FIXICC H2: Release Notes

FIXICC H2 24Q1.3

FIXICC H2 24Q1.3 version is released on 20.09.2024

FIXICC H2 offers two monitoring modes: with Consul  ( a service mesh solution ) and without Consul.
The Monitoring Mode in FIXICC H2 enhances system security and efficiency by assigning distinct permissions for monitoring users. These users can add and edit servers, view sessions and logs, can access business rules, but cannot delete servers or create new roles.

The FIXICC H2 24Q1.3 release introduces improvements specifically to the monitoring mode without Consul:

Improved configuration: 

Previously, users had to manually enter server details such as name, type, and ports. Now, server configurations can be loaded directly from a YAML file, simplifying the setup and management process.

By defining server details in the YAML file, multiple servers can be added easily. When the application starts, the file is read, and servers are automatically created or updated. If a server with the same name and type already exists, it will be updated with the new details, reducing the need for manual maintenance.

Improved error handling:

Any configuration mismatches, such as differing server types between the database and the YAML file, are logged clearly, allowing issues to be quickly identified and resolved.

These updates provide a more efficient way to manage servers in monitoring mode without Consul, offering time and effort savings for users.

FIXICC H2 24Q1.2 

FIXICC H2 24Q1.2 version is released on 09.08.2024

New Features

FIXICC H2 Monitoring Mode 

The new Monitoring Mode in FIXICC H2  enhances system security and efficiency by assigning distinct permissions for monitoring users. These users can add and edit servers, view sessions and logs, and access business rules, but cannot delete servers or create new roles. Monitoring Mode is available in configurations both with and without Consul (a service mesh solution providing service discovery, configuration, and segmentation functionality). This role-based separation ensures secure and controlled system management, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes while providing essential oversight capabilities.

Built-in HSQLDB Support

The FIXICC H2 24Q1.2 release introduces support for the built-in HSQLDB database, which is now the default database for FIXICC H2. This enhancement simplifies the installation and initial configuration process for users, as the database is embedded within the application and requires no additional setup, also eliminates the need for additional setup steps that were required with PostgreSQL. Now users can start using FIXICC H2 with the integrated HSQLDB immediately after installation.

Despite this new default setting, users who prefer to use PostgreSQL still have the option to select and configure it manually, maintaining flexibility for those with specific database requirements.


FIXICC H2 23Q1 version is released on 12.04.2024.

New Features and Improvements

  • Drools(7.74.1version) integration to H2
    The FIXICC H2 24Q1 release now supports the operation of Drools in FIXEdge Java (1.10.4).This new feature allows H2 to manage the configuration of Drools from its side. With Drools implementation, it is possible to create a file with own set of rules and upload it to H2, allowing messages to be directed based on these rules (Check the user guide for Drools config in H2).

  • JMS TA Configuration via FIXICC H2
    The FIXICC H2 24Q1 release allows the configuration of the JMS TA adapter in FIXEdge Java (1.10.4).

  • GIT Versioning

    The FIXICC H2 24Q1 release includes the feature to store and manage configurations in GIT, rather than only in the H2 UI. This enhancement provides the capability to import and export files, sessions, business layers and transport adapters into and out of GIT. Users can select a server from the list and perform import or export operations to GIT from that server. This feature provides the ability to select a branch, commit and then export the entire server configuration to GIT. When it comes to importing, users need to first select a branch, import the necessary commit from the list, and then choose it. On the servers where sessions are active, import and export operations are possible.

Fixed Bugs

  • FIXICC H2 24Q1 release improves previous issues with unresponsive menu elements 'Clear', "Create Producer Session" and "Create Initiator Session" for Kafka sessions.  Elements were displayed, but no action was triggered when clicking. All displayed menu elements are now fully clickable and trigger the appropriate action. Additionally, the "Clear" item has been renamed to "Clear Filter".

