LB Cluster Solution Configuration Tool User Manual

LB Cluster Solution Configuration Tool User Manual


This program is command-line user interface to FIXEdge Configuration Service (see LB-Cluster Components). The program is invoked via command fectl.


  1. LB-Cluster solution is deployed 
  2. OpenJDK 8 installed

Important configuration notes

Configuration tool needs to know about Configuration Service location. There are several ways to do this

  1. To use discovery service such as Consul agent. User may install consul agent on the same workstation as for feclt tool or by specifying directly address and port in command options. If no agent options are specified configuration tool tries to use local agent.
  2. To specify directly address and port of Configuration Service  

Common Options

Running fectl without parameters prints help (same as using --help or -h parameters):

Command options
~]$ fectl                                                                            
FixEdge Configuration Tool
Usage: fectl [-dhV] [COMMAND]
  -d, --debug     Enable printing of stacktrace on errors.
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  add-session                   Adds session to FE cluster
  remove-session                Removes session from FE cluster
  edit-session                  Edit session from FE cluster
  get-all-sessions              Returns all sessions for cluster from
                                  Configuration Storage
  get-session                   Returns session for cluster from Configuration
  add-schedule                  Adds schedule to FE cluster
  remove-schedule               Removes schedule from FE cluster
  edit-schedule                 Edit schedule from FE cluster
  get-all-schedules             Return all schedules from FE cluster
  get-schedule                  Returns schedule for cluster from Configuration
  get-all-established-sessions  Returns all established session from each
                                  FIXEdge nodes
  get-all-clusters              Returns all clusters from Configuration Storage
  add-cluster                   Creates new cluster instance
  remove-cluster                Removes cluster instance from the storage

command optionrequireddescription



Noprint help message and exit. This option can be passed to fectl or its subcommand. In the latter case the help message will describe the selected subcommand.



Yes for all subcommands (except get-all-clusters)

specifies cluster name to use.

specifies service discovery method to locate the Configuration Service.

Valid values: consul (default), nop


specifies host and port of the Consul agent to use when service discovery method is set to consul or left unspecified. By default local Consul agent is used.

default port is 8500

--service-host=<host>Nospecifies host of the Consul agent to use when service discovery method is set to consul or left unspecified. By default local Consul agent is used.

specifies port  of the Consul agent to use when service discovery method is set to consul or left unspecified. By default local Consul agent is used.

If user does not use automatic discovery then --service-port=8787

--verboseNowrite Configuration Service response to standard output.



NoEnable printing of stacktrace on errors.



NoPrint version information and exit.

Cluster management commands

Get all clusters from Configuration Storage

Subcommand: get-all-clusters

Description: command is used to get list of clusters

Example1: to get all clusters run command:

fectl get-all-clusters

Command output example:

command output
ClusterName		| ClusterType 	|
FIXEdge-Java-1 	| FIX_EDGE_JAVA |         
FixEdge1 		| FIX_EDGE 	|         

Adding new cluster

Subcommand: add-cluster

Description: command is used to add new cluster.

command optionrequireddescription




Specifies cluster name to use.




Specifies cluster type to use.

Available types:


Example1: to add cluster run command:

  • For FIX_EDGE type

fectl add-cluster --clusterName=FIXEdge2 --clusterType=FIX_EDGE

  • For FIX_EDGE_JAVA type

fectl add-cluster --clusterName=FIXEdge-Java-2 --clusterType=FIX_EDGE_JAVA

Removing existing cluster

Subcommand: remove-cluster

Description: command is used to remove cluster.

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.

Example1: to remove cluster run command:

fectl remove-cluster --cluster=Test-Cluster-Name

Session Management Commands

ConfiguredName (for FixEdge C++) / sessionID (for FixEdge Java) is used as a unique session identity for all session management commands.

Adding New Session

Subcommand: add-session

Description: command is used to add new session to Cluster. User have to prepare file in JSON format with all required session parameters.

The minimal set of parameters for acceptor sessions is:

  • for FixEdge C++ - SenderCompID, TargetCompID, Role, ConfiguredName, Version, StorageType
  • for FixEdge Java - sessionID, senderCompID, targetCompID, fixVersion

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.



