish or subscribe to the content hierarchy. The system takes care of distributing the messages arriving from a topic’s multiple publishers to its multiple subscribers. Topics retain messages only as long as it takes to distribute them to current subscribers. | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].DestinationURI | URI of session destination (Queue name) | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].DeliveryMode | Specifies whether sent messages are lost if the JMS provider fails. Persist - instructs the JMS provider to take extra care to ensure that a message is not lost in transit in case of a JMS provider failure. A message sent with this delivery mode is logged to stable storage when it is sent. NoPersist - does not require the JMS provider to store the message or otherwise guarantee that it is not lost if the provider fails. NOTE: used only for Producer sessions. | N | Persist | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].TimeToLive | This value defines a message expiration time (in milliseconds) that is the sum of the message's time-to-live and the GMT when it is sent (for transacted sends, this is the time the client sends the message, not the time the transaction is committed). Setting parameter value to "0" will lead to infinite TTL. | Y | 3000 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].SessionAckMode | Defines mode in which the Session will acknowledge the messages that it receives and dispatches. Auto - With this acknowledgement mode, the session automatically acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when the session has successfully returned from a call to receive or when the message listener the session has called to process the message successfully returns. Client - With this acknowledgement mode, the client acknowledges a consumed message by calling the message's acknowledge method. Acknowledging a consumed message acknowledges all messages that the session has consumed. When client acknowledgement mode is used, a client may build up a large number of unacknowledged messages while attempting to process them. DupsOk - This acknowledgement mode instructs the session to lazily acknowledge the delivery of messages. This is likely to result in the delivery of some duplicate messages if the JMS provider fails, so it should only be used by consumers that can tolerate duplicate messages. Use of this mode can reduce session overhead by minimizing the work the session does to prevent duplicates. | N | Auto | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].MessageType | JMS Message type used for this session. Bytes - A stream of interpreted bytes. This message type is for literally encoding a body to match an existing message format. Text - Data is stored as a string. This message type is useful for exchanging simple text messages and for more complex character data, such as XML documents. Custom - The ability to use your own message type. This message type is useful for adaptation to already existing systems. For this message type property TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].CustomMessageType is required. | Y | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].CustomMessageType | Class of custom message type implementation. This should be the implementation of one of the interfaces: NOTE: used only for Custom message type. | Y, if MessageType is Custom | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].Transacted | Sending/consuming of messages in the session is transacted. true - transacted. false - not transacted. The value is used by default. | N | false | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].TransactionBatchSize | Max number of message for one transaction. Take from queue the available number of message but no more than that specified in this property. NOTE: used only if transacted is enabled. | N | 20 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].QueueSize | Max number of messages in queue. Message is queued until successfully sent. Waiting for space to become available if the queue is full. | N | 100 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].QueuePersistent | Store messages in the file until they are committed which allows restoring and sending messages after a sudden application shutdown. true – to save messages in the file storage (persistent queue) with parallel saving in memory. false – to save messages in the in-memory queue. This approach is faster but less safe since some messages may be lost after restart.
| N | false | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].QueueNormalFileSize | After reaching this size, adapter waits when the queue will be empty for to truncate file. File size in Mbytes. NOTE: used only for persistent queue. | N | 10 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].QueueMaxFileSize | After reaching this size, adapter truncate the file and overwrites the messages that are queued. File size in Mbytes. NOTE: used only for persistent queue. | N | 50 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].DurableSubscription | Durable topic subscriptions allows receiving messages published while the subscriber is not active. Durable subscriptions offer the reliability of queues to the publish/subscribe message domain. true - Subscription is durable. false - Subscription is not durable. NOTE:
| N | false | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].DurableSubscriptionName | Durable subscription name. | Y, required if DurableSubscription set to true. | ||
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].ConnectionsCount | Number of JMS connections. Adaptor will open given amount of connections to JMS server for given session to send simultaneously. NOTE: Please pay attention that if a number of connection is greater then 1 that there is no guaranty that messages will be placed to JMS in the same order they were received by adapter. | N | 1 | |
TransportLayer.JMSTA.Client.[ClientName].ThreadsPerConnection | Number of threads per one JMS connection. Adaptor will open given amount of JMS sessions for each JMS connection to send simultaneously. NOTE: Please pay attention that if a number of thread per connection is greater then 1 that there is no guaranty that messages will be placed to JMS in the same order they were received by adapter. | N | 1 |
Note that all changes in the properties file are applied only after FixEdge restart.
