FE C++ and FIXICC H2 without Consul
PostgreSQL installation and configuration
in case you already have postgres setup in your network, you can skip this part
installation should be performed under the root user.
Install PostgreSQL from yum repository
yum install -y postgresql postgresql-server
Initialize a new PostgreSQL installation
postgresql-setup initdb
By default PostgreSQL server is only accessible via Unix Domain Sockets or loopback IP interface ( to the local users, the users are authenticated by the operating system, i.e. the OS user postgres can connect as PostreSQL user postgres without any additional authentication from the PostgreSQL server side. To allow PgAdmin4 and FIXICC H2 to work we need to enable access via a network
To enable network access to PostgreSQL server edit file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and add the following lines:
host all all md5 host all all ::0/0 md5
It allows all users to connect from any host via TCP or SSL socket using hashed passwords.
Remove lines that enable ident connection to localhost:
To enable listening of all network interfaces edit file /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf , replace line:
Enable auto-start and start postgresql server (check service status)
FIXICC-H2 installation and configuration
Install dependencies
Download latest package from https://clientspace.b2bits.com/product-58 (fixicc-h2-*.el7.x86_64.rpm)
Install rpm package fixicc-h2-*.el7.x86_64.rpm
Login into postgres server
Create a user and a database for FIXICC H2 in postgresql
Exit psql console
Generate keystore for FIXICC-H2
Edit /etc/fixicc-h2/local.app.properties and set properties as follows
Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/fixicc-h2.service as follows (NOTE: there is a version number in the file path, please specify the current version of FIXICCH2, e.g. 23Q1)
Enable auto-start and start FIXICC-H2 server (check service status)
FIXICC-H2 UI should be available on https://server_ip:8443/app/
Default user:password is admin:admin
FIXEdge installation and configuration
Install dependencies
Download latest package from https://clientspace.b2bits.com/product-30 (fixedge-*.el7.x86_64.rpm)
Install rpm package fixedge-*.el7.x86_64.rpm
Copy your engine.license file into /etc/fixedge/ directory
Add below config at the end of /etc/fixedge/FIXEdge.properties
Extract fixicc-h2 certificate
Enable auto-start and start FIXEdge server (check service status)
After startup fixedge server navigate to "Show all servers" and you will see "Misbehaving" status for the FIXEdge1 server. Press on "Edit" button and provide the parameters like below, Then, press "OK":
FIXEye Agent installation and configuration
FIXEye Agent installation instruction mentioned below is not applicable for RHEL systems.
Download latest package from https://clientspace.b2bits.com/product-36 (fixeye-agent-*.el7.x86_64.rpm)
Install rpm package fixeye-agent-*.el7.x86_64.rpm
Copy your fixeye-agent.license file into /etc/fixeye/ directory
Edit /etc/fixeye/fixeye-agent.config as follows
Copy RESTAPI certificate for fixeye
Add fixeye user to the fixedge group
Enable auto-start and start fixeye-agent server (check service status)