YesSession definition file in JSON format, e.g.: session.json

Session definition file template for FixEdge C++ looks as follows:

Session parameters
  "ActiveConnection": "PRIMARY",
  "AppProtocolBaseVersion": "FIX44",
  "ConfiguredName": "TestFIXAcceptor",
  "CustomVersion": "",
  "ExtraParams": {
    "AggressiveReceiveDelay": 500,
    "AllowMessageWithoutPossDupFlag": false,
    "ConnectAddress": "",
    "ConnectPort": 0,
    "CpuAffinity": 0,
    "CustomSessionType": "GENERIC",
    "CyclicSwitchBackupConnection": false,
    "DeliverAppMessagesOutOfOrder": false,
    "DisableTCPBuffer": false,
    "EnableAutoSwitchToBackupConnection": false,
    "EnableMessageRejecting": false,
    "EncryptMethod": "NONE",
    "FixKey": "",
    "ForceSeqNumReset": "OFF",
    "ForcedReconnect": false,
    "GenerateCheckSum": true,
    "HandleSeqNumAtLogon": false,
    "HiddenLogonCredentials": false,
    "IgnoreSeqNumTooLowAtLogon": false,
    "IntradayLogoutToleranceMode": true,
    "KeepConnectionState": true,
    "LogIncomingMessages": true,
    "LogonMessageSessionQualifierTag": 0,
    "MaskedTags": [
    "MaxMessagesAmountInBunch": 0,
    "MessagesStorageSize": 20000,
    "Password": "AcceptorPassword",
    "PasswordTag": 554,
    "ReconnectInterval": 5000,
    "ReconnectMaxTries": 5,
    "RecvCpuAffinity": 0,
    "ResendRequestBlockSize": -1,
    "SendCpuAffinity": 0,
    "SendLastMsgSeqNumProcessed": false,
    "SenderLocationID": "SLocationId",
    "SenderSubID": "",
    "SocketBusyPollTime": -1,
    "SocketOpPriority": "EVEN",
    "SocketRecvBufSize": -1,
    "SocketSendBufSize": -1,
    "SourceIPaddress": [],
    "StorageRecoveryStrategy": "NONE",
    "StorageType": "Oracle",
    "SuppressDoubleResendRequest": false,
    "TargetLocationID": "TLocationId",
    "TargetSubID": "",
    "Transport": "SOCKETS",
    "UseAsyncConnect": false,
    "UseBlockingSockets": false,
    "Username": "FIXAcceptorUser",
    "UsernameTag": 553,
    "ValidateCheckSum": true,
    "Validation": {
      "AllowZeroNumInGroup": false,
      "CheckRequiredGroupFields": true,
      "IgnoreUnknownFields": false,
      "IsEnabled": false,
      "ProhibitDuplicatedTags": true,
      "ProhibitTagsWithoutValue": true,
      "ProhibitUnknownTags": true,
      "VerifyReperatingGroupBounds": true,
      "VerifyTagsValues": true
  "InSeqNum": 1,
  "IncomingMessagesLimit": 0,
  "IncomingThroughputLimit": 0,
  "OutSeqNum": 1,
  "OutgoingQueueSizeLimit": 0,
  "Protocol": "FIX_TCP",
  "Qualifier": "",
  "RecreateOnLogout": true,
  "Role": "ACCEPTOR",
  "SSLCertificate": "",
  "SSLCheckPrivateKey": false,
  "SSLPrivateKey": "",
  "SSLProtocols": "SSLv2,SSLv3,TLSv1,TLSv1_1,TLSv1_2",
  "SenderCompID": "FIXEDGE",
  "StorageType": "Oracle",
  "TargetCompID": "FIXCLIENT",
  "TerminateOnLogout": false,
  "Version": "FIX44"

Session definition file template for FixEdge Java looks as follows:

Session parameters
  "sessionID": "SessionJava1",
  "senderCompID": "sender1",
  "targetCompID": "target1",
  "fixVersion": "FIX.4.4",
  "inSeqNumsForNextConnect": 0,
  "outSeqNumsForNextConnect": 0,
  "username": "user",
  "password": "pass",
  "lastSeqNumResetTimestamp": 0,
  "heartbeatInterval": 30,
  "sessionType": "acceptor",
  "groups": "A, B, C"

The JSON object contains parameter-value pairs in format "parameter name" : "parameter value".  Parameter-value pairs are separated by comma.

The fields of the JSON object reflect the properties of the session definition.

The null value of a field or missing field means use of the default value for the field.

