ICE Private Order Feed to Database
Database Schema
Execution Report (MsgType = ''8")
Allocation Report (MsgType = ''J")
ICE-to-Database mapping
Execution Report (MsgType = ''8")
Table: ICEPOFReports
Usage: Table holds the summary of reported orders.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
ExecID | 17 (ExecID) | Y | Key field. Unique execution ID for this Execution Report. NOTE: The ExecID is only unique per side per market per trading session. |
Symbol | 55 (Symbol) | Y | Key field. Market ID. |
Side | 54 (Side) | Y | Key field. Side of order. Supported value(s): 1 = Buy 2 = Sell |
SourceFeed | - | Y | Key field. Always set to ‘ICE POF’. |
ExecType | 150 (ExecType) | Y | Key field. Indicates the reason for the Execution Report. Supported value(s): 0 = New 1 = Partial Fill 2 = Fill 4 = Canceled 5 = Replace 8 = Rejected D = Restated G = Trade Correct (Adapted from FIX 4.3) H = Trade Cancel (Adapted from FIX 4.3) |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Execution Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Execution Report, then the current time is inserted |
TransactTimeWasNULL | - | N | N - the TransactTime field value was specified in the Execution Report Y - the TransactTime field value wasn't specified in the Execution Report (it has been generated by JS) |
PossDupFlag | 43(PossDupFlag) | N | Indicates possible retransmission of message with this sequence number |
PossResend | 97(PossResend) | N | Indicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number. |
SendingTime | 52 (SendingTime) | Y | Date and time whenreportwas received. |
OrderID | 37 (OrderID) | Y | Unique identifier for Order as assigned by sell-side (broker, exchange, ECN). NOTE: The OrderID is only unique per side per market per trading session. |
ClOrdID | 11 (ClOrdID) | C | Unique identifier for Order as assigned by the buy-side (institution, broker, intermediary etc.) |
OrigClOrdID | 41 (OrigClOrdID) | C | ClOrdID (11) of the previous order as assigned by the institution, used to identify the previous order in cancel and cancel/replace requests. |
ClientID | 109 (ClientID) | N | Company ID or Child Company ID if Multi-Company Trading. |
TargetCompId | 56 (TargetCompId) | Y | Identify receiving firm. |
ExecInst | 18 (ExecInst) | N | Please note that the data type is Char, not MultipleValueString. Supported value(s): G = All or None (AON) |
OnBehalfOfCompId | 115 (OnBehalfOfCompId) | N | Identifies firm originating message if the message was delivered by a third party. Optional for all orders for regulatory purposes. Alphanumeric characters only with “|” delimiter. |
OnBehalfOfSubId | 116 (OnBehalfOfSubId) | N | Identifies specific message originator. Required for all orders for regulatory purposes. Alphanumeric characters only with “|” delimiter. |
OnBehalfOfLocationId | 144 (OnBehalfOfLocationId) | N | Identifies specific message originator's location. Required for all orders for regulatory purposes. Alphanumeric characters only with “|” delimiter. |
HistoryRequestId | 9415 (RequestId) | C | Provide on Execution Reports that are in response to a History Request. |
OriginatorUserID | 9139 (OriginatorUserID) | N | Trader ID that is registered in the ICE system and logged into the Trading System. |
ExecTransType | 20 (ExecTransType) | Y | Identifies transaction type. Supported value(s): 0 = New 1 = Cancel 2 = Correct |
ExecRefID | 19 (ExecRefID) | N | Reference identifier. |
OrdStatus | 39 (OrdStatus) | Y | Indicates overall status of order. Supported value(s): 0 = New 1 = Partial Fill 2 = Fill 4 = Canceled 5 = Replace 8 = Rejected |
OrderState | 9175 (OrderState) | N | Exchange defined order state. Please note that OrdStatus (Tag 39) should be used for the status of the order. Supported value(s): 0 = Active 1 = Inactive 2 = Withdrawn, 3 = Pending 4 = Consummated 5 = Pre-Open 6 = Elected |
OrdRejReason | 103 (OrdRejReason) | C | Code to identify reason for order rejection. Supported value(s): 1 = Unknown symbol 2 = Exchange closed (or Market Closed) 3 = Order exceeds limit 5 = Unknown Order 6 = Duplicate Order (e.g. duplicate ClOrdID) 9 = User Defined (more info in Text field) 11 = Unsupported order characteristic |
OrderQty | 38 (OrderQty) | N | Quantity ordered. |
SecurityType | 167 (SecurityType) | N | Indicates type of security. |
