UMDF Quick Start

These chapters describe the creation of a simple Bovespa application step-by step with samples.

Follow these instructions to get it to work:

  • Initialize FIX engine
  • Create BovespaApplication
  • Subscribe to symbol
  • Process incoming market data
  • Stop, release resources

Engine initialization

Execute the following instruction to initialize FIX engine.

// Initializes engine.

The file is required to read the engine configuration parameters. It must, by default, be present in the current directory. If the file is located elsewhere or has a different name specify the properties file name and path explicitly.

// Initializes engine.
Engine::FixEngine::init ("");

If an error occurs during initialization (the properties file is not found, a required property is missing etc.) the exception will be thrown.

// Initializes engine.
try {
catch( const Utils::Exception& ex ) {
   cout << "ERROR: " << ex.what() << endl;

BovespaApplication creation

You can create an BovespaApplication in three steps:

  • Configure BovespaApplication parameters
  • Create an BovespaApplication object

        // Initialize parameters   
        BovespaApplicationParams params;

        // XML configs
        params.templatesFn_ = "templates.xml";
        params.configXml_ = "config.xml";

        // TCP Replay parameters
        params.tcpReplayParams_.senderCompId_ = "Sender";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.targetCompId_ = "Target";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.username_ = "username";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.password_ = "12345";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.ip_ = ";";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.port_ = 3001;

        // Create Application object    
        app_ = Engine::FixEngine::singleton()->createBovespaApplication(params);


You will start receiving market data from after you subscribe to a symbol and provide per-instrument listener.

Use the BovespaApplication::subscribe method for that. Market data will be delivered to the listener's callbacks

auto listener = new PerInstrumentListener();

BovespaSubscriptionItem item;
item.symbol_ = symbol;

app_->subscribeToInstrument(item, listener);

Releasing resources

Use the BovespaApplication::release() method to release the resources. Calling unsubscribe is optional.

Full sample

The sample below illustrates all above mentioned instructions combined in one application.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <B2BITS_FixEngine.h>
#include <B2BITS_BovespaApplication.h>
#include <B2BITS_BovespaApplicationListeners.h>

using namespace Bovespa;

struct PerInstrumentListener : public InstrumentListener
    void onSubscribed(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& item)
        // instrument subscribed, 

    virtual void onUnsubscribed(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem)
        // delete this

    virtual bool onSecurityDefinition(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const& dMsg) override {
        // process security definition message, 35=d

    virtual bool onIncrement(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* const* msgs, size_t count) {
        // process incremental message, 35=X

    virtual bool onNaturalRefresh(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* const* nrMsgs, size_t count, bool isNewSequence) override {
        // if NaturalRefresh is enabled updates will be available here,  35=X

    virtual void onSnapshot(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* msg) override {
        // process snapshot message,  35=W

    virtual void process(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::FIXMessage const* msg) override {
        // process other 35!=X, 35!=W

    virtual void onRecoveryStarted(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem) override {
        // mark instrument as invalid
        recovered_ = false;

    virtual void onRecoveryStopped(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, RecoveryReason reason) {
        // mark instrument as valid
        recovered_ = true;

    virtual void onError(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem, Engine::AsciiString const& error) {
        // log error
        std::cerr << error << std::endl;

    virtual void onBookReset(BovespaSubscriptionItem const& subsItem) override {
        // reset instrument book

    bool recovered_ = true;

class BovespaClient
        // Initialize parameters   
        BovespaApplicationParams params;

        // XML configs
        params.templatesFn_ = "templates.xml";
        params.configXml_ = "config.xml";

        // TCP Replay parameters
        params.tcpReplayParams_.senderCompId_ = "Sender";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.targetCompId_ = "Target";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.username_ = "username";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.password_ = "12345";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.ip_ = ";";
        params.tcpReplayParams_.port_ = 3001;

        // Create Application object    
        app_ = Engine::FixEngine::singleton()->createBovespaApplication(params);

    void subscribe(std::string const& symbol)
        auto listener = new PerInstrumentListener();
        BovespaSubscriptionItem item;
        item.symbol_ = symbol;
        item.recovery_ = RO_USE_MARKET_TCP_AS_POSIBLE_RECOVERY;

        app_->subscribeToInstrument(item, listener);

    void release() {
        app_ = NULL;
    BovespaApplication* app_ = nullptr;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        // Initialize engine.

        // Create Application instance
        BovespaClient application;

        // Subscribe for symbol

        // Wait, receiving market data
        char c;
        std::cin >> c;

        // release resources
    catch (const Utils::Exception& ex)
        std::cout << " ERROR: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;