  • The FIXICC H2 24Q1 release includes a bug fix concerning the display of Transport Adaptor information and status in the H2 web UI when using CMESTP adaptor. Previously, when viewing the session details of any TA adaptor, the correct information would be displayed briefly before being replaced by the session details and status of the CMESTP session. Also, when updating the status of any session for another TA using SSH or REST, the session details and status on the UI were incorrectly replaced by the details of the updated adaptor. With FIXICC H2 24Q1 release now each adaptor's details and status are now displayed independently in the H2 web UI. The issue of session details being overridden by another session has been resolved: when updating the status of a TA session using SSH or REST, the changes are correctly reflected on the UI and no longer interfere with the details of other adaptors.

  • Previously any wrong BL configuration would trigger endless restarts of all sessions. This was disrupting normal server function. With FIXICC H2 24Q1 release incorrect BL configurations will no longer cause an endless restart of all sessions. The error message will be logged and sent to FIXICC H2 in SSE log event.


FIXICC H2 23Q1 version is released on .

Transport Adapters 

  • Ability to add, edit and remove Kafka TA sessions in real time.
  • Ability to export FEJ Kafka TA session properties from FIXICC H2.
  • Ability to import FEJ Kafka TA session properties to FIXICC H2.
  • Ability to migrate the legacy FEJ Kafka TA session properties to FIXICC H2.


  • Ability to connect FIXEdge Java, FIXEdge C++ and FIXEye Agent to FIXICC H2 without Consul.
  • Ability to configure SSL settings for Acceptor sessions for FIXEdge C++ server.
  • Ability to configure the LogDirectory property for each session specifically.

UI Improvements

  • Ability to configure application-level FIX version for sessions in the new 'AppVersion' field.
  • New representation of dates format for US timezones: MMDDYYY instead of DDMMYYYY.

Back-End Improvements

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the issue when the search could not be started by clicking the 'Enter' key for FIXEdge C++ and FIXEdge Java servers.
  • Fixed the issue when FIXICC H2 displayed the '-' value instead of a '0' for FIXEdge Java server metrics with no data.
  • Fixed the issue when the selection of the chart on the 'Session Details' page reset this chart to the default one.
  • Fixed the issue when the 'BL editor' page was closed after clicking the 'Cancel' button.
  • Fixed the issue when the Schedule applied for the Session only after editing.
  • Fixed the issue when incorrect IP and REST ports were used in REST requests to an engine.
  • Fixed the issue when incorrect FIX versions were displayed in the 'FIX Version' dropdown menu for the FIXEdge Java server.
  • Fixed the issue when the 'Extended Filter' functionality didn't work on the 'Servers' page.
  • Fixed the issue when password parameters were not masked for FIX sessions.
  • Fixed the issue when the left navigation UI didn't work correctly.



  • Ability to configure the number of reconnection attempts to Consul.  
  • Ability to start FIXEdge C++ and FIXEdge Java with the previously saved configuration without access to FIXICC H2.
  • Ability for FIXEdge Java to start with the previously saved configuration without access to FIXICC H2.
  • Ability to import sessions' configurations from ZIP archive.
  • Ability to import Business Layer configuration from JSON file.
  • Ability to import scripts from ZIP archive.
  • Ability to import schedules from ZIP archive.
  • Ability to export BL configuration in JSON format.
  • Ability to export scripts in JSON format.
  • Ability to schedule scripts in JSON format.

Configuration Export to server native format   

FIXEdge C++ server configuration export (Business layer components, FIX sessions, JavaScripts, and XSLT)

  • FIX sessions' properties
  • Business Layer Configuration

FIXEdge Java server configuration export (Business layer components, FIX sessions, Groovy scripts)

  • Business Layer Configuration
  • FIX sessions properties

Configurations Migration

From legacy FIXEdge C++ to FIXICC H2 database

  • Business Layer configuration
  • FIX sessions' properties
  • Schedules' properties
  • Scripts files

From legacy FIXEdge Java to FIXICC H2 database

  • Business Layer configuration (BLC mode='file')
  • FIX sessions' properties
  • Schedules' properties