PutOrCall | 201 (PutOrCall) | C | Required if SecurityType (Tag 167) = ‘OPT’. |
StrikePrice | 202 (StrikePrice) | C | Strike Price for an Option. Required if SecurityType (Tag 167) = ‘OPT’. |
MaxShow | 210 (MaxShow) | N | Maximum visible quantity of an order to market participants. |
OrdType | 40 (OrdType) | N | Order type. Supported value(s): 1 = Market 2 = Limit 3 = Stop (with Protection) 4 = Stop Limit |
Price | 44 (Price) | C | Price. |
ExecRestatementReason | 378 (ExecRestatementReason) | C | The reason for restatement. Required if ExecType (Tag 150) = ‘D’. Supported value(s): 3 = Repricing of order |
CustOrderHandlingInst | 1031 (CustOrderHandlingInst) | N | Adapted from FIX 5.0. Please note the data type of String and not MultipleStringValue. Supported value(s): A = Phone simple B = Phone complex C = Vendor-provided Platform billed by Executing Broker (earlier FCM-provided screen) D = Other, including Other-provided Screen (earlier Other-provided screen) E = Client-provided platform controlled by FCM F = Client-provided platform direct to exchange G = Sponsored Access via Exchange API or FIX provided by Executing Broker (earlier FCM API or FIX) H = Premium Algorithmic Trading Provider billed by Executing Broker (earlier Algo Engine) J = Price at Execution (price added at Initial order entry, trading, middle office or time of give-up) K = Zero Commission W = Desk - Electronic X = Desk - Pit Y = Electronic (Preferred default value as per FIA usage guidelines. Not set as a default if not sent, earlier Client - Electronic) Z = Client - Pit |
LiquidityIndicator | 9120 (LiquidityIndicator) | C | Required if ExecType (Tag 150) = ‘1’ or ‘2’. Supported value(s): A = Added Liquidity R = Remove Liquidity |
MemoField | 9121 (MemoField) | N | - |
TransactDetails | 9123 (TransactDetails) | N | Contains reference information when provided. For Basis Trades the format is: <SecurityID>|<SecurityIDSource>|<Price>|<Reference> |
NumberOfCycles | 9022 (NumofCycles) | N | - |
SequenceWithinMillis | 9028 (SequenceWithinMillis) | N | Sequence of the message within the millisecond. SequenceWithinMillis / 1000 = # of microseconds. Please note that the last 3 digits are sequence numbers within the microsecond (not nanoseconds). |
ClientAppType | 9413 (ClientAppType) | N | Used to indicate the source application on the request. Can be used to differentiate WebICE deals from FIXOS deals. Supported value(s): 0 = WebICE 1 = FIX OS 2 = FIXml 3 = ICEBlock 4 = Other 5 = FPML 6 = UPS 7 = Mobile 8 = FIX POF 9 = YJ ISV 11 = IOA |
CustClearingVenue | 9209 (CustClearingVenue) | N | Supported value(s): ICE BIL ICEEFRP OTHER |
TrdType | 828 (TrdType) | N | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Please note type of String and not Int. Supported value(s): 0 = Regular Trade 2 = ICE EFRP 3 = ICEBLK 4 = Basis Trade 5 = Guaranteed Cross 6 = Volatility Contingent Trade 7 = Stock Contingent Trade 9 = CCX EFP Trade A = Other Clearing Venue D = N2EX E = EFP Trade/Against Actual G = EEX F = EFS/EFP Contra Trade I = EFM Trade J = EFR Trade K = Block Trade O = NG EFP/EFS Trade Q = EOO Trade S = EFS Trade T = Contra Trade U = CPBLK V = Bilateral Off-Exchange Trade Y = Cross Contra Trade AA = Asset Allocation |
TimeInForce | 59 (TimeInForce) | N | Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Absence of this field is interpreted as Day. Supported value(s): 0 = Day 1 = Good Till Cancel (GTC) 3 = Immediate or Cancel (IOC) Fill & Kill 4 = Fill or Kill (FOK) 6 = Good Till Date (GTD) 10 = Good After Logout (GAL) - WebICE Only |
PositionEffect | 77 (PositionEffect) | N | Supported value(s): O = Open C = Close |
LeavesQty | 151 (LeavesQty) | Y | The quantity remaining open for further execution. |
CumQty | 14 (CumQty) | Y | Total quantity filled. |
AvgPx | 6 (AvgPx) | Y | Calculated average price of all fills for order. |
LastQty | 32 (LastQty) | C | Quantity executedoffill. Required if ExecType (Tag 150) = ‘1’ or ‘2’. |
LastPx | 31 (LastPx) | C | Trade price of fill. Required if ExecType (Tag 150) = ‘1’ or ‘2’. |
LastParPx | 669 (LastParPx) | C | CDS and IRS Futures Price: The CDS or IRS Futures price of this fill. |
MultiLegReportingType | 442 (MultiLegReportingType) | C | Present only on leg executions of a strategy. Supported value(s): 2 = Individual leg of a multi-leg security |