Available since FIXEdge 6.13.0 release. |
The Kafka Transport Adapter is integrated with a FIXICC monitoring feature.
Information about the configured TA's session parameters list and dynamic state is sent to the subscribed monitoring application when FIXEdge starts. When the TA session dynamic state is changed FIXEdge sends the update to the subscribed monitoring application. |
The adapter provides information about the following indicators:
Name shown | Description |
Status | Status of the JMS TA session |
Time of the last successful message sending | Time of the last successful message sending in UTC time zone |
Time of the last successful message receiving | Time of the last successful message receiving in UTC time zone |
Available since FIXEdge 6.13.0 release. |
FIXEdge C++ provides Start operation for Disconnected JMS TA sessions and Stop operation for Connecting and Running JMS TA sessions on request from the subscribed monitoring application.
Please refer to the Transport adaptor operations for FIXEdge C++ page for additional details about Start and Stop operations.
Start operation can be applied to JMS TA sessions in the Disconnected state.
FIXEdge starts a particular JMS TA session on the request from the subscribed monitoring application and if the operation has been applied replies with a successful response.
In case when there is no session with the requested name FIXEdge logs an error and replies to the subscribed monitoring application with an error response below:
Can't find session with id <session_name> |
In case when Start operation cannot be applied FIXEdge replies to the subscribed monitoring application with an error response and logs an error below:
"Session '<session_name>': The session <session_name> can't be started: <description> Reason: Operation cannot be applied" |
Stop operation can be applied to JMS TA sessions in the Running and Connecting states.
FIXEdge stops a particular JMS TA session on the request from the subscribed monitoring application and if the operation has been applied replies with a successful response.
In case when there is no session with the requested name FIXEdge logs an error and replies to the subscribed monitoring application with an error response below:
Can't find session with id <session_name> |
In case when Stop operation cannot be applied FIXEdge replies to the subscribed monitoring application with an error response and logs an error below:
"Session '<session_name>': The session <session_name> can't be stopped: <description> Reason: Operation cannot be applied" |
In case when JMS TA session is in a Disconnected state and JMS TA receives the message, this message is persisted in storage to be sent on JMS TA session start.
Issues in the logs
2021-02-09 12:38:27,496 UTC DEBUG [JNI_WRAPPER] 140737353992000 Exception Problem with initiation of InitialContext. Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory at com.epam.fixengine.jms.context.JndiContext.configureJNDIContext( at com.epam.fixengine.jms.context.SessionContext.<init>( at com.epam.fe.jms.JMSAdaptorImpl.createSessions( at com.epam.fe.jms.JMSAdaptorImpl.init( at com.epam.fe.jms.jni.JMSAdaptor.init( Caused by: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory] at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext( at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx( at javax.naming.InitialContext.init( at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>( at com.epam.fixengine.jms.context.JndiContext.<init>( at com.epam.fixengine.jms.context.JndiContext.configureJNDIContext( ... 4 more |
Root cause
JMS transport adapter libraries (e.g JMS ta, Tibco, active MQ, etc..) are not found in the configured classpath: java.class.path
EPAM doesn't provide TIBCO EMS libraries. They should be downloaded from the official TIBCO resources. |
Check if the required libraries are defined in JVM properties files (JVM_Options.jvmopts) classpath
-Djava.class.path=/opt/fixedge/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/conf;/opt/fixedge/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/lib/jms-ta-jni-1.2.10.jar;/opt/fixedge/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/lib/jms-ta-core-1.2.10.jar;/opt/fixedge/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/etc;/opt/fixedge/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib/tibjms.jar |
The recent version of TIBCO EMS libraries uses jms version 2.0 or newer. For this case jms-2.0.jar should be also copied to to FIXEdge1\conf\jms-ta-distribution\lib and added to the classpath:
-Djava.class.path=...;/opt/fixedge/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/conf/jms-ta-distribution/tool/lib/jms-2.0.jar |