How to update license files

How to update license files


License files for EPAM B2BITS FIX products have an expiration date and the license file should be updated once it is expired.

The new version of the license file should be requested from sales@btobits.com 


Before updating the file it is recommended to make a backup for the previous license file.

FIX Edge

By default, the license information is stored in the engine.license file, which is placed in the FIXEdge root directory. The path to the license is defined in the LicenseFile property of the engine.properties configuration file.

All changes in the FIXEdge license file will be applied only after the FIXEdge server restart.

After the FIXEdge server restart the message below will be printed in the log file if the license is valid:

<timestamp>   WARN    [Engine]  <thread>  The license for the '<company>' expires in 27 days. Please call +44 20 369-58-166 or contact us at SupportFIXAntenna@epam.com for further assistance.

FIXEdge C++ won't start with an incorrect or expired license. The message below will be printed in the log file:

<timestamp>   ERROR    [Engine]  <thread>  License is not valid - components will be stopped!

FIXEdge Java won't start with an incorrect or expired license. The message below will be printed in the log file:

<timestamp>   ERROR    [Engine]  <thread>  FixEdge Java license is invalid or expired. Please contact us at 1(888)378-0666 to renew/obtain your license.

Troubleshooting FIXEdge licenses

In case of an expired or missing license FIXEdge is unable to start with this error in the console output or with the errors below if FIXEdge was started via FIXICC:

The message below will be printed in the log file in case of license missing:

<timestamp> ERROR [FL_FixEngine] <thread> Unable to initialize EngineAdaptor. Reason: Please check the FIX Engine's settings: Cannot open the file "<installation dir>/FIXEdge/bin/../engine.license" (the "LicenseFile" property). No such file or directory. (Error code = 2)


Copy or update the engine.license file in the FIXEdge installation directory with the new one and restart FIXEdge.

Docker container with FIXEdge

Docker image expects the directory with the license file to be mounted to /srv/FELicense directory inside the container. 

Put the license to dir and pass the path to license dir when running the container. E.g if the following command will mount $(pwd)/license/ directory with the license:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/license:/srv/FELicense \
               -v  $(pwd)/logs:/srv/FIXEdge/FIXEdge1/log \
               -p 8901:8901 -p 8005:8005 -p 8905:8905 -p --expose 1234/udp \


  1. Since version 2.9.16 (included in the FIXEdge package starting from version 5.11.3) FIXICC works without a license file so updating license is not needed.
  2. For older versions in order to update the license for FIXICC, you should import a new license file using the menu option "Help -> Import License..." as displayed on the screenshot below and then restart FIXICC.

    If you start FIXICC under your account for the first time, you should repeat step 1 regardless of whether another user has already done it under his account.
    Note: it is necessary to update the FIXICC Agent license file too for correct FIXICC working.

    Make sure that after restarting the application the relevant record about the correct license has appeared in the log file. (For example: "The license for the 'Company name' expires in 30 days".)


  1. Since version 2.9.16 (included in the FIXEdge package starting from version 5.11.3) FIXICC Agent works without a license file so updating the license is not needed.
  2. In older versions license information is stored in the ‘fixaj2-license.bin’ file, which is expected to be located under './B2BITS/FIXICC/fixicc-agent/license' directory. In order to apply a new license, it is enough to replace the current file with a newer one and restart FIXICC Agent.


Updating the license using the menu

  1. Since version 4.0.11 FIX Eye works without license file so updating license is not needed
  2. For older versions, you should import a new license file using the menu option "Help -> Update License..." as displayed on the screenshot below and then restart FIXEye.
  3. After the restart, you should activate FIXEye. Click the Activate button:
  4. Then click Next to move to the next page.
  5. After that FIXEye will be restarted and activated.

Updating the license using the License error message

If you see the License Error message as displayed on the screenshot below, you should:

  1. Click Continue
  2. Click Yes to use another license
  3. specify the path to your license file
  4. then restart FIXEye and follow steps 2-4 from the previous paragraph to activate FIXEye.

FIX Eye Agent

  1. Prior to version, FIX Eye Agent works without license file so updating license is not needed
  2. In newer versions (since license information is stored in the ‘fixeye-agent.license’ file, which is expected to be located under './B2BITS/FIXEyeAgent' directory. In order to apply a new license, it is enough to replace the current file with a newer one and restart FIX Eye Agent service(s).

FIX Antenna C++/.Net/HFT

License information is stored in the ‘engine.license’ file, which is expected to be located under the root FIX Antenna directory. In order to apply a new license, it is enough to replace the current file with the newer one.

Make sure that after restarting the application the relevant record about the correct license has appeared in the log file.

FIX Antenna .Net Core

The default license filename is 'fa-net-license.bin'. Just update the license file with a new one.

The file should be located into one of the following places:

  • in the application working directory.
  • in the user home directory.

FIX Antenna Java/FIX Edge Java

License information is stored in the ‘fixaj2-license.bin’ file. It can be placed into one of the following places:

  • in application CLASSPATH. Usually, the best place for the license file is a configuration directory which is added to CLASSPATH.
  • in the application working directory.
  • in the user home directory. This variant can be useful to provide the same license file for applications, stunned by the same user on the same box.

FIX Antenna C++ Market data handlers 

List of handlers:

  • B3

  • ICE iMpact

  • JSE (Mit)


  • MOEX Spectra

The default license filename is 'engine.license'. The default location is the root directory of the Market Data Handler package.

Just update the license file with a new one.

The path to the license is defined in the property 'LicenseFile' of the 'engine.properties' configuration file.

FIX Antenna C++ CME MDP3 Handler

The default license filename is 'b2b_cme_mdp_handler.license'. The default location is the root directory of the CME MDP3 Handler package.

The path to the license is defined in the property 'License.FileName' of the 'b2b_cme_mdp_handler.config' configuration file.

FIX Client Simulator

The license file ‘engine.license’, by default is located in the root FIX Simulator directory. It is enough to copy and replace the current file with the newer one. 


If the license file was put to a non-proper place,  after trying to start FIX Simulator the error will occur:


Update the file with the new one and make sure that after restarting the application the relevant record about the correct license has appeared in the log file.

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