SecondaryExecID | 527 (SecondaryExecID) | C | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Present on leg fillsofa strategy and contains the ExecID (Tag 17) of the strategy fill. |
CrossId | 548 (CrossId) | C | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Present on execution reports for New Order - Cross. |
CrossType | 549 (CrossType) | C | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Type of cross. Supported value(s): 1 = Cross AON (Used for Off Order Book Trades and Guaranteed Cross) 2 = Cross IOC |
ClearingFirm | 439 (ClearingFirm) | N | ClearingFirmID of the Clearing Firm. |
ClearingAccount | 440 (ClearingAccount) | N | ClearingAccount information forwarded to clearing house/firm. |
StartDate | 916 (StartDate) | N | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Available for Custom, Platts, and ENDEX Spot markets. |
EndDate | 917 (EndDate) | N | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Available for Custom, Platts, and ENDEX Spot markets. |
AccountCode | 9195 (AccountCode) | N | Please see for the complete definition of ICE FIX API custom fields. |
CustomerAccountRefId | 9207 (CustomerAccountRefId) | N | - |
CrossExecutionType | 9405 (CrossExecutionType) | N | Indicates the type of deal derived from a new order cross. Supported value(s): 0 = Basic Crossing Order |
DeliveryStartDate | 9520 (DeliveryStartDate) | N | Endex Spot markets-date and time in which delivery begins. |
DeliveryEndDate | 9521 (DeliveryEndDate) | N | EndexSpot markets-date and time in which delivery ends. |
LocationCode | 9522 (LocationCode) | N | Endex Spot specific: Only populated for OCM Locational markets. |
MeterNumber | 9523 (MeterNumber) | N | Endex Spot specific: Only populated for OCM Locational markets. |
LeadTime | 9524 (LeadTime) | N | EndexSpot specific: Only populated for OCM Locational markets.Numberof hours offset from delivery. Must be ≥ 1 and ≤ 24. |
ReasonCode | 9525 (ReasonCode) | N | EndexSpot specific: Only populated for authorized companies for OCM markets. |
DayRate | 9526 (DayRate) | N | Only populated for OCM Locational Day and Physical markets. |
Text | 58 (Text) | N | - |
PriceType | 423 (PriceType) | N | Code to represent the price type. |
StopPx | 99 (StopPx) | N | Price. |
ExpireDate | 432 (ExpireDate) | N | Date of order expiration. |
ExpireTime | 126 (ExpireTime) | N | Date and time of order expiration (always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT"). Please note that the format is “YYYYMMDD-HH:MM.SS”. |
LinkExecID | 9527 (LinkExecID) | C | Present on leg fillsofa composite strategy and contains the ExecID (Tag 17) of the intermediate strategy fill. |
BrokerCompID | 9065 (BrokerCompID) | N | The company ID of the broker company. |
BrokerCompName | 9066 (BrokerCompName) | N | The company name of the broker company. |
BrokerUserID | 9067 (BrokerUserID) | N | The user/trader ID of the broker company. |
DeleteReason | 285 (DeleteReason) | N | Reason or source of cancel. Supported value(s): 0 = Canceled by User 7 = Canceled by System 11 = Canceled at Market Close |
QuoteRespID | 693 (QuoteRespID) | N | Adapted from FIX.4.4. Will contain one or more quote IDs delimited by a pipe, “|” for quotes associated with the trade. |
WaiverIndicator | 8013 (WaiverIndicator) | N | MiFID waiver indicator on off-exchange deals in MiFID-regulated markets and products. Supported value(s): LRGS = Large In Scale (LIS): Off-exchange trade (except EFP) ≥ LIS SIZE = Above specified size: Off-exchange trade (except EFP) < LIS ILQD = Illiquid instrument |
ImpliedIndicator | 9003 (ImpliedIndicator) | N | Indicates whether or not an order is implied. Supported value(s): Y = Yes N = No |
CTICode | 9208 (CTICode) | N | Required if trading ICE Futures US or ICE Futures Canada with an ITM. Supported value(s): 1 = Broker/trader trading for own account. 2 = Broker/trader trading for house or prop account. 3 = Broker/trader trading for the account of another broker/trader. 4 = Broker/trader trading for |
DirectElectronicAccess | 9700 (DirectElectronicAccess) | C | Only required for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided. Supported value(s): 0 = False 1 = True |
TradingCapacity | 9701 (TradingCapacity) | C | Only required for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided. Supported value(s): 0 = DEAL (own account) 1 = MTCH (matched principal) 2 = AOTC (any other capacity) |
