FIX Antenna C++ 2.19.0 Results


FIX Antenna C++ performance was measured using the sample from the FA package (samples\Benchmark\Latency2). Configuration properties can also be found in the package.

You can reproduce the measurement on your hardwareĀ by compiling andĀ executingĀ the sample described above using the following instruction:

How to measure FA performance using the FA package sample

The following instruction provides the steps to measure the FIX Antenna C++ performance using the Benchmark samples on the FA package.

Two LinuxĀ machines should be used for the test, one as the Sender Host (server), the other as the Receiver Host (client).

Download the FIX Antenna C++ package, unzip it and go to the \Samples\Benchmark\Latency2 folder.

  1. Run the makefile.ind to compile all samples.
  2. Go to the \Samples\Benchmark\Latency2\bin folder.
    Open the script and change the IP address from the localhost to the IP of the Server Host in the ServerAdress parameter.

    On the Server side run the run.Server.<configuration_name>.sh script and on the Client side - the run.Client.<configuration_name>.sh script. As soon as both of them are executed, the RTT is automatically measured. The latency.csv file with results will appear in the same folder.

    In the optimized.hard configuration the number of cores used by the FIX sessions is directly written in the configuration. Please change it according to your machines. It should be changed in the file both in the TasksetServerCores and TasksetClientCores (please see the picture above) parameters.Ā 

    In the optimized.balanced.onload configurationĀ the Solarflare OpenOnload profile is specified. Please specify your existing configuration orĀ set upĀ the new one in the OpenOnload. It should be changed in the file both in theĀ OnloadServerProfile andĀ OnloadClientProfile (please see the picture above) parameters.Ā 


Sender Host:

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 v3 @ 3.40GHz (2 CPU Hyper-Trading Enabled, 24 Cores)
  • RAM 128 GB, 2133 MHz
  • NIC Solarflare Communications SFC9120 (Firmware-version: rx1 tx1)
  • Linux (CentOS 7.0.1406 kernelĀ  3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64)
  • SolarFlare driver version:

Receiver Host:

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2687W v3 @ 3.10GHzĀ  (2 CPUĀ  Hyper-Trading Enabled, 20 Cores)
  • RAM 128 GB, 2133 MHz
  • NIC Solarflare Communications SFC9120 (Firmware-version: rx1 tx1)
  • Linux (CentOS 7.0.1406 kernelĀ  3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64)
  • SolarFlare driver version:

Test scenario

The test scenario is the following:

  • Two test servers are connected via 10GB link.
  • AnĀ Initiator FIX session is established on theĀ Sender Host,Ā an Acceptor FIX session is established on the Receiver Host.
  • The InitiatorĀ sends the New Order Single (35=D)Ā message to the Acceptor; the Acceptor receives, validates and parses the message and sendsĀ the Execution reportĀ (35=8) message backĀ to the Initiator.

During the test Round-trip time (RTT) is measured. The first measurement, t1,Ā is made before the messageĀ isĀ sentĀ by the Initiator, the second, t2, is madeĀ after the received message is parsed by theĀ Initiator.


Test configurations

Prepared messages1
Thread Pool or Aggressive Mode
Thread Pool
(10 Threads)
Aggressive Mode2Aggressive ModeAggressive ModeAggressive ModeAggressive Mode
Message validation parametersIgnoreUnknownFields






Storage type
Solarflare OpenOnload4

1 Prepared messages - a mechanism that preallocates storage for messages (buffers)Ā and then reuses it.

2 Aggressive Mode - 2 dedicated threads are allocated for the FIX session: one for sending messages, another - for receiving them.

3 PersistentMM storage type =Ā a file on the disc.

4Ā Ā Solarflare OpenOnload - the kernel bypassĀ technique by Solarflare thatĀ is activated within the test.

The following description will help to choose the most relevant configuration of FIX Antenna C++:

  • Default. It is the good quick start variant with balancedĀ performance and security. The configuration may be effectively applied both to the Sender Host and the Receiver Host.
  • Aggressive. It is the optimized version of the default configuration. The aggressive mode is used, so that there are allocated two dedicated threads for each FIX session. The configuration is advised to be used for limited amount of sessionsĀ (say, tens orĀ hundreds sessions)Ā and may be effectively applied both to the Sender Host and the Receiver Host.
  • Balanced. Most validation parameters are switched off to improve performance. The configuration is advised to be used in the controlled environment and is preferableĀ for the Sender Host.
  • Optimized.hard.spin. The spinning mode is activated in the configuration by the following setting:Ā Session.Default.AggressiveReceiveDelay = 0, it forces threads to spin. It is not recommended to use the configuration if the number of threads is significant as itĀ is highly consumable for the CPU.Ā It is advised to be used for the Sender Host.
  • Balanced.onload. The Solarflare OpenOnload technique activated within the configuration optimizes the TCP stack. However, the configuration may beĀ applied only if there is a Solarflare Network interface controller installed on the machine. It is advised to be used for the Sender Host.
  • Optimized.hard. For theĀ RTT reduction, the affinity masksĀ are used in the configuration. Also few validation parameters, which are not necessaryĀ in the fully controlledĀ environment,Ā were switched off. It is advised to be used for the Sender Host.


