Mode without Consul
FIXICC H2 configuration
To work without Consul, set the following property in
fixicch2.consulEnabled=false |
Default value: true, possible values: true|false. So this property is required to work without Consul.
Besides, some other properties can be used for the mode without Consul configuration (all of them can be specified in
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
fixicch2.maxSecondsAfterLastSuccessfulHealthCheck | int | 600 | If there are no successful health check attempts during such an interval, the warning message will be added to |
fixicch2.secondsBetweenHealthChecks | int | 10 | Interval between two consecutive health checks. |
fixicch2.healthCheckTimeoutSeconds | int | 60 | Timeout of one health check |
When FIXICC H2 works in the mode without Consul, a user should enter Admin Port, FIX Port, FIXEye-Agent Host and Port by themselves. To do it, open Servers page, select a server, click "Edit" button and enter ports and FIXEye-Agent Host. If you need to create new server, click "Add" and fill new server form.
IP is a read only field as FIXICC H2 gets IP from engine request, a user doesn't enter its value.
FIXEdge Java configuration
The following properties should be set in
FIXEdge C++ configuration
The following lines should be added to
Components.Service.FIXICCH2 = configuration-service
Components.Service.FIXICCH2.Host =
Components.Service.FIXICCH2.Port = 8080
Components.Service.FIXICCH2.ReconnectInterval = 30000
Components.Component.Configuration = FIXICCH2