LiquidityProvision | 9702 (LiquidityProvision) | C | Only required for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided. Supported value(s): 0 = False 1 = True |
CommodityDerivIndicator | 9703 (CommodityDerivIndicator) | N | Optional for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided. Supported value(s): 0 = False (Default if not sent) 1 = True |
InvestmentDecision | 9704 (InvestmentDecision) | C | Must be > 0. Maximum value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Only required for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided and TradingCapacity (Tag 9701) = ‘0’. |
ExecutionDecision | 9705 (ExecutionDecision) | C | Must be > 0. Maximum value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Only required for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided. |
ClientIDCode | 9706 (ClientIDCode) | C | Must be > 0. Maximum value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Only required for MiFID II related markets when MIFIDID (Tag 9707) is not provided and TradingCapacity (Tag 9701) = ‘1’ or ‘2’. |
MiFIDID | 9707 (MiFIDID) | C | Must be > 0. Maximum value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Only required for MiFID II related markets when Tags 9700-9706 are not provided. Please note that this field (in lieu of 9700-9706) will be the only MiFID-related field processed if sent. |
MemberName | 5364 (MemberName) | C | Company name or child company name. Corresponds to PartyRole (Tag 452) = ‘13’ in FIX TC. |
CounterpartyTraderID | 6822 (CounterpartyTraderID) | C | Counterparty company ID for bilateral trades. Corresponds to PartyRole (Tag 452) = ‘50’ in FIX TC. |
CounterpartyCompID | 6347 (CounterpartyCompID) | C | Counterparty trader ID for bilateral trades. Corresponds to PartyRole (Tag 452) = ‘37’ in FIX TC. |
ContraFirm | 9068 (ContraFirm) | C | Company name of the counterparty for bilateral trades. Corresponds to PartyRole (Tag 452) = ‘17’ in FIX TC. |
ComplianceID | 376 (ComplianceID) | N | Unique Swap Identifier (USI) or Unique Trade Identifier (UTI). This field will be sent for EFS trades linked to Platts deal. This will also contain the UTI for REMIT markets. |
NumOfCombiDefinitions | 9500 (NumOfCombiDefinitions) | N | Total number of element in the CombiDefinitions group. |
TermsQualityComments | 9510 (TermsQualityComments) | N | Terms of Platts deal. |
NoLegExecutions | 9029 (NoLegExecutions) | N | The number of leg execution reports per deal per side for strategies. |
Table: ICEPOFReportsCombiDefinitions
Usage: Table holds contents of CombiDefinitions repeating groups.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
ExecID | 17 (ExecID) | Y | Key field. Unique execution ID for this Execution Report. NOTE: The ExecID is only unique per side per market per trading session. |
Symbol | 55 (Symbol) | Y | Key field. Market ID. |
Side | 54 (Side) | Y | Key field. Side of order. Supported value(s): 1 = Buy 2 = Sell |
SourceFeed | - | Y | Key field. Always set to ‘ICE POF’. |
ExecType | 150 (ExecType) | Y | Key field. Indicates the reason for the Execution Report. Supported value(s): 0 = New 1 = Partial Fill 2 = Fill 4 = Canceled 5 = Replace 8 = Rejected D = Restated G = Trade Correct (Adapted from FIX 4.3) H = Trade Cancel (Adapted from FIX 4.3) |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Execution Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Execution Report, then the current time is inserted |
CombiDefinitionsEntry | - | Y | Key field. Numeric identifier of the CombiDefinitions group entry. |
CombiPercentage | 9501 (CombiPercentage) | N | Repeating group used to convey Platts specific combi fields. |
CombiPriceBasis | 9502 (CombiPriceBasis) | N | Returns the pricing basis for Platts combi deals. |
CombiPriceBasisPeriod | 9503 (CombiPriceBasisPeriod) | N | Returns the Platts basis period ex: Full month, quarter, 5 days, etc. |
CombiPriceBasisSubLevel | 9504 (CombiPriceBasisSubLevel) | N | Returns the selected sub level. |
CombiLegPrice | 9505 (CombiLegPrice) | N | Returns the price of the combi leg. |
Table: Sent_Messages_ICE_POF
Usage: Table is used to exclude potential duplicates and build triggers for further database messages processing.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