FIX Antenna C++ configurations comparison


RTTĀ (microseconds)


RTTĀ distribution (percentiles)

FIX Antenna C++ 2.19.0Ā vs QuickFIX C++ 1.14.3

TheĀ benchmarkĀ code was ported to QuickFIX:

Sender Host
struct ExperimentTimes
    System::u64 putTime_;
    System::u64 processTime_;
class Application :
      public FIX::Application,
      public FIX::MessageCracker
 void run() {
  times_ = new ExperimentTimes[10000];
  memset( times_, 0, count*sizeof( ExperimentTimes ) );
  // Get a frequency of timer used
  this->timer_frequency = static_cast<double>(HRTimer::frequency());
  FIX42::NewOrderSingle newOrderSingle(
   FIX::ClOrdID( std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(0)) ), FIX::HandlInst( '1' ), FIX::Symbol( "EU" ), FIX::Side( FIX::Side_BUY ),
   FIX::TransactTime(), FIX::OrdType( FIX::OrdType_LIMIT )
  this->start_time = System::HRTimer::value();
  for( size_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i ) {
   // Saving send starting time
   times_[putTimeIndex_].putTime_ = HRTimer::value();
   if(putTimeIndex_ < 10000) {
   newOrderSingle.set( FIX::ClOrdID( std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(i)) ) );
   newOrderSingle.set( FIX::OrderQty( 1 + i%10 ) );
   newOrderSingle.set( FIX::TimeInForce( FIX::TimeInForce_DAY ) );
   newOrderSingle.set( FIX::Price( 30 ) );
   newOrderSingle.getHeader().setField( FIX::SenderCompID( "INCA" ) );
   newOrderSingle.getHeader().setField( FIX::TargetCompID( "TW" ) );
   // 1K messages per second
   double next_send_time = static_cast<double>(i+1)/1000;
    //Wait for next sending time
    double current_time = static_cast<double>(System::HRTimer::value() - start_time)/timer_frequency;
    double to_sleep = next_send_time - current_time;
    if(to_sleep < 0.0)
    if(0.025 < to_sleep)
                    Thread::sleep( static_cast<int>(1000.0*0.9*to_sleep) );
 ExperimentTimes* times_;
 size_t putTimeIndex_;
 size_t processTimeIndex_;
 double timer_frequency;
 Semaphore loggedInSem_;
 void onLogon( const FIX::SessionID& sessionID ) {;
 void fromApp( const FIX::Message& message, const FIX::SessionID& sessionID )
      throw( FIX::FieldNotFound, FIX::IncorrectDataFormat, FIX::IncorrectTagValue, FIX::UnsupportedMessageType ) {
          crack( message, sessionID );
 void onMessage( const FIX42::ExecutionReport&, const FIX::SessionID& ) {
  // Saving message receiving time
  times_[processTimeIndex_].processTime_ = HRTimer::value();
Receiver Host
class Application :
      public FIX::Application,
      public FIX::MessageCracker
 FIX42::ExecutionReport answer;
 int uniqueId;
 void onMessage( const FIX42::NewOrderSingle&, const FIX::SessionID& ) {
  FIX::SenderCompID senderCompID;
  FIX::TargetCompID targetCompID;
  FIX::ClOrdID clOrdID;
  FIX::Symbol symbol;
  FIX::Side side;
  FIX::OrdType ordType;
  FIX::Price price;
  FIX::OrderQty orderQty;
  FIX::TimeInForce timeInForce( FIX::TimeInForce_DAY );
  message.getHeader().get( senderCompID );
  message.getHeader().get( targetCompID );
  message.get( clOrdID );
  message.get( symbol );
  message.get( side );
  message.get( ordType );
  if ( ordType == FIX::OrdType_LIMIT )
   message.get( price );
  message.get( orderQty );
  message.getFieldIfSet( timeInForce );
  answer.set( clOrdID );
  answer.set( price );
  answer.set( orderQty );
  answer.set( FIX::TransactTime() );
  answer.set( FIX::ExecID(std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(uniqueId)) ) );
  answer.set( FIX::OrderID(std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(uniqueId)) ) );
  answer.set( FIX::LeavesQty(orderQty) );

Results can be compared in the following table:


FIXAntenna defaultFIXAntenna balancedQuickFIX no validationQuickFIX validation
RTT (microseconds)


RTTĀ distribution (Percentiles)