ICE iMpact - Release notes


released on Jun 15, 2023

  • Switched to boost v1.78 and FA v2.31


released on Aug 30, 2022

  • Fixed high CPU usage


released on Aug 12, 2022

  • Fixed multicast joins in handler and udpdump


released on Oct 4, 2021

  • Fixed deadlock, occurred when requesting missing messages via TCP replay. Which blocked UDP and caused UDP Link Down events.
  • Fixed issue: first TCP replay request never been sent


released on Oct 9, 2020

  • [+] settlePriceMultiplier added to MessageEvent
  • [+] logDirectory parameter used as 'Log.File.RootDir' when the latter is empty

  • [+] -listenip param added to IceImpactClient

  • fixed loading instruments definitions from file without TCP

  • MarketProductDefinition - fixed getDealPriceDenominator, added 2 more getXXXPriceDenominator methods
  • bugfixes


released on May 29, 2019

  • [+] Messages updated up to spec v1.1.39