Example1: to add a new session to Cluster run command:

  • For FIX_EDGE type
       fectl add-session --cluster=FIXEdge1 --file=session3.json

session name is contained in session.json file  ("ConfiguredName" field)

Successful adding of session:

Command and output
user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl add-session -c=FixEdge1 -f=session3.json
Response: OK 200
[["SessionParams are saved to the storage"],[{"Content":[{"Status":200,"Response":"null","Action":"create session","Node":""},{"Status":200,"Response":"null",
"Action":"create session","Node":""}],"Service":"FixEdge"},{"Content":[{"Status":200,"Action":"createSession","Node":""},

  • For FIX_EDGE_JAVA type
       fectl add-session --cluster=FIXEdge-Java-1 --file=session3.json

session name is contained in session.json file  ("sessionID" field)

Successful adding of session:

Command and output
user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl add-session -c=FIXEdge-Java-1 -f=session3.json
Response: OK 200
[["FejSessionParams are saved to the storage"],[{"Content":[{"Status":201,"Response":"{\"password\":\"pass\",
"Action":"create session","Node":""},{"Status":201,"Response":"{\"password\":\"pass\",\"storagefactory\":\"com.epam.fixengine.fo.fixaj.cluster.storage.ClusterStorageFactory\",
\"fo.multicast.port\":\"5001\",\"outSeqNumsForNextConnect\":\"0\",\"fixVersion\":\"FIX.4.4\",\"inSeqNumsForNextConnect\":\"0\"}","Action":"create session","Node":""}],

Example2: to add a new session to FIXEdge1 Cluster with Configuration Service specified directly (running on host at port 8787):

fectl add-session --service-host= --service-port=8787 --cluster=FIXEdge1 --file=session.json

Example3: to add a new session to FIXEdge1 Cluster using connection via remote Consul agent. Consul agent on host (and default port 8500) is used to locate the Configuration Service.:

fectl add-session --consul-agent= --cluster=FIXEdge1 --file=session.json

Removing Existing Session

Subcommand: remove-session

Description:  command is used to remove a session that already exists in Cluster.

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.



YesSession name for session to be removed ("ConfiguredName" ( or  "sesionID" for FixEdge Java) field in JSON session configuration file)

Example1: to remove the specified session from Cluster run command:

  • For FIX_EDGE type
       fectl remove-session --cluster=FIXEdge1 --session=TestFIXAcceptor3

Successful removing of session:

Command and output
user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl remove-session -c=FixEdge1 -s=TestFIXAcceptor3
Response: OK 200
[{"Status":200,"Response":"null","Action":"remove session","Node":"","Parameter":"TestFIXAcceptor3"},{"Status":200,"Response":"null","Action":"remove session","Node":"","Parameter":"TestFIXAcceptor3"}]

  • For FIX_EDGE_JAVA type
       fectl remove-session --cluster=FIXEdge-Java-1 --session=SessionJava1

Successful removing of session:

Command and output
user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl remove-session -c=FixEdge1 -s=SessionJava1
Response: OK 200
[["FejSessionParamswith id = SessionJava1 are deleted from the storage"],[{"Content":[{"Status":200,"Action":"remove session","Node":"","Parameter":"SessionJava1"},
{"Status":200,"Action":"remove session","Node":"","Parameter":"SessionJava1"}],"Service":"FixEdge"},{"Content":[],"Service":"SchedulerService"}]]

All common options to locate the Configuration Service can be used as shown in examples in section AddingNewSession.

Modifying Existing Session

Subcommand: edit-session

Description: command is used to modify parameters of a session that already exists in Cluster. To modify session user has to prepare a file in JSON format containing session parameters to be changed. Command apply these parameters to specified session.

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.



YesSession name for session to be removed ("ConfiguredName" field in JSON session configuration file)



YesFile in JSON format, containing only parameters to be changed

Example1: to modify existing session run command: 

       fectl edit-session --cluster=Test-Cluster-Name --session=FIXAcceptor5 --file=edited-session.json

Parameters defining session ID (SenderCompID, TargetCompID, Qualifier for FixEdge C++ and senderCompID, targetCompID, qualifier for FixEdge Java) cannot be changed by fectl edit-session command. fectl remove-session and fectl add-session must be used in this case.

New parameters are read from the file edited-session.json and applied to the selected session configuration. 

The content of the edited-session.json are similar to the session.json from section AddingNewSession.

Get Session Parameters

Subcommand: get-session

Description: command is used to get list of parameters/values for session defined in Cluster. 

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.




Session name ("ConfiguredName" (or "sessionId" for FixEdge Java) field in JSON session configuration file)

Example1: to get session parameters run command:

The output will be in JSON format.

