Appendix D. JSE ITCH to FIX Conversion

Appendix D. JSE ITCH to FIX Conversion

Symbol Directory -> Security Definition


            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Symbol Status -> SecurityStatus

            "3" -> NoSecurityAltID

ISIN -> SecurityAltID [0]

"4 ISIN" -> SecurityAltIDSource [0]

Symbol -> SecurityAltID [1]

"8 Exchange Symbol" -> SecurityAltIDSource [1]

TIDM -> SecurityAltID [2]

"M Market assigned identifier (TIDM)" -> SecurityAltIDSource [2]

            "1" -> NoMarketSegments

Segment -> MarketSegmentID [0]

            Corporate Action -> CorporateAction


Symbol Status -> Security Status


            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Trading Status -> SecurityTradingStatus

            Halt Reason -> HaltReason

            Session Change Reason -> SecurityTradingEvent

            New End Time -> Text

            Book Type -> MDSubBookType


Add Order -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction          

            Side, Flags -> MDEntryType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Order ID -> MDEntryID

            New Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            New Price -> MDEntryPx     


Order Modified -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "1 Change" -> MDUpdateAction

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier"  -> SecurityIdSource          

            Order ID -> MDEntryID

            New Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            New Price -> MDEntryPx


Order Deleted -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "2 Delete" -> MDUpdateAction

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier"  -> SecurityIdSource          

            Order ID -> MDEntryID


Order Executed -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier"  -> SecurityIdSource          

            Order ID -> OrderID

            Executed Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID


Order Executed With Price/Size -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier"  -> SecurityIdSource          

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Order ID -> OrderID

            Executed Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Display Quantity -> none

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID

            Price -> MDEntryPx


Order Book Clear -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "J Empty Book" -> MDEntryType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID 

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource


Auction Info -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "Q Auction Clearing Price" -> MDEntryType

            "0 Indicative" -> MDQuote Type

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Paired Quantity, Imbalance Direction -> MDEntrySize

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Price, Imbalance Direction -> MDEntryPx


Trade -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Executed Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Price -> MDEntryPx

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID


Auction Trade -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType

            "5 Auction" -> MatchType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Price -> MDEntryPx

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID

            Auction Type -> TradeCondition


Off Book Trade -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType

            Executed Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Price -> MDEntryPx

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID

            Off Book Trade Type -> TrdSubType

            Trade Time -> MDEntryTime

            Trade Date -> MDEntryDate


Trade Break -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "2 Delete" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType   

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID


Statistics -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" -> MDUpdateAction

            Statistic Type -> MDEntryType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource           

            Price -> MDEntryPx

            Open Close Indicator -> OpenCloseIndicator (30002)         


Recovery Trade -> Market Data Incremental Refresh


            "0 New" or "2 Delete" -> MDUpdateAction

            "2 Trade" -> MDEntryType

            "5" (for Auction Trade) -> MatchType

            Nanosecond -> MDEntryTime

            Executed Quantity -> MDEntrySize

            Instrument ID -> SecurityID

            "8 instrument identifier" -> SecurityIdSource

            Price -> MDEntryPx

            Trade ID -> MDEntryID

            Auction Type -> TradeCondition

            Off Book Trade Type (for Off Book Trade) -> TrdSubType

            Trade Time (for Off Book Trade) -> MDEntryTime

            Trade Date (for Off Book Trade) -> MDEntryDate


Conversion Error -> User Notification


            "104" -> UserStatus

            Error Message -> Text

            ITCH Message -> EncodedText

            ITCH Message Size -> EncodedTextLen



ITCH order execution messages are converted to FIX trade entries with non-empty OrderID field

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