UMDF Quick Start

UMDF Quick Start

These chapters describe the creation of a simple Bovespa application step-by step with samples.

Follow these instructions to get it to work:

  • Initialize FIX engine
  • Create BovespaApplication
  • Subscribe to symbol
  • Process incoming market data
  • Stop, release resources

Engine initialization

Execute the following instruction to initialize FIX engine.

// Initializes engine.

The engine.properties file is required to read the engine configuration parameters. It must, by default, be present in the current directory. If the file is located elsewhere or has a different name specify the properties file name and path explicitly.

// Initializes engine.
Engine::FixEngine::init ("engine.properties");

If an error occurs during initialization (the properties file is not found, a required property is missing etc.) the exception will be thrown.

// Initializes engine.
try {
catch( const Utils::Exception& ex ) {
   cout << "ERROR: " << ex.what() << endl;

BovespaApplication creation

You can create an BovespaApplication in three steps:

  • Configure BovespaApplication parameters
  • Create an BovespaApplication object

        // Initialize parameters   
        BovespaApplicationParams params;

        // XML configs
        params.templatesFn_ = "templates.xml";
        params.configXml_ = "config.xml";

        // TCP Replay parameters
        params.tcpReplayParams_.senderCompId_ = "Sender";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.targetCompId_ = "Target";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.username_ = "username";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.password_ = "12345";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.ip_ = ";";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.port_ = 3001;

        // Create Application object    
        app_ = Engine::FixEngine::singleton()->createBovespaApplication(params);


You will start receiving market data from after you subscribe to a symbol and provide per-instrument listener.

Use the BovespaApplication::subscribe method for that. Market data will be delivered to the listener's callbacks

auto listener = new PerInstrumentListener();

BovespaSubscriptionItem item;
item.symbol_ = symbol;

app_->subscribeToInstrument(item, listener);

Releasing resources

Use the BovespaApplication::release() method to release the resources. Calling unsubscribe is optional.

Full sample

The sample below illustrates all above mentioned instructions combined in one application.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <B2BITS_FixEngine.h>
#include <B2BITS_BovespaApplication.h>
#include <B2BITS_BovespaApplicationListeners.h>

using namespace Bovespa;

struct PerInstrumentListener : public InstrumentListener
    void onSubscribed(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& item)
        // instrument subscribed, 

    virtual void onUnsubscribed(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem)
        // delete this

    virtual bool onSecurityDefinition(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const& dMsg) override {
        // process security definition message, 35=d

    virtual bool onIncrement(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* const* msgs, size_t count) {
        // process incremental message, 35=X

    virtual bool onNaturalRefresh(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* const* nrMsgs, size_t count, bool isNewSequence) override {
        // if NaturalRefresh is enabled updates will be available here,  35=X

    virtual void onSnapshot(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* msg) override {
        // process snapshot message,  35=W

    virtual void process(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* msg) override {
        // process other 35!=X, 35!=W

    virtual void onRecoveryStarted(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem) override {
        // mark instrument as invalid
        recovered_ = false;

    virtual void onRecoveryStopped(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, RecoveryReason reason) {
        // mark instrument as valid
        recovered_ = true;

    virtual void onError(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::AsciiString const& error) {
        // log error
        std::cerr << error << std::endl;

    virtual void onBookReset(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem) override {
        // reset instrument book

    bool recovered_ = true;

class BovespaClient
        // Initialize parameters   
        BovespaApplicationParams params;

        // XML configs
        params.templatesFn_ = "templates.xml";
        params.configXml_ = "config.xml";

        // TCP Replay parameters
        params.tcpReplayParams_.senderCompId_ = "Sender";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.targetCompId_ = "Target";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.username_ = "username";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.password_ = "12345";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.ip_ = ";";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.port_ = 3001;

        // Create Application object    
        app_ = Engine::FixEngine::singleton()->createBovespaApplication(params);

    void subscribe(std::string const& symbol)
        auto listener = new PerInstrumentListener();
        BovespaSubscriptionItem item;
        item.symbol_ = symbol;
        item.recovery_ = RO_USE_MARKET_TCP_AS_POSIBLE_RECOVERY;

        app_->subscribeToInstrument(item, listener);

    void release() {
        app_ = NULL;
    BovespaApplication* app_ = nullptr;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        // Initialize engine.

        // Create Application instance
        BovespaClient application;

        // Subscribe for symbol

        // Wait, receiving market data
        char c;
        std::cin >> c;

        // release resources
    catch (const Utils::Exception& ex)
        std::cout << " ERROR: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;

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