  • For FIX_EDGE type
       fectl get-session --cluster=FIXEdge1 --session=FIXAcceptor5 

user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl get-session --cluster=FIXEdge1 --session=FIXAcceptor5 
    "Role":                        "ACCEPTOR",
    "ConfiguredName":              "FIXAcceptor5",
    "SenderCompID":                "FIXEDGE",
    "TargetCompID":                "FIXCLIENT1",
    "Qualifier":                       "",
    "DefaultApplicationProtocol":  "FIX44",
    "Version":                     "FIX44",
    "StorageType":                 "oracle",
    "InSeqNum":                    1,
    "OutSeqNum":                   1,

  • For FIX_EDGE_JAVA type

fectl get-session --cluster=FIXEdge-Java-1 --session=SessionJava1

user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl get-session --cluster=FIXEdge-Java-1 --session=SessionJava1 
Response: OK 200
    "heartbeatInterval": 30,
    "password": "pass",
    "outSeqNumsForNextConnect": 0,
    "groups": "D, E, F",
    "sessionType": "acceptor",
    "targetCompID": "target1",
    "sessionID": "SessionJava1",
    "fixVersion": "FIX.4.4",
    "senderCompID": "sender1",
    "inSeqNumsForNextConnect": 0,
    "lastSeqNumResetTimestamp": 0,

Get Session Parameters for all sessions

Subcommand: get-all-sessions

Description: command is used to get list of parameters/values for all sessions defined in Cluster. 

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.

Example1: to get session parameters of all sessions run command:

fectl get-all-sessions --cluster=Test-Cluster-Name

Get list of all established sessions on FIXEdge nodes

Subcommand: get-all-established-sessions
command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.

Description: command is used to get list of all established sessions on FIXEdge nodes in Cluster. 

Example1: to get all established sessions run command:

  • For FIX_EDGE type

fectl get-all-established-sessions --cluster=FIXEdge1

Example of command output:

command output
FIXEdgeNode           | ConfiguredName   | SenderCompID | TargetCompID | Qualifier | TestFIXAcceptor  | FIXEDGE      | FIXCLIENT    |  | TestFIXAcceptor3 | FIXEDGE3     | FIXCLIENT3   |          

*ConfiguredName is unique session name in Configuration Service. SenderCompIDTargetCompID and Qualifier parameters combination must be unique for all established sessions in Cluster. 

  • For FIX_EDGE_JAVA type

fectl get-all-established-sessions --cluster=FIXEdge-Java-1

Example of command output:

command output
FIXEdgeNode            | sessionID	 | senderCompID | targetCompID	| sessionQualifier | SessionJava1    | sender1	| target1	| null | SessionJava2    | sender2	| target2	| null         

*sessionID is unique session name in Configuration Service. senderCompID , targetCompID and qualifier parameters combination must be unique for all established sessions in Cluster. 

FIXEdgeNode is a FIXEdge node in format <node ip address>:<port>.

Schedule management commands

ScheduleName is used as a unique schedule identity for all schedule management commands.

Add new schedule

Subcommand: add-schedule

Description:  command is used to add new schedule to Cluster. User have to prepare file in JSON format with all required schedule parameters.

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.



YesFile in JSON format, containing schedule parameters

Schedule definition file must contain a JSON object, e.g.:

Schedule parameters
  "ScheduleName": "ScheduleName1",
  "ConnectTime": "",
  "DisconnectTime": "",
  "StartTime": "12:00:00",
  "TerminateTime": "",
  "TimeZone": "UTC",
  "DaysOff": ""

Example1: to add new schedule to FIXEdge1 Cluster run command: 

fectl add-schedule --cluster=FIXEdge1 --file=schedule.json

All common options to locate the Configuration Service can be used as shown in examples in section AddingNewSession.

Remove existing schedule

Subcommand: remove-schedule

Description:  command is used to remove existing schedule from Cluster. 

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.



Yes schedule name ("ScheduleName" field in JSON schedule parameters file)

Example1: to remove schedule ScheduleName5 from FIXEdge1 Cluster run command: 

fectl remove-schedule --cluster=FIXEdge1 --schedule=ScheduleName5

All common options to locate the Configuration Service can be used as shown in examples in section AddingNewSession.

Modify Existing Schedule 

Subcommand: edit-schedule

Description: command is used to modify parameters of a schedule that already exists in Cluster. To modify schedule user have to prepare a file in JSON format containing schedule parameters to be changed. Command apply these parameters to specified schedule.

