Export / Import Configuration Via GIT Repository

Export / Import Configuration Via GIT Repository


To establish a new Git repository, an initial branch (such as "main" or "master") is required.

  • Setting up SSH connection to GIT

The integration of FIXICC H2 and a GIT repository is facilitated through SSH. First, the appropriate SSH key must be generated and installed into the environment where FIXICC H2 is installed. This could be a docker container, cloud, or a dedicated server.
In addition, the SSH key should be authorized in the GIT lab repository.
Detailed instructions for this process can be found here: 
Authorizing an SSH key for use with SAML single sign-on - GitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs

  • Adding the Connection to Property File

The connection to the GIT repository is established in the ““/etc/fixicc-h2/local.app.property” file using the following parameter:  fixicch2.git.url=GIT@<path_to_GIT_server>/<path_to_GIT_repository>
Once an authorized connection between FIXICC H2 and the GIT repository is established, the export and import functionality becomes accessible through the FIXICC H2 UI.

Connection to GIT for RPM Installation


All commands should be executed with sudo privileges.

  1. Create the .ssh directory

sudo mkdir -p /home/fixicc-h2/.ssh
  1. Set the temporary permissions for the .ssh directory

sudo chmod 777 /home/fixicc-h2/.ssh
  1. Scan the SSH keys from the remote server and append them to known_hosts

sudo ssh-keyscan -H git.epam.com >> /home/fixicc-h2/.ssh/known_hosts
  1. Generate the SSH key pair

  1. Change the ownership of the .ssh directory and its contents

  1. Set the permissions (the owner has read and write permissions, and no one else has any permissions) for the known_hosts file and for the .ssh directory (the owner has read, write, and execute permissions, and no one else has any permissions):

  1. Add the SSH key to GitLab. The SSH key (public) can be obtained with the following command

  1. Stop the fixicc-h2 service

  1. Start the fixicc-h2 service

Setting up configurations

Servers can be configured one time in GIT settings for more convenient usage.