UI Improvements

  1. A warning form is displayed if the database is unavailable
  2. Displaying the engine's errors and warnings
  3. Availability to filter notifications by message text
  4. Ability to specify the Imports and Global Definitions for FIXEdge Java
  5. Ability to enable just created Default Rule (previous Default Rule will be disabled after user confirmation)
  6. Added the section "EXCEPTION" to Business Layer Component Editor and Business Layer Component Details View
  7. Added attributes to the History (ODBC)
    1. MaxNumberOfRecords (number format)
    2. UseStoredProcForInsert (boolean format)
    3. StoredProcName (text format)
  8. Added attribute "CacheRecords" (number format) to the History (File)
  9. Added attributes for secured connection in Acceptor FIX Session (for FIXEdge C++)
  10. Fixed the FIX session configuration for FIXEdge C++:
    1. The "Confirming Logon Strategy" was added;
    2. The conditions of availability were fixed for "Ignore Unknown Fields", "Prohibit Unknown Tags", "RecvCpuAffinity", "SendCpuAffinity", "CpuAffinity", "Keep Connection State", "Reset seqNum from first logon", "Reset seqNum on NonGracefulTermination"

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed incorrect server and session state after the server stopped.
  • Fixed incorrect session state after session's start/stop.

Back-End Improvements

  • BL, FIX sessions, and schedules configurations are requested via a single REST API (FIXEdge C++ only)
  • Ability to show the FIXEdge C++ error/warning's notification to FIXICC H2
  • Ability to show the FIXEdge Java error/warning's notification to FIXICC H2
  • The default value of the property "fixicch2.monitoringEnginesLog" is set to "true"

FIXICC H2 21Q4.1

This release provides the bug fixes:

  • Fixed the not updated session state in UI after the acceptor session stopped and start in FIXEdge C++
  • Fixed the rule's script compilation error due to in-line comments
  • Fixed the generating of the wrong history configuration from the BL Components
  • Fixed the NullPointerException error during the creation of the new history with optional fields
  • Fixed the random properties order in the Business Layer Component screens


This release covers integration with FIXEDGE C++ 6.13.0 and FIXEdge Java 1.10.0.

New configuration features

Business layer

  1. The new approach to editing BL was applied.
    For FIXEdge C++ see Business Rules Configuration (FIXICC H2 for FE C++)
    For FIXEdge C Java see Business Rules Configuration (FIXICC H2 for FE Java)
  2. Binding selected endpoint (FIX session or transport adaptor) to BL component
  3. Ability to view the rules acting on a given endpoint
  4. Ability to view the list of endpoints (FIX sessions and transport adaptors) that are affected by a given rule


  1. Ability to copy the FIX session configuration to the desired server (for FIXEdge C++ sessions)


  1. Ability to configure the auto registration of the newly deployed FIXEdge server

New monitoring features

The following functionality is supported only by FIXEdge Java. Now the user can monitor the server and session live metrics (such as the number of incoming/outgoing messages, the CPU load, etc.).

The metrics are counted by FIXEdge and gathered by Prometheus. The metrics are updated in real time and might be shown within the desired time interval. For more details please follow the Live Metrics.

  1. Added the charts and tables with the session and server live metrics
  2. Ability to select the desired time interval for metrics

UI Improvements

  1. The main configuration operations might be reached via the detailed page
  2. Added a consolidated page with the metrics of all sessions of the particular server
  3. For the metrics monitoring, a new item to the Navigation menu: "Details and Metrics" was placed under the server item. This item opens the Server Details page in a new tab
  4. Ability to pass to the event source page from the notification details page

New control features

  1. Ability to send the resend request to the FIX session (for the FIXEdge C++ sessions)
  2. Ability to send the test request to the FIX session (for the FIXEdge C++ sessions)
  3. Ability to send the heartbeat to the FIX session (for the FIXEdge C++ sessions)

FIXICC H2 21Q3.2

  • Availability to set permissions for operations per user's role

Fixed issues:

  • The set of valid values of the AppVersion and FIX Version parameters is expanded with the custom value
  • The default FIXICC H2 settings were fixed to provide configuration without LDAP
  • Using HTTPS instead of HTTP to communicate with the FIX Eye agent


This release covers integration with FIXEDGE C++ 6.11.6 and FIXEdge Java 1.9.0.