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.


YesSchedule name for schedule to be removed ("ScheduleName" field in JSON schedule configuration file)



YesFile in JSON format, containing only parameters to be changed

Example1: to modify schedule ScheduleName5 in  FIXEdge1 cluster run command: 

fectl edit-schedule --cluster=FIXEdge1 --schedule=ScheduleName5 --file=edited-schedule.json

New parameters are read from the file edited-schedule.json and applied to the schedule ScheduleName5 configuration. 

The contents of the edited-schedule.json are similar to the schedule.json from section Addnewschedule.

Parameter "ScheduleName" cannot be changed by fectl edit-schedule command. fectl remove-schedule and fectl add-schedule must be used in this case.

Get Schedule Parameters

Subcommand: get-schedule

Description: command is used to get list of parameters/values for schedule defined in Cluster. 

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.



YesSchedule name for schedule to be removed ("ScheduleName" field in JSON schedule configuration file)

Example1: to get parameters of the schedule ScheduleName5 defined in the Cluster FIXEdge1  run command:

fectl get-schedules --cluster=FIXEdge1 --schedule=ScheduleName5  

Result is schedule parameter/value list in JSON format:

  "ScheduleName": "ScheduleName5",
  "ConnectTime": "",
  "DisconnectTime": "",
  "StartTime": "12:00:00",
  "TerminateTime": "",
  "TimeZone": "UTC",
  "DaysOff": ""

Get Schedule Parameters for all schedules

Subcommand: get-all-schedules

Description: command is used to get list of parameters/values for all schedules defined in Cluster. 

command optionrequireddescription




specifies cluster name to use.

Example1: to get parameters of all schedules defined in the Cluster FIXEdge1 run command:

fectl get-all-schedules --cluster=FIXEdge1



user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl add-session -c=FixEdge1
Missing required option '--file=<filePath>'
Usage: fectl add-session [-hV] [--consul-agent=<hostAndPortSpec>]
                         [--service-host=<hostname>] [--service-port=<port>]
                         -c=<clusterName> -f=<filePath>

Adds session to FE cluster
                          Hostname and port of the Consul Agent (local agent by
                            default).  This option only makes sense if
                            --discovery=consul or missing otherwise it is ignored.
                          Service discovery kind to use (consul, nop)
                          Hostname of the configuration service.  This option only
                            makes sense if --discovery=nop otherwise it is ignored
                          Port of the configuration service.  This option only makes
                            sense if --discovery=nop otherwise it is ignored
  -c, --cluster=<clusterName>
                          Name of the cluster to work with. This shall be the same
                            as specified in FIXEdge configuration
  -f, --file=<filePath>   The file path that contains session properties.
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version           Print version information and exit.

missing required option (in example '--file=<filePath>' in fectl add-session command)
  1. Read help for command (e.g. fectl add-session -h)
  2. Add missing parameters

user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl add-session -c=FixEdge1 -f=session10.json
Error while running command (com.epam.fixedge.config.tool.commands.session.AddSession@64cee07): com.epam.fixedge.config.tool.commands.CommandException: Problem during reading the file: session10.json

Missing JSON file (in example session10.json)

Check file name or path


user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl session -c=FixEdge -f=session3.json
Unmatched arguments: session, -c=FixEdge, -f=session3.json
Did you mean: add-session or edit-session or sessions-list?

Wrong command syntax (in example "session" is not recognized as a parameter or subcommand)

read command help (e.g. fectl -h)


user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl add-session -c=FixEdge1 -f=session3.json
Error while running command (com.epam.fixedge.config.tool.commands.session.AddSession@4ca8195f): com.epam.fixedge.config.tool.commands.CommandException: The file should contain schedule properties in JSON format: session3.json

Wrong JSON file format (in example wrong JSON syntax in session3.json file)check JSON file contents and format errors

user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl add-session -c=FixEdge1 -f=session3.json
Response: Bad Request 400
Illegal value of configuredName: may not be null

Required field is absent in JSON file

(In example parameter "ConfiguredName" is required session parameter for add-session subcommand but it is absent in session3.json file)

Add parameter and value to JSON file

user@lbc:~/work/test$ fectl remove-session -c=FixEdge1 -s=TestFIXAcceptor10
Response: Not Found 404
There is no TestFIXAcceptor10 in cluster FixEdge1

Session not found in ClusterChange session name in command parameters. To find out what sessions exist in Cluster see

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