ExecID | 17 (ExecID) | Y | Key field. Unique execution ID for this Execution Report. NOTE: The ExecID is only unique per side per market per trading session. |
Symbol | 55 (Symbol) | Y | Key field. Market ID. |
Side | 54 (Side) | Y | Key field. Side of order. Supported value(s): 1 = Buy 2 = Sell |
SourceFeed | - | Y | Key field. Always set to ‘ICE POF’. |
ExecType | 150 (ExecType) | Y | Key field. Indicates the reason for the Execution Report. Supported value(s): 0 = New 1 = Partial Fill 2 = Fill 4 = Canceled 5 = Replace 8 = Rejected D = Restated G = Trade Correct (Adapted from FIX 4.3) H = Trade Cancel (Adapted from FIX 4.3) |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Execution Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Execution Report, then the current time is inserted |
Allocation Report (MsgType = ''J")
Table: ICEPOFAllocation
Usage: Table holds the summary of allocation message.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
AllocID | 70 (AllocID) | Y | Key field. Unique identifier for Allocation message. |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Allocation Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Allocation Report, then the current time is inserted |
TransactTimeWasNULL | - | N | N - the TransactTime field value was specified in the Allocation Report Y - the TransactTime field value wasn't specified in the Allocation Report (it has been generated by JS) |
PossDupFlag | 43(PossDupFlag) | N | Indicates possible retransmission of message with this sequence number |
PossResend | 97(PossResend) | N | Indicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number. |
SendingTime | 52 (SendingTime) | Y | Date and time when the report was received. |
AllocTransType | 71 (AllocTransType) | Y | Identifies allocation transaction type Supported value(s):
ClearingBusinessDate | 715 (ClearingBusinessDate) | Y | Format YYYYMMDD. |
AllocReportType | 794 (AllocReportType) | Y | Describes the specific type or purpose of an Allocation Report message Supported value(s):
AllocStatus | 87 (AllocStatus) | Y | Not native to message. Supported values:
NoOrders | 73 (NoOrders) | Y | Total number of element in the NoOrders group. Always ‘1’ |
ClOrdID | 11 (ClOrdID) | C | Required if NoOrders (Tag 73) > ‘0’. ClOrdID (Tag 11) from Trading System |
NoExecs | 124 (NoExecs) | Y | Total number of element in the NoExecs group. |
TrdType | 828 (TrdType) | N | |
Symbol | 55 (Symbol) | Y | |
SecurityType | 167 (SecurityType) | N | |
MaturityMonthYear | 200 (MaturityMonthYear) | N | |
PutOrCall | 201 (PutOrCall) | N | |
StrikePrice | 202 (StrikePrice) | N | |
SecurityExchange | 207 (SecurityExchange) | N | |
Shares | 53 (Shares) | Y | Total number of shares allocated to all accounts |
AvgPx | 6 (AvgPx) | Y | Calculated average price of all fills on this order. |
TradeDate | 75 (TradeDate) | Y | Indicates date of trade referenced in this message in YYYYMMDD format. Absence of this field indicates current day (expressed in local time at place of trade). |
TradeInputSource | 578 (TradeInputSource) | Y | |
Text | 58 (Text) | N | Only visible on the allocation report for a Give Up allocation |
LiquidityIndicator | 9120 (LiquidityIndicator) | Y | Supported value(s):
NoAllocs | 78 (NoAllocs) | Y | Total number of element in the NoAllocs group. Always ‘1’ |
Table: ICEPOFAllocationExecs
Usage: Table holds contents of NoExecs repeating groups.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
AllocID | 70 (AllocID) | Y | Key field. Unique identifier for Allocation message. |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Allocation Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Time/date combination represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as “GMT”) in either YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS(whole seconds) or YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss* format, colons, dash, and period required. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Allocation Report, then the current time is inserted |
ExecEntry | Y | Key field. Numeric identifier of the NoExecs group entry. | |
LastShares | 32 (LastShares) | Y | Required if NoExecs (Tag 124) > ‘0’. Number of shares in individual execution |
ExecID | 17 (ExecID) | N | |
LastPx | 31 (LastPx) | N | |
TradeID | 1003 (TradeID) | Y | |
ClientAppType | 9413 (ClientAppType) | N |
Table: ICEPOFAllocationAllocs