New business layer configuration for FIXEdge C++ features

  1. Managing server scripts:
    • Ability to create a new script
    • Ability to upload a script from a file
    • Ability to remove an existing script
    • Ability to enable/disable script
  2. Editing scripts
  3. Using the inline scripts in the business layer configuration

New monitoring features:

TA monitoring (FIXEDGE C++ 6.11.6 supports monitoring of Kafka, RESTAcceptor, RESTInitiator, and FIXEdge Java 1.9.0 supports monitoring of SMTP, JMS, KAFKA):

  • Displaying the configured transport adapters (TA) in nodes under the server name in the left-side menu
  • Displaying the list of the TA sessions on the single page
  • Displaying the selected TA session info on the single page

FIX Logs viewer

  • Displaying the full list of the messages in logs
  • Ability to see the list of the FIX messages in logs corresponding to the formed search request
  • Ability to filter the FIX messages in logs by the set time interval
  • Displaying the detailed view of the selected FIX message from the list
  • Displaying the raw message for the selected FIX message
  • Ability to display the details of the selected repeating group in the FIX message

New control features

  1. Start and stop operations for the TA configured for the FIXEdge Java servers
  2. Updated the "Changed seq num" form:
  •  Ability to change seq num for the disconnected FIX sessions;
  •  displaying the actual sequence number;
  •  displaying the warning

New configuration settings

  1. Ability to configure and work with the LDAP server
  2. Ability to configure the connection of  FEJ and FIXICC H2 through the HTTPS


This release covers integration with FIXEDGE C++ 6.11.2.

New Features

  • Monitoring the actual FIX session configuration and dynamic state on the FIXEDGE C++ side in real-time
  • Controlling of the FIX sessions for FIXEDGE C++:
    • Ability to start a session
    • Ability to stop a session
    • Ability to restart a working session
    • Ability to change/reset sequence numbers for a session
    • Ability to send any custom message to a session
    • Ability to switch a session from backup to primary and backward
  • Configuring:

    • Ability to create a FIXEDGE C++ server configuration
    • Ability to create a FIX session configuration for FIXEDGE C++
    • Ability to schedule the FIX session for FIXEDGE C++
    • Ability to configure XML business rules and apply them to FIXEDGE C++ on the fly


This release covers integration with FIXEdge Java 1.8.

New features and improvements:

  • Support of the PostgreSQL database
  • Dark color schema for the default UI
  • Sequence numbers reset on a session start
  • Detection of the Consul failure with the warning banner
  • Session configuration copy to another server
  • A column with the text status in the session table


This release covers integration with FIXEDGE Java 1.7.

FIXICC H2 functionally covers the creation and editing of configurations as well as monitoring of FIX servers in real-time.

The FIXICC H2 graphical user interface is designed to bring information about servers and sessions and events in one compact view.

It is relying on the chosen context, so it allows navigating efficiently from a server to a session and to events and to logs.

It also allows accessing information directly by setting search criteria for a selected server, session, or event.

Each user can configure the FIXICC H2 interface individually.


  • Presentation and User Interface:

    • Ability to view multiple sessions in one window (table view)
    • Ability to view critical events in the always widget
    • A configurable set of monitorable parameters (ability to choose and reorder required columns either in a table view or in a list of attributes for a list view)
    • Color indication for a session and server state
  • Monitoring:
    • Allows monitoring of multiple servers
    • Displays server status
    • Displays session statuses in real-time
    • Displays notifications for status changes
    • Displays notifications from applications, alert messages
    • Displays session statistics
    • Displays session parameters
  • Controlling:
    • Ability to start a session
    • Ability to stop a session
    • Ability to restart a working session
    • Ability to change session configuration
    • Ability to change/reset sequence numbers for a session
    • Ability to send Heartbeat, Test Request, Resend Request, or any custom message to a session
    • Ability to switch a session from backup to primary
  • Configuring:

    • Ability to create a server configuration
    • Ability to edit server parameters
    • Ability to delete server configuration
    • Ability to create a session configuration
    • Ability to edit session parameters
    • Ability to delete session configuration
    • Allows configuring notifications for events such as session/server state change
    • Allows configuring a set of monitorable parameters
    • Ability to schedule the session's start and stop time