Usage: Table holds contents of NoAllocs repeating groups.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
AllocID | 70 (AllocID) | Y | Key field. Unique identifier for Allocation message. |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Allocation Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Time/date combination represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as “GMT”) in either YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS(whole seconds) or YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss* format, colons, dash, and period required. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Allocation Report, then the current time is inserted |
AllocEntry | Y | Key field. Numeric identifier of the AllocExecs group entry. | |
AllocShares | 80 (AllocShares) | Y | Required if NoAllocs (Tag 78) > ‘0’. Must be first field in repeating group. Number of shares to be allocated to specific sub-account. |
AllocAccount | 79 (AllocAccount) | N | |
AllocPrice | 366 (AllocPrice) | N | |
SecondaryIndividualAllocID | 989 (SecondaryIndividualAllocID) | N | |
IndividualAllocType | 992 (IndividualAllocType) | Y | Identifies whether the current allocation report is for Give Up or the Take Up. Supported value(s):
AllocCustomerCapacity | 993 (AllocCustomerCapacity) | N | |
AllocPositionEffect | 1047 (AllocPositionEffect) | N | |
AllocText | 161 (AllocText) | N | Reserved for future use. Only visible in the allocation report for the Give Ups. |
SettlementAccountCode | 9194 (SettlementAccountCode) | N | Account code used for settlement on the Clearing side. EU Valid values:
SG Valid values:
US & CA Valid Values:
NL Valid values:
AllocAcceptanceTime | 9060 (AllocAcceptanceTime) | Y | Allocation acceptance time. |
NoAllocInfo | 9140 (NoAllocInfo) | Y | Total number of element in the NoAllocInfo group. Always ‘2’ |
Table: ICEPOFAllocationAllocsInfo
Usage: Table holds contents of NoAllocInfo repeating groups.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
AllocID | 70 (AllocID) | Y | Key field. Unique identifier for Allocation message. |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Allocation Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Time/date combination represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as “GMT”) in either YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS(whole seconds) or YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss* format, colons, dash, and period required. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Allocation Report, then the current time is inserted |
AllocEntry | Y | Key field. Numeric identifier of the AllocExecs group entry. | |
AllocInfoEntry | Y | Key field. Numeric identifier of the NoAllocInfo group entry. | |
AllocSideInfo | 9141 (AllocSideInfo) | Y | Supported value(s):
ClientID | 109 (ClientID) | Y | ICE Company ID |
BrokerCompID | 9065 (BrokerCompID) | N | ICE Broker Company ID for the Give Up. |
OriginatorUserID | 9139 (OriginatorUserID) | N | TraderID for Allocation |
AccountCode | 9195 (AccountCode) | N | |
TMMnemonic | 9103 (TMMnemonic) | Y | Trading member mnemonic. |
RIMnemonic | 9603 (RIMnemonic) | N | Exists only when AllocSideInfo (Tag 9141) = ‘1’. Trader mnemonic for Give Up. |
CMMnemonic | 9604 (CMMnemonic) | N | Clearer mnemonic. |
ClrHouseCode | 9609 (ClrHouseCode) | N | Clearing house code. |
CustomerAccountRefID | 9207 (CustomerAccountRefID) | N | Contains customer account reference ID. |
Table: Sent_Allocation_ICE_POF
Usage: Table is used to exclude potential duplicates and build triggers for further database messages processing.
Fields | |||
Name | FIX tag | Req’d | Description |
AllocID | 70 (AllocID) | Y | Key field. Unique identifier for Allocation message. |
TransactTime | 60 (TransactTime) | Y | Key field. Time the transaction represented by this Allocation Report occurred. The precision is controlled by the TimeStampPreference (Tag 9007) on theLogonRequest Message. Valid values: YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss* = fractions of seconds. The fractions of seconds may be empty when no fractions of seconds are conveyed (in such a case the period is not conveyed), it may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds. If TransactTime(60) tag isn't specified in the Allocation Report, then